NYCC Day 3 Wrap Up

Saturday was a more chill day. I had the chance to do less running around and spend more time actually getting to see the sites and sounds of not only NYCC but New York City as well. Poyo insists on eating well while on tour. Tyson B. is more like me and likes chill food (Hooters on time Square was nixed by Poyo, but we did see Keenan from Keenan and Peele at the restaurant we went to tonight.)
Here is my wrap up for day three. Poyo should be working on the Cos-Play gallery tonight or tomorrow. 
I was lucky to get in line for John Byrne yesterday and had a copy of X-Men 136 signed by him. Chris Claremont was on hand as well so I ran down to artist all to have him sign the copy as well. Off to CBCS it went. Sadly did not think to take pictures of it before I dropped it off.
I started the morning by running by the Stranger Entertainment booth who had an amazing cos-player on hand. She models as Niobi at the stranger booth and does a wicked Michonne.

I then went on to get a shave, yes, got my beard trimmed up at the Shick razor booth.

I stopped by Playmobil to pick up some gifts for my sons.

Stopped by Super 7, because they have some Reaction figures I am really looking forward to, Misfits toys. Also some crazy Heavy Metal and monster figures that I am interested in.

Jim Mahfood had some awesome bootleg Star Wars figures.

The star of the show for me, were these Lego Blockheadz, which were selling for as much as $200 through the course of the show. I ended up with 6. I was a happy camper.

While standing in line for Lego, we noticed drones flying over the crowd outside of the Javits Center

Also saw a drunk belligerent Ash Cosplayer get taken down by security and arrested.

We snapped a bunch of Cosplay photos during the course of the day, Poyo’s cosplay gallery is coming up, but here is what is close to the Lego Line.

(This was posed and not just a creepy photo by me)

At the end of the show, it was off to Gotham at night for dinner and drinks.

Again, Poyo has high standards so it was off to Restaurantrow for an amazing meal.

8 thoughts on “NYCC Day 3 Wrap Up”

  1. I also ran into Keenan in the mens press area restrooms earlier today, this was right after I walked past Agent Coulson. What? Celebrities gotta pee too.

  2. Glad y’all are having a great con. Did y’all see Keegan-Michael Key of Key and Peele fame? That’s cool,

  3. sorry I missed you guys this year. my human seeing eye dog got overwhelmed so we hung out int he quiet room and then I did interviews in the basement . we also helped out our boy ming chin of the comic book men . I scored a few of the funco pop mickey mouse two packs as well as some otherrandom exculsives my favorite is the tick poncho witch was given away at the tickexperiance . I decided to pass or mark hamall has the line scared my friend same withshanter. was only there for one day . my two highlights of the show are my interview with rob palson as pinky.
    terra strong was amazing her breaking into bubbles&raven right in front of me was sweet. wish I was able to find the oin press booth . once again sorry I missed you guys and nycc is #awesomesauce next year blind adam captain awesomesauce the comicpimp is getting a booth to tony and the guys your welcomed to help out fromt ime to time if I can pull that off love you guys
    blind adam out

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