Signed Comic Alert Midtown Comics: Angelic #1

Midtown has next week (October 18th, 2017) comics listed and they have one up at cover priced and signed.

For those that enjoyed Image’s new release Angelic, Midtown has Angelic #1 Cover B Regular Caspar Wijngaard Cover Signed By Simon Spurrier & Caspar Wijngaard.
Not a bad deal, it’s double signed by the writer and artist, for cover price, not too often do you see books at cover with more than 1 signature. Limited to 1 per customer.
They also have  Dynamic Forces Dark Night Metals variant signed books by Snyder but they start at $33.99. Snyder was at NYCC but everytime I passed by his booth it was empty with someone just there to collect money for the books he had sitting out for sale, already signed.

One thought on “Signed Comic Alert Midtown Comics: Angelic #1”

  1. I got to meet Scott and Jock at SDCC and got my wytches book signed by them. Even took my Polaroid camera took a picture of them holding the book and then had them signed the Polaroid picture. When I had Frank Cho sign it for me he was all like” I haven’t seen one of these since the 90’s”. He was even fanning the picture, lol. It was a blast.

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