Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 184th edition of the open forum!
See Avengers yet? What did you think, just keep it spoiler free!
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
And for the loyal Wednesday Open Forum readers, check out the New Comic Haul Video for a Free Comic Wednesday Giveaway. You have to enter your answer on my Youtube Channel for the video
84 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”
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My Thanos #13 lenticular cover got a 9.9 from CGC and my Happy #1 Morrisoncon variant got a 9.8 which completes my Happy CGC 9.8 master set. Nothing else I picked up this week can top that
I’ve said it before, I don’t know why people don’t seem to want the Lenticular cover as much as the other covers.
Because marvels lenticulars designs don’t work very. They are very distracting…can’t even make out either cover on most books.
As that’s true cor most of them, surprisingly the lenticular for Thanos 13 I noticed works really well. At least the copy I got actually works.
I was considering buying the first appearance of Paste Pot Pete, but when I took it out of the bag I realized the cover was barely hanging on.
pp-p is my boy
I see one sold on Ebay (9.9) for $250…
What’s the back issue likely sitting in bins at cover price this week that’s a good quick flip? Trying to follow some of the numerous movie projects, but not sure which ones to go digging for.
There has been some heat to Excalibur #86-1st appearance of Pete Wisdom from Deadpool 2 movie. I plan on looking tomorrow at the shops I visit. I’m sure there are some $1-$2 finds out there to be flipped for $13-$15.
Another recent flip that I’ve sold some copies for good money is Isola #1 Cover B from Image. I found a store with 4-5 copies and have sold them all for between $12-$16.
Good luck.
I have some I have been meaning to list, Isola that is. Including the signed one from Midtown.
Find em and flip em but beware the Deadpool2 plot leak will keep you from investing in any of the characters 1st appearances outside of Deadpool, Domino, Cable, Negasonic, Colossus, and Juggs.
Does anyone really think that “Powerless Peter” is Pete Wisdom??
It doesn’t really fit with what we know for sure about the character. I mean, he self proclaims to have no powers and is simply answering an ad. I mean, he could be lying and just trying to infiltrate X Force I suppose. I really think it would be funnier to just have him be a guy named Peter.
No but if you can get the books cheap and flip, do so.
Skipping this week. Been buying too much and not selling enough
It’s actually a good week to skip if you ask me.
I saw Avengers on Saturday. I thought it was the best Marvel movie yet, and maybe for me the best comic movie ever, it’s between that and the Dark Knight.
I only had one problem with the movie. SPOILER??? I don’t think this is a spoiler, but be careful…….
I didn’t like what they did to the Hulk.
Don’t read if you haven’t seen Infinity War!
From what I can tell they cut a bunch of his footage there are multiple toys depicting something with the Hulk that didn’t happen. These toys previews for them were held back because they contained spoilers but what they spoiled got cut. I Don’t understand RedSkulls part in the film and since the stone he was protecting is gone is he still stuck there. Best guess is everyone that died is now in the soul stone where Thanos went after he snapped his fingers with young Gamora. I also think everything that happened is part of Dr.Stranges grand plan and that he uses the time stone to change something prior to giving it to Thanos. Also I find it funny that the scene with T’Challa giving Bucky the arm was in Infinity War since it was originally a wrong Black Panther end credit scene but looks to be proven true the other wrong end credit scene for Black Panther also strangely appears in small part at the end of infinity war, not the whole described scene from the wrong Black Panther spoiler but the beginning of it before it cuts to the space fleet scene with Nick Fury saying “Code Red” and calling you know who.
Solid week of stuff for me…
Alien Toilet Monsters #1–Preordered it based off how weird it looked and that Warren Ellis recommended it in his newsletter.
Avengers #1–May as well try it, right?
Curse of Brimstone #2–The first issue surprised me in how good it was. Kind of a horror comic set in the DC Universe.
Cyber Spectre #1–SCOUT books are always worth trying at least the first issue of.
Daygloayhole #1–Looked too weird to pass-up when I saw it in Previews. Tony’s video this week shows he agrees with me!
DC Nation #0–It costs a quarter, why not?
Deathstroke #31–Christopher Priest could make a comic-book about paint drying exciting, he’s that good a writer. He rocks on this book.
Death or Glory #1–The mandatory pick-up of an Image first issue.
Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #3–Anything related to Black Hammer tends to be good.
Jungle Fantasy: Survivors #10–Good cheesecake fun.
Long Lost #6–Scout book. Was suitably weird and I think this issue is the last.
Mike Wolfer’s Gallery of Monsters #1–Love Mike Wolfer’s work.
Shiver Bureau #3–If this issue can’t keep me interested I’m dropping this book.
Uber: Invasion #13–Kieron Gillen writes about literal superpowers in an alternate take on World War II. Violent, depressing, and good.
I passed on Brimstone, but may pick it up if I see it based on your description of the book, David. Im intrigued now.
I was pleasantly shocked to find I enjoyed it as much as I did!
Agreed… I was really surprised by this book. I will be getting issue #2.
Picked up issue #1 of Brimstone..think this character will have legs as part of the DCU?
Possibly not, but I like the book. Of the new characters I’d say maybe Damage has a chance as he’s like a DC Hulk.
Not much buying this week but selling Eternals sets of issue #1 and #2 in all grades as fast as I can list them for many multiples of what I bought them for. Glad I stocked up on them little by little over the past few years.
Just a regular week. A few things I’m waiting until sat to buy due to the discounts.
I have the new xforce Deadpool and the new cable marvel legends set aside for the discount on sat. Probably grab a few silver agebflash books off the wall on sale too. Maybe some of the image foil covers too.
Today I’m picking up:
Action Comics Special #1
Avengers #1
Batman #46
DC Nation #0
Death or Glory #1
Deathstroke #31
Nightwing #44
Sex Criminals #24
Star Wars #47
The Walking Dead #179 – Both Covers
You Are Deadpool #1
Also grabbed astonishing x-men xenogenesis #1 foil and wolverine #1 cook variant. $10 together.
Picking up:
Sex Criminals 24
You are Deadpool 1 (I used to have a complete collection of CYOA books)
Death or Glory 1 (Let’s see if I can stay with a Remender series through to the end. I dropped Black Science to stick with Low and see where it got me?)
I prefer to sell my books at local swaps where I can talk to people. However, I will occasionally put something up on the Bay. This week I listed my 2018 Image Expo Spawn 283 color exclusive signed by Todd. A non-signed raw copy just sold for $209.16 and a non-signed set of the color and B&W exclusives sold for $510. I figured now was the time to let it go (sing Frozen here).
Nice job!
We’ll see on Sunday.
I saw a grown man cry in the restroom after watching Avengers!
About poor life choices or about the movie?
Maybe his poor life choice of seeing the movie? I liked the movie. Kind of nice to see my daughter react in the same way I did when I saw the original Transformers Movie.
i saw 5 grown men cry in the theatre
I’m gonna say something stereotypical….. Those were not men crying!
Aren’t all men grown?
No. No they are not.
2nd week in a row I’ve been shut out by my lcs for new issues. Picked up some back issues instead to flip. X-men legacy 214, Excalibur 86, and web of Spider-Man 36. It was buy 2 get one fee…all under $4!
On a back issue flip binge lately
Nice. Make the money while they are shutting you down from buying new books.
That’s the idea. The
Smallish week for pick ups:
Star Wars (action figure variant)
Walking Dead (Sienkiewicz variant)
Death or Glory (cover B)
Bloodborne #1 (2nd print B&W cover)
Cyborg #22 (cover BX 2 copies)
Hillbilly #9
Saw Avengers this weekend and it was great! Was really skeptical of how they were going to pull off Thanos, but he was awesome. Great character and I thought the movie version had a great “sympathetic villain” feel that I’ve never got from the comics. Brolin is set up for a great year; Thanos and Cable !
Good hunting
Forget Avengers, Thanos and being Cable. And forget Goonies as well.. hands down best movie Brolin ever did was Thrashin’

Thrashin was the shiz back in the day.
Yeah it was!
That was the best practice and preparation for Thanos ever!
Thrashin? With the bad guy who was Robert Downey Jr’s (bring it right back around to Avengers again) jerk friend in Weird Science? That was a cool skateboarding movie, but nowhere near as monumental as Gleaming the Cube with a very young Christian Slater and the Pizza Hut Posse led by Tony Hawk!!!
Man. Gleaming the Cube was so convoluted they re-edited and released it as another movie. Lol. Tony Hawk was in Thrashin as well. Not to mention the young Red Hot Chili Peppers. Back when they were good. I was a young skate punk back in the day and both of these movies were huge parts of my life. Not to mention Rad, and I was not even a BMX-er.
Sent from my iPhone
Anthony, don’t forget the awesome inline skate movie Airborne (1993)…
Oh man, I loved that movie as well. I actually watched it the other week, it was on some retro channel I had no idea existed on my cable.
I was somewhat of a skater back in my youth. Well, I tried being a skater. My older step brother was the better skater.
Went light this week:
DC Nation #0 regular
Cyborg (Cover B)
Deathstroke (Cover B)
Death & Glory #1
Received a nice 9.8 CGC of the Mattina Deathstroke in the mail today will add to my collection.
Awaiting a few more CGC slabs that are coming my way for Teen Titans #12, first Gwenom, and Moon Girl #1.
Not many copies of You Are Deadpool 1 in my area. Had to hit a couple of stores before finding one copy of the D&D variant. Saw a total of 5 books only in my search. While looking, I found a copy of Gore Shriek 1, Greg Capullo’s first work.
First shop,I went to was loaded with only the a cover…2nd shop had about 5 or six of each variant…grabbed a C.
Did not see any cyborg 22s…not vent cover A.
Is anyone picking up Coda #1 from Boom Studio’s today? I read on PreviewsWorld that it has sold out at the distributor level one day before the issue goes on sale at comic shops. I didn’t have it on my radar, but if I see one on the shelves at my LCS I’ll give it a try. Maybe a hidden gem here?
I didnt plan to grab it myself but did manage to nab the virgin variant for cover.
The Galactic Icons the first Qi’Ra appearance in a cover… right?
In this episode: I discuss my experiences with CBCS & CGC in the last 12 months. I also got my Ric Flair, witnessed sig book, back from grading.
A question for everyone who’s pull list has gotten out of hand or over bloated. What do you do to help trim or keep your pull list to a minimum?
I’m looking at my pull and am thinking myself I should use some of this money towards keys.
I stopped using a pull list to be honest. Every title and book is on probation and can be dropped at any time. Thats whats helped me trim my overall spending.
My pull list got out of hand once. Then I decided that my pullbox is only for the PC, and some titles I just get the first arc or two drop it and get the trades if I like it that much. I think Redneck might be next to go, I’ll decide after I read the last two issues.
Put stuff back and tell the shop to take it off your pull list.
As a Shop Owner, I would certainly encourage all Pull and Hold folks to at least finish up what your shop has Pre-Ordered .. when I get a new Pull and Hold customer, I always explain to them up front that I order in advance and that after cancelling a subscription, books will still come in until the cycle is over .. that’s why they call the book Previews .. it’s the right thing to do ..
This is an interesting topic. I’m having the same issue. Way to many comics in my pull box and not enough time to read them all.
Late day at work so no pickups for me, I wasn’t really too worried about getting anything anyway. I totally forgot that FCBD is this weekend.
I’m skipping FCBD…. There is absolutely nothing in the list worthy for me to get up early and stand in line for.
I am not skipping. My honey hole had a big sale, my LCS has a big sale, and Larry Hama is signing in Baltimore so I am getting all the Lady Snake eyes books signed
Been trying to get rid of books so skipping sales too.
I asked my lcs to hold a FCBD Unicron for me. SIP XXV is already on my hold list, so I should get a copy of that too. Other than not, nothing too much peaked my interest.
You are Deadpool is a huge pain in the ass! Neat concept, too much effort to enjoy. There’s dice involved and inventory. I enjoy the chocies and jumping around enough, it’s just the keeping track of shit was too much for me.
That’s why I picked up the D&D cover. Haven’t read it yet. Hoping to get to it this weekend.
Don’t bother. Just wait for them all. Depending on your outcome you’ll need to jump ahead as far as issue 4! They do say you will eventually go through each issue, but not in order.
And it really was too much work!
Well, that’s an unexpected pain, needing all four issues before you read the first.
Cyborg 22 variant seems to be this week’s hot new comic based on sales at higher prices on ebay?
Just 4 books for me this week.
Action Comics Special #1
DC Nation #0
Harley Loves Joker #1 (for the wife)
Hunt for Wolverine #1 (forgot to get this one last week)
A week behind on my pulls. This is last week’s list:
SAGA #51
Has anyone ever had any experience wth Comic Book Roadshow ? See the link.
I didn’t know they had a Comic Book Roadshow. Sounds interesting.
You’d be much better off getting an offer from your LCS .. if you have the type material they buy .. I had a customer that took a load of Silver Age to one of their shows and basically got offered about 15% of estimated grade value for the lot ..
No but that is cool
Lady Mechanica
I went to the Comic Book Roadshow on both days. The first day partly because I was extremely curious as to who was putting on the Roadshow and who was doing the buying. The “show” was put on by Leroy Harper out of West Paducah, KY. He works with Peter Przysiezny and advertises in the current Overstreet Price Guide on pages 258 and 259. Leroy does several shows a year at different locations around the country. The show was held in a medium sized room in a larger hotel. You bring your items in and someone examines them and then they may or may not make you an offer. Leroy came across to me as a very knowledgeable “straight shooter” and we seemed to hit it off well. I like him and am pleased to have made his acquaintance.
Without getting into details I’ll say this. And there may be some haters out there for me saying this but I will never sell anything of ANY value to a local comic shop again. You have something to sell, you either sell it yourself (online or at a show) or you sell to a large national dealer like Leroy. What you have to sell will dictate the venue.