Most big sales from online retailers are usually a bunch of books nobody wants or already blew their money at retail cover prices. Every few months though Midtown will have a 75% off sale, likely to dump off inventory of recent and older back issues that is worthy in checking out for bargains.
So it’s always worthwhile to check out, sometimes you can get variants at a steal or better price than the secondary market prices. Other times you can find those long term potential books at dirt cheap prices. This might be one of those times.
So one book stood out for me as the long term gamble. They have Amazing Spider-Man #798 at 75% off. That makes the book $1.12 each (they have retail listed at $4.49, they always bump up the costs a few weeks after release to likely cover the free bag and board they claim comes with every book). Not bad from it’s original $3.99 price tag right?
We all know what #798 introduced? the real Red Goblin first appearance after we were teased for a few issues prior leading up to this one.
It might take years for this book to heat up or make some decent profit but I think at $1.12 price tag, it’s worth the gamble to load up on some issues and tuck away in a long box until that day comes around. Recent eBay sales list this book still being sold in the $5-$7 range as well.
Who knows, this one day could be in the same ball park as other major Spidey villain first appearances if they have Red Goblin stick around and make future appearances. We all know how Marvel loves to regurgitate characters and story lines.
Should add to that they have a Spider-Man blank for under $2. For those that love getting sketches this is a HUGE deal.
Thats very true as well.
Good call. A lot of places i go charge $. 25 for the bag and board. I just bought some along with others. Spent 5 bucks for shipping for 16 books.
Thanks for the heads up Anthony! I don’t post a lot, but I love your site!
I think you broke their website. Error 524. A timeout occurred.
Back up now. HAHA
Haha.. they’ve been CHU’d..
Would it be wise to order a few of the variants as well long term investment wise?
I wouldnt go heavy on variants as history tells us regular covers usually end up being the winner usually.
History tells us that if a book gets hot, the variant(s) is the one most sought after.
There’s several factors to consider though. Take for instance Seven to Eternity, it had 3 covers for issue #1. Cover A got up to $120 at one time while Covers B and C were selling for $30 to $40 at the same time.
Yes you can make a lot of money from the higher ratio variants but for most, they started off at a higher cost. When I say Cover A and the regular covers are the real winners, I’m talking in terms of %, not total dollars.
For instance, say you have 10 x Cover A you bought at $4 each. And then you have the 1:10 variant that retailed for $20.
Book heats up due to media deal, the variant shoots up to $100 while the regular covers shoot up to $30-$40. You spent $40 on 10 covers that you can sell now for $400 max netting you $360 profit while the variant cost you $20 and nets you $80 profit.
It’s all a numbers game, the number of books you bought and if you got the variant at a lower cost or comic shop retail price.
The reason why most will seek the regular covers is the higher ratio’d variants are already out of reach for most people’s budgets. So it’s up to the type of buyer and seller you are to maximize your profits.
So history tells us if you go by % and not total dollars, Cover A’s at regular retail prices are the real winners if you ask me long term. This is the books most will seek if a book heats up and the demand goes up.
And in the case of this ASM #798, the pricier higher ratio variant is the same cover at the Regular Cover A except it’s a virgin which Midtown lists at $160 retail price. The other variants at the same price as the regular cover will not demand as much as Cover A will in 10, 20 or 30 years if this book is to ever heat up with the Red Goblin first appearance.
So I would bet on Cover A especially in this case. Sure you can spend $100+ dollars on the variant virgin cover and one day it might be worth $1000 dollars but I”m willing to bet you’ll have an easier time selling a bunch of Cover A’s that you got for $1.12 than a book you can buy at 50% off at $80 currently until the sale ends.
You can order a good condition copy for 33 cents.
Heh, all the copies that got returned from damages during shipping.
Not mine. They only gave me 10% back and I had to keep them. Which amounted to like 20 cents per comic. And which is why I don’t order from Midtown anymore.
Yeah, very odd when they asked me if I wanted 25% off and keep or send replacements on next order and keep. Of course I’m going to ask for replacements and keep damaged books as well.
Out of stock lol some variants left
I wonder how many of the sales were through the CHU link?
they just restocked
Nice…. Maybe after they filled orders they had some left over.