Matthew Rosenberg mentioned on Twitter last night that We Can Never Go Home is being made into a TV show.
He mentions We Can Never Go Home being referenced in a Hollywood Reporter article. The article is about We Can Never Go Home
‘s co-writer, Patrick Kindlon, signing a three book deal with Black Mask. The Hollywood reporter casually mentions the show.
30 thoughts on “We Can Never Go Home being made into TV show”
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Great news. As this was one of the books i was enjoying from Black Mask before they went down hill. I think this book is one of the only ones that I have seen that still holds its value.
This one and Space Riders. I think Space Riders was one of their few books that also released each issue on a monthly basis. I am looking forward to the next series of Space Riders, let’s just hope Black Mask doesn’t mess up the release schedule.
Space Riders was rad. It would be hard to make into a show but a movie could be possible. One crazy triply movie.
Yes and it was awesome to meet the writer and artist..
And sending Anthony a signed Sketched Hard Cover. That was awesome.
Yeah, I should have gotten more at the time…
When is the next space riders coming?
March 29th I believe…
The best books to have, in no particular order, are:
Cover A
NYCC set
Arrden original #1
I’d stay away from the other variants/store variants, printings, etc. Also be weary of anyone trying to pump/dump preview books. The ones above are the real bread & butter.
Was there a preview book?
I’m sure there will be certain folks trying their hardest to find one that can be found for pennies/free and then try to convince folks it’s a 1st appearance in order to take advantage of those who are green.
I’m all about flipping too, but at least flip legit books, ya know? Lol
Previews are funny. I think they are the first printed appearances but don’t put as much weight into it as a first issue. While the Image preview book was the first appearance of Seven to Eternity I still think issue 1A is the one to own. But that doesn’t discredit the fact the preview had the first printed appearance of the characters and concepts.
I sold my NYCC set a long time ago. It took an extreme nose dive immediately after the show.
I loved the story up in till the very end. Huge let down. I had hopes for the second volume but haven’t heard anything on it.
Volume 2 should be coming this year. Rosenberg told me earlier this morning that they’re working on it now.
Yeah, I’m with you.. I loved the book but the ending was sort of a letdown. I expected a much better ending with the build up.
Great news, now all those copies I have setting in that longbox don’t look so bad.
Dump them while you can.. just because they say it’s gonna be made into a movie or tv show doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll see it as a movie or tv show.
Ill believe it when I see it lol
I hope it’s better than Riverdale. I did not enjoy that first episode last night.
I saw the previews for Riverdale.. I was like.. Nope! This show is for 12 year old girls!
I agree with Poyo. Dump soon. I have held on to SO MANY books that get optioned and watch the prices blow up. I hold on to the book…show or movie never happens…value goes back to near zero. I dump quick now. As for this book, I sold my cover A six months ago for $80. This has been a hot book for a long time, so I don’t know that this will plummet when the show never happens. I would still dump when this jumps $100.
Are they releasing the episodes a year apart? Sell sell sell
Lol. Yes. Episode one will come out. Then there will be a three month delay between each subsequent episode. How ever. It will still air more frequently than the Young Terrorists show.
The pilot will have 30 different opening credit scenes
It the good news is the pilot will be limited to 50 copies. (And get to the table early for the special 1:100 VHS tape)
I kid though cause I do love the book and Rosenberg is a pretty good guy.
And in between airings, they’ll make sure to do 2nd and 3rd prints.. err.. I mean, reruns of the first pilot show when nobody is demanding such shows..
Wow. Yeah I sold all ten of my copies for the $50 each they were going for a while back. I’m happy. Never look back now 🙂
never look back when you profit is right!