I came across Comic Mystery Box via twitter before leaving fro vacation. ComicMysteryBox is a subscription box that sends out 15 random comics, mostly #1’s, with one of the books being a variant cover (they release their variant on the 1st of each month.) This months was a good one so I jumped in on it.
The price of the boxes are just under $28 shipped, cheaper if you do a multiple month plan, and it nets you 14 comics plus a variant. I ordered before leaving for vacation and got it in right when I got back. At under $2 a comic, I thought I would give it a stab. Check out the contents.

Overall, pretty happy with it. Of the books in it, there were at least 10 I want to check out and read, the variant I will hold on to as I do love signed comics. Again, not a bad deal for comic fans looking to branch out and get reader comics for just under $2 a copy. This may not appeal to hardcore speculators, however, you never know what will pop up and in this case, the David Mack Signed Champions #1 has sold online for between $15-20 which pays for at least half of the box’s cost.

18 thoughts on “COMICMYSTERYBOX.COM Feb 2017 Unboxing”

    1. Not sure. I know the signed Champions #1 was the same for everyone but I know they had different Skottie Young variants as well as the Lenticular cover in boxes.

  1. Hi, it’s Dave with Thanks for the video, Anthony! To answer the questions: We are currently only shipping within USA. Priority mail shipping is free with every order. We plan to ship worldwide at some point but unfortunately shipping 15 comics will be a bit pricey for international shipping. Every box contains different comics, but as you noted, every Feb box will contain the David Mack signed Champions #1 variant with COA, a Skottie Young variant, and a 3D cover DC variant, along with 12 other comics, mostly first issues. Email me at if anyone has questions. Thanks again, Anthony!

    1. Thanks for answering the questions Dave! Shame about overseas, would cutting the number of comics down work, still keeping at least 1 or 2 of the “good” ones in the deal? Or would it not be viable for you?

  2. You do the best unboxing videos. I can’t watch any other unboxing videos, because it takes people 5 to 10 minutes just to get to the unboxing and another 5 to 10 minutes talking about each comic before they move to the next. You just get right to it, you say hello, you open the box and spend 20 to 30 SECONDS on each comic, then you say bye. I guess for them it’s more about screen time than the actual comics, they could learn a lesson from you.

      1. I’ve seen worse….. But yeah, I agree. I don’t watch other unboxings but I also hope Joe, the real star, is in each one you post. 😉

        1. I am grooming Joe to take over the site for me. But it would be all Pokémon cards right now. He usually appears in the subscription boxes but since this is straight comics I left him out of it. Trying to get him to start his own channel like those “Hobby Kids” so he can make a ton of ad revenue and I don’t have to work. Slacker.

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