Greg Horn Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Set Up for Pre-sale Today

The Harley Quinn Greg Horn variant covers are going up for sale today at 11 am. We finally got all the info on them.
They are $14.99 for the A cover, $24.99 for the B cover, The 2 pack is $34.99 for the two pack, and $74.99 for the three pack. The Regular Classic cover will be a print run of 3,000 copies. The two virgins will have print runs of 1,000 copies. They are available for sale at Unknown Comics and ComicXposure starting at 11 am East Coast.

16 thoughts on “Greg Horn Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Set Up for Pre-sale Today”

  1. I predict UnknownComics will sell out first.. since you know.. people should avoid ComicXposure if they can. 🙂

  2. Went with all three, graded 9.8. Great covers, Greg Horn, and Harley has staying power. What’s not to like!

  3. $75 for 3 of the same modern comic with a digitally altered similar cover …. ummm… let me think hard because it’s a tough decision ….. nope. That took all of 2 seconds

      1. Agreed …. particularly with the 1000 print run. These days with hundreds of store variants and regular variants – 1000 is actually alot of copies.

  4. These don’t do it for me. I typically love Greg horn art but I don’t even like these….for a couple of reasons.

    1. The glut of store variants have turned me off of them completely. When you only had one or two every few months, it was cool. Now it’s one or two a WEEK. Good for the stores for getting theirs, I guess.

  5. After Harley Rebirth I’ve learned to not go for the first variant released I’m sure there will be 50 other store exclusives for this book. I’m personally holding out for the foil lenticular glow in the dark talking cover store exclusive. Lol

  6. Also I wonder if Unknown comics has to wait for Comicxsposure to send these to them so Unknown can fill their orders. If so plan on waiting 6 months after release to get your copy.

    1. of course not that would be ridiculous. Those that haven’t purchase from us lately shouldn’t comment. Those that always have a negative comment should take note that we have been here and aren’t going anywhere. Go Figure that some comments may be bais. Thanks for your Support as always Folks! 🙂

      1. Seems that many have had the same problem with damages not being fixed. 2 years ago and as little as a couple weeks I’ve seen the same comments. I haven’t bought from comicxposure because of it, and I’ve seen some great offerings from you guys. I sell comics too and have had to bite the bullet on a few items. It comes with the territory.

      2. Haha.. fix yo shit, then I’ll stop talking smack.. but until then, reading all the recent continued horror stories of your horrible customer service, I’ll keep recommending collectors and buyers to stay away! 😉

      3. Oh, for the record ComicXposure, I use to stand behind you guys, defend those commenting about their experience with damaged books, being ignored, no return calls or emails to fix, until my horrible experience occurred, which pretty much all happened to me.
        I had damaged books arrived. No response from inquiries until I mentioned I wrote for ComicsHeatingUp (figured that might get your attention since poor Anthony does damage control for your horrible customer service when people complain on the site here), then suddenly I get a response that you guys will mail out replacements after you all would send me a return label for the damaged books but I never got the return label and then you guys stopped responding to inquiries, well, you never responded after that. So I had to settle my case with the credit companies.
        Is that how you treat customers when things go wrong, go duck and hide? That’s usually the stories I hear and it appears that hasn’t changed with even recent stories. So until you stop treating your customers like dirt, the comments will continue to warn people to stay away. There’s that likely chance they never get their order or it comes damaged, then you guys just vanish without fixing the problem. If ComicXposure did go away, you’d be doing the comic business a favor I think. No one would miss you guys.
        So fix your problems to fix the bad reputation that follows you.

  7. People are still buying these manufactured limited edition sets? It’s like QVC in the 90s selling limited edition Star Wars plates or plastic hockey sticks with a replica signature of a hockey player. I guess if you like the art then go for it. This is the basically equivalent of milking the market until demand is no more. Pi passed on every single of these books. Remember Batman #1 hot Turner variant? You can buy that for $25 or less. These never hold any value and are just garbage as an investment if you are an astute collector.

    1. I’m just glad the folks that spend for these types of items are out of my hair with what I buy. If they were buying long lasting, blue chip, solid purchases…. many of us would see even more exorbitant values on the blue chips because that’s where this money would be going instead. So I’m happy to see a mad rush for these and other related items time and time again.

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