Here is one that is ahead of the announcement. I got word today from a source close to the deal that Rift from Don Handfield and Red 5 Comics has been optioned and an announcement will be forthcoming.
I know people have been skeptical of these types of cryptic posts in the past, both when we talked about Body Bags and Gideons Falls, however they both were announced shortly after. I have known of some details of the deal for a while and was given the go ahead by sources close to the deal to mention it. I cannot currently mention the studio that optioned it or the service that it will be on.
has has been optioned for a TV show for a streaming service by a really big name company. The full announcement will be made later but this is a heads up. Copies of the first appearance was Rift #1
. Comichron has the print run (estimated sales through Diamond) at 2,391 copies. That is extremely low. Will update more later. Good luck finding them though. (Midtown has 17 copies showing in stock.)
The Rift original solicitation:
Presented by Academy Award nominee Jeremy Renner, The Rift tells the story of a single mother and her son whose lives change forever after witnessing a WWII fighter pilot from 1941 crash land in present-day Kansas. They find themselves drawn into the work of Section 47, a secret government organization responsible for responding to Rifts that open in space and time.
Cryptic references have also been made about Snotgirl—anything in the cooker yet??
Not on Snotgirl but the Rift one is forthcoming.
I keep hearing large rumors on God Country…prices have been firming for a bit….any tid bits you want to share without getting sued??
I can’t share without getting sued but would say the announcement will be Legendary.
That seems to be consistent with with what I’ve heard……a very big announcement. Whatever it is, this will surely be big news!
Which book are you hearing about Vann, Rift or God Country
Sorry, I’m referring to the GC mini.
Midtown now sold out, but I landed issues 1 & 3 through Lone Star. Still some VF and F copies at that site.
Issue 2 features the first comic book appearance of my son Joe and a letter written by me. The only letter that was published in the book. I have been close to this comic for a while 😉
So how many millions will this first appearance be worth? Does your son have any superpowers?
Yes. Yes he does. He is a home run hitting 8 year old dynamo.
Thanks for the heads up Anthony
Find them if you can. The book has a tiny print run and when the announcement comes out (the company that optioned it and what it was optioned for are big and well established) than this could shoot up big time.
Just picked up issues #1-4! Thanks Anthony!
Still available on the publisher’s website. Thought I would get a couple to stash.
Will this make the FCBD preview more valuable since it came out before #1?
It didn’t, #1 came out in January 2017. The FCBD issue came out in May 2017.
For some reason I thought it came out after. Thanks for the clarification.
No worries.
I read this series and am sitting on a complete set and an extra or two of issue #1. I always felt that this mini was ripe for production. I hope its not another Replica though, Tony. ?
Replica is still coming from what Paul Jenkins said.
Im just razzin you, Tony. No regrets in the spec game. Im patiently sitting on my copies of Replica. I believe I have a few ratios of #1.
Yeah. I got a bunch.
But these things take time. Trust me, I’m sitting on copies of replica I got cheap. I would rather be way ahead of something and way behind it
I have a friend in the business whose sole job right now is meeting with production companies and studios. SDCC is a crazy time for him. He said these companies are so hungry for content, think about it, Comics are already scripted, have character designs, and are story boarded. The are ripe for the picking. If I mentioned all the titles he told me your head would explode. He tipped me off to Riot being the main bad guy a while ago allowing me to load up (need to list those this week.)
Ive always said that comics arent going anywhere due to this very fact, Tony. Comics are a great development platform for any/all production studios. I mean Disney is selling titles that are well below their typical cancel numbers. Why? They are obviously losing money on the print side of some books. but those same books, at the same time, are being developed into media properties. I say, if you are 40 years or older, we will not be around to see the death of the comic book industry.
I agree 100%
I would also think that the books are a decent way for a studio to guage how any one character would be taken by any sect(s) of society.
Red 5 Comics still has issues available on their website for cover price. Go to the source people.