Every Wednesday of each week comes a new comic book day, if you weren’t already aware. If you weren’t, what are you doing here? This new comic book day we comic nerds rejoice and spend our hard earned cash on books we need, don’t need and hope to possibly flip so we can buy more books.
What’s gonna be hot this week? Will it be DC book or perhaps a Marvel book? Maybe a new indie book, which I can say there’s one particular one on my radar. Though from the list of what will be hitting stands, there’s not a whole lot going on, at least for DC and Marvel. Mostly reader copies for the most part and the Marvel lenticular gimmick books which kind of suck at being lenticular. I must hand it to DC, they’re lenticular’s do a much better job at being lenticular.
I think one issue is they’re trying to make these covers slimmer and not so thick, which thicker covers do a better job of being biconvex (if that’s even the right word, I think it is, but I’m wrong more than I’m right, just ask my wife) but what do I know.. I just know for the most part, the lenticular covers don’t look so great when the images barely change.
This weeks picks.
This weeks pick goes to Batman #33 (DC) Cover B Olivier Coipel. He’s been hitting these out of the park lately with just great cover artwork.
This issue follows Catwoman saying yes to his marriage proposal in issue #32, as Batman begins a journey of redemption of becoming more than a superhero (straight from the description).. Sounds great doesn’t it? Unless there’s a huge surprise in this issue, don’t expect much out of this. Buy it because it’s Batman and you read it currently.
Marvel Pick
Not a whole lot going on in the Marvel Universe, mostly just reader books for Legacy reboot, along with the lenticular variants for them. The only book that really stands out to me is Cable #150 (Marvel).
This one might not be a spec book but it is the start of something new. Newer Mutants, which could lead to new characters that have the potential to become popular. There are a lot of characters that have come out of New Mutants associates, so there’s a good chance it happens again.
Small Publisher Pick
For fans of Black Hammer, which by the way I think is one of the best ongoing books currently, Dark Horse brings you Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil #1 (Dark Horse).
I had the great pleasure of picking up the convention exclusive at NYCC and of course, read it this past week. I even inadvertently set the book down on the resealable sleeve, thus making it stick to the sticky side on the sleeve that seals it. I was sad when I peeled it off, part of the front cover came off with it. Nevertheless, Jeff Lemire does not disappoint with his Superhero book and this new spinoff series. I’m just glad I picked up two issues of the con exclusive. Anyone want a non minty fresh book to read?
Indie Pick
This weeks independent pick has been on my radar actually since NYCC of last year. You heard me, not this year, but last year, back in 2016. This pick goes to Infernoct #1 (Scout Comics) from Mina Elwell and Eli Powell.
Mina was great both last year and this year. After picking up the ashcan of this book and reading the limited amount of pages in the ashcan, since that time, it’s been on my radar.
Well, it’s finally here and I was able to snag some regular copies, the hard to find cover B variant and some NYCC 2017 exclusives. From my sources of hanging out at the Scout booth at the convention, cover B might be very hard to come by as most shops that were to order them had to at least buy 10 copies of Cover A before it opened up ordering for the variant.
If you like horror with a mix of mystery, you’ll enjoy this book. I also love when the art tells the story, which this book does a great job at. The conclusion definitely made me want to know what happens so hopefully the momentum stays strong as the story unfolds.
Now on with the dreaded Avoid pick of the week. The section every writer and artist would hate if they see their hard work and creations listed. Sorry but if you don’t want to make it to Poyo’s dreaded avoid list, then don’t write or draw crap.
It’s not just one but it’s a handful that make the list this week. It’s the Marvel Lenticular covers. Pick the ones you like best, ignore the fact that it doesn’t really change from one image to the other when changing the angle but don’t expect these to heat up. Sure Midtown and others might be limited on these, limited to 1 per customer, etc. But if any of these books coming out under the new Legacy story line and plot in the Marvel Universe, go with the regular covers.
That’s all I got this week. Let us know what you’re picking up, spec’ing on, reading, dropping.. whatever it is, comment below or in the Wednesday forum.
Yeah…those covers are underwhelmingly unlenticular, but I’ll probably still get some of them.
Yeah, like I said, buy the ones you do like… But don’t go heavy or buy multiple ones. I think the Cable one is the only one I’m getting.
WTF? What’s up with the Cable one? Liefeld doing an homage to Liefeld is………well, too much Liefeld…..
Are there any feet on the cover? HA!
He drew some new artwork…. I think… No ones totally sure though since the lenticular won’t show us the artwork.
I’m surprised Marvel didn’t take a hint from DC’s first go-round with the Lenticular Covers; to make sure both versions of the artwork were actually able to be seen clearly one way or the other. So far most of my Marvel Lenticulars are a merged mess. I remember it took DC 2 or 3 times to finally get it right. This was something Marvel should have swiped from them, to just figure out how they did it effectively and go with it. Of course, the current Action Comics Lenticulars are faulty, so now IDK what to think…
Yeah, it’s a hot mess. Most of the covers it seems one picture is more prominent over the other while still being not that clear of viewing.
Ah…well, that adds more light this equation—thank you for adding that.