Is **Spoiler** the Name of the New Spawn Universe Hero

So the word is out a new hero shows up partially in this week’s Spawn #280. So is this the character and her name? There are spoilers ahead so please only read on if you are ok with Spoilers.
Click the spoiler logo to see Cyan n her grown up ass kicking superhero
Reference to the Button
So it turns out it looks like Spawn’s daughter Cyan is all grown up and has powers of her own. She first appears in Spawn #3
By the way, I am wondering if Black Mirror is her name.

12 thoughts on “Is **Spoiler** the Name of the New Spawn Universe Hero”

    1. Yes, yes it does. I’m the type of collector who believes full body shots and or dialogue is first appearance. If it’s a hand or just a part of the body or shadow, with possible dialogue it’s a cameo 1st appearance. To me, a 1st appearance is when the character is first seen though and we know they exist.. I hate the politics behind what’s first and what’s not.. if ya like to argue about who’s right or who’s wrong while accomplishing nothing else, go run for Congress.. okay, done ranting cause I know some will probably come in and say it’s not a first appearance with some baloney on top.. 😉

        1. Oh wait.. I was thinking it was a brand new character. Sigh.. This is what I get for not reading Spawn since like issue #16 ages ago..

        2. See, I even read the part about issue #3 and it didn’t even register.. Where’s my coffee at, it’s too early!

    2. #3 would be her first appearance if it is Spawn’s daughter. This issue just introduces her as someone with powers now.. let it get hyped, flip if you get them and can, then watch those prices drop..

      1. Thanks all.
        But surely it counts as first appearance of black mirror even if cyan appeared years ago.
        It’s kind of like first app of Trent in web of spider-man #97 and then first app Trent as nightwatch in #99.
        Or first app Danial hall and then first app Danial hall as dream….
        I got 8 copies of each of the covers for spawn 280 so want to make sure I’m advertising them correctly.
        Thanks again!

        1. You’ll have to watch the market trend though to see which one ends up being the real winner that people go after. Sadly, a half a million issue #3 could be in a dump somewhere and there’s still 499,990,000 more available over issue #280. 😉

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