Frank Cho and Lee Bermejo Signed Book Opportunity

Baltimore Comic Con is in full force. I am out on the floor getting a bunch of comics signed. I did a signing with Lee Bermejo and another one with Frank Cho today. Details inside. 
Email me at if you are interested.
For Lee Bermejo, I have the following books. They are available signed Raw or Signed and CBCS Graded (books would need to be shipped off and would ship directly to you from CBCS.)

Suicide Squad #1 (9 Copies available)

Suicide Squad #16 B (1 Copy, Lex Luthor Harley Quinn Cover)
Frank Cho, I have the following, also available Raw signed or Signed and graded. (All are Frank Cho B Covers.)
Harley Quinn #9 (1 Copy)
Harley Quinn #10 (1 Copy)
Harley Quinn #11 (3 Copies)
Harley Quinn #12 (1 Copy)
Harley Quinn #13 (1 Copy)
Harley Quinn #14 (2 Copies)
Harley Quinn #15 (1 Copy)
Harley Quinn #16 (1 Copy)
Harley Quinn #19 (3 Copies)
Harley Quinn #20 (2 Copies)
You can see them all in the following video


15 thoughts on “Frank Cho and Lee Bermejo Signed Book Opportunity”

  1. August 22nd?! You made me rewind and then check my calendar to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind. Lol
    Nice haul! Great looking artwork. Congrats on that!

  2. Bermejo & Cho were great to their fans at Baltimore…was able to go right up to both, no waiting.
    A lot of the talent was now charging per signature – anywhere from $2 to$10 per book. Neal Adams was asking $50 bucks per!!! Sadly, this now seems to be the new normal – wish the artists & writers would publish their policies, could have avoided carting along a bunch of books. Don’t mind donating to charity or even paying a buck or two for signatures over a limited amount, but Adams asking the same amount as the celebrity media guests? Crazy imho.

    1. Yeah, I would never pay that much for a signature. It better come with a full page sketch with it for that type of money.. the $50 that is.

    2. One of the big things is they are charging for grading if you are getting things signed. They want “their cut”. Mostly because a lot of books are resold. I get that. Bermejo didn’t ask or charge. Neal Adams has always charged. Those that are “guests” don’t pay for a table, but Adams’ has a huge spread and charges to off set the cost I think. I don’t pay for sigs most of the time.

      1. Ed McGuiness charged $10 per sig, but it was free if you had him personalize it. Steve Orlando was 2 free then $5 each. David & Meredith Finch were 2 free then $10 per EACH per book ($20 if they both signed). Amanda Conner was 3 free then $10 each ( I guess Jimmy Palmiotti was the same but who cares, right?)
        Bermejo & Cho free. Greg Pak free. Don Rosa was free, no limit to sigs, and a free sketch if you asked.
        I just don’t know how I feel. I understand the need to limit people from literally bringing a wagon full of comics up to the table, but on the other hand I PAID for the book already based on the talent of the creator – who was already paid for doing that book. So my reward now for liking a particular artist is to fork out more cash.
        My opinion is that the talent is at the con to promote their work. Selling sketches & prints covers costs. The rest is a cash grab, and sadly it’s going to be this way from now on. Next year we will see even less free signings, and more charges.
        And it’s not my problem if Neal Adams needs an enormous area to massage his ego. He literally had people handing out fliers touting how wonderful he was and all the great stuff he did. Does that cost justify gouging fans? Besides, he’s pretty much the one who was encouraging the others to start charging.

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