Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 40

Greetings to my Comics Heating Up and Awesomesauce families. Thank you all for all the friendship, encouragement, advice, and support. Thank you for reading this each and every week. I love reading back issues of Agent Venom, Secret Avengers, and old-school Legends of the Dark Knight Now before the Red Bull wears off, lets make some money on some comics, because you can’t teach that.
1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Image Comics) Chicago Comic-con Variant – I didn’t realize that this series of TMNT had any variants. Later issues are very tough to find in the wild and this was a rare variant from the time when this convention was something special, before Wizard took it over, and before Reed Pop turned into NYCC lite $25-40
2. Amazing Spiderman #11 (Vol 3) One Per Store Birdman Variant – wow so the Kingpin gets Birdman to sign on the dotted line for his next record deal. You don’t f’ with the Kingpin of Crime, son. With the one per
store variants doing well, I thought I would highlight the first one from this series. $20 and up
3. Star Wars #1 Boba Fett Comics Pop Collectibles Store Variant – if you go to the Comic Pop Collectibles eBay store you can find this #awesomesauce Boba Fett variant of the 2015 star wars #1 color or black and white and these are great to complet the Star Wars collection and you don’t bet against the fet $10 and up limited to 3,000 and 1,500 respectivally
4. Marvel Special Edition #2 –  these oversized bronze age comics are tough to find in high grade, especially special edition #1. This reprints star wars #39-44, The Empire Strikes Back movie which is the first Yoda, Boba Fett, and Lando. Happy hunting.  In high grade $20 and up
5. Star Wars Paperback Fireside Books – this is a small paperback from Fireside Books it is in black and white and I can never find this in high grade but it reprints Star Wars Marvel 1977 #1-6 $20 and up
6. Archie TV Laugh Out #92 – Riverdale is coming to the CW and it will be #awesomesauce. This Archie TV comic features “Mr. Pitty-the Fool” himself, Mr. T of the A-Team, during the Mr. T hype.  No real spec just a great crossover comic to collect if you enjoy Archie, Betty, Veronica, and of course,  Mr. T. $5 and up
7. Mr. T Annual 1984 & Annual 1985 –  these two annuals came out in 84&85 by a small indy publisher called Grand Dream they have comic strips based on that god awful Mr. T cartoon with the kids and the bus that was on NBC which I can watch when drunk for fun. I am a fan of Mr. T and until today didn’t know of these hard cover British books. $5 and up to $160. happy hunting as these could be very hard to find
8. Cracked Magazine #201 – I loved cracked magazine as a kid. I will pay insane money for any Cracked Fan Club items, especially the hat or Frisbee but this issue features Mr. T in a dress on the cover and features Mr. T and the A-team fighting crime in an arcade, for those too young to remember, an acrade is a hall with video game machines that you go to and put money in and played for a limited time, before xBox and Playstation. Hot girls hang out there testify $5-10
9. Amazing Spiderman #544 – before you player hate me for putting a “One More Day” book on the list, hear me out. We have Spiderman Home Coming in July. Tony Stark is a big part of that movie, so I believe a great spec is Spiderman and Iron Man team ups and fights. Just look at Avengers #316 and its price bump before Captain America Civil War. So Tony and Peter fight in this issue. Yes this story sucks, like really sucks, but Spiderman books from the One More and Brand New Day era are cheap and worth the pick up now $1-5
10. Howard Stern vs Rush Limbaugh #1 – this has no spec value, but as a former member of the “Wack Pack” myself,  I just thought this was a great fight of two shock jock icons this might be tough to find in the wild $1-5
11. The Flash #154 (Silver Age series) – the first episode back will feature the Flash Museum. How many times did that place get destroyed? well, this is the first appearance of that calling card for super villans in Central City. I wouldn’t visit the Flash Museum in real life. Just find the grade you can afford and enjoy $20 and up
12. Justice League of America #43 (Silver Age) – this is the first appearance of the Royal Flush Gang. I loved them in Batman Beyond especially Ten and Jack. One day the Royal Flush Gang will get the respect they deserve and this will be an #awesomesauce investment. Plus there is a JLA movie in November
13. Justice League of America #94 – first Malcom Merlin in comics. Best part of the Arrowverse is Merlin. This is his first appearance. Just buy the grade you can afford and enjoy
14. Green Arrow #0 (2012 Series) – 1st Thomas Merlin as Black Archer. This can be found in dollar boxes and if my Arrow theory is true, then this will heat up. Testify
15.Detective Comics #566  – With a new Batman movie, Gotham on Fox, and a new video game this classic cover by Dick Giordano which, was an awesome t-shirt, should heat up again $10 and up
16. Batman #324 – look at this Jim Aparo cover. it is #awesomesauce and the design of the bronze age catwoman is boss. This is a cheap book to boot $5-10 in honor of Gotham City Sirens
17. Shadow Strike #31 – copper age Shadow.  Final issue of the Shadow and trust me the Shadow knows.  Final issues from this era are gaining steam due to low print runs and high grade toughness $10
18. Amazing Spiderman #611 – Skottie Young, Deadpool, and Spiderman, this equals money. Deadpool Spiderman is the best book Marvel puts out. Cable Deadpool #25 is heating up, it is not a key. Deadpool #11 is the first meeting between Spiderman and Deadpool but this this is just a dream team so happy hunting $20-30
19. Wizard the Guide to Comics #87 – Kiss cover plus Deadpool #0. Find em still polybaged as they are out there and polybaged sealed wizards do well at conventions at the right price $5-10
20. Marvel Zombies vs the Army of Darkness #1-5 – counting the entire mini series as one gem. Remember Marvel Zombies? They were hot for a moment and Ash and the Army of Darkness is a beloved movie franchise and Showtime show. I am sure we will get season three but why didn’t this heat up, as the entire series can be had for $20-30 w.t.f. Has some nifty variants as well
Bonus Gem
21. Batman 1966 Meets Wonder Woman 77 #1 – this is money just snag the variant you like the most  $5 and up pre order it
Action Figure Bonus Gem:
Secret Wars Daredevil action figure – I believe this is the first action figure line to have a Daredevil action figure in it. Secret Wars was a great action figure line as it gave us the first figures of the Hobgoblin, Kang, Magento, and of course the man without fear Daredevil. Go for the mint in card it will only set you back between $40-80
well that’s it for this week. once again thank you for everything .
thank you for reading and listening each and every week. I hope to see
you at a convention or club in the near future stay warm and avoid
the snow if possible
So now as I fad away, I find myself obsolete
blind adam out

16 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 40”

        1. Yeah she had a comment on Drunk Wooky’s rating of the new Star Wars movie not long ago. She pops by from time to time. But that is the nature of this. We have had some great contributors like Alana and Lubber Clang (spec this videos) that came and chipped in then faded out. Much respect to them all though.

  1. i dont know if you want the youtube link… but search out blind Adam the comic pimp and it comes right up.

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