Ivan Reitman’s Monceito Picture Company has optioned James Haick’s The Mall for a media deal.
Full press release to follow.
The characters and title first appear in The Mall #0 Ashcan, put out in conjunction between Scout Comics and ComicsHeatingup.net released at ComicsPro. The Mall #0 FCBD
shortly followed a month or two later before the full Mall #1
came out.
About Ivan Reitman:
Ivan Reitman, OC is a Slovak-Canadian film producer and director, best known for his comedy work, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. He is the owner of The Montecito Picture Company, founded in 1998
20 thoughts on “Scout Comics The Mall Optioned By Ivan Reitman”
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Great!! I will just buy every single comic that comes out this Wednesday and every Wednesday afterwards. They’re all bound to get optioned.
I’m coming out with a comic called Stick Figure Ninja High for the deaf…All silent…All stick figures, super easy to write and draw! Pure “Option” gold!!!
Deaf people can talk, OC. Your book will still require dialogue.
I hear deaf people can also read too…. Whudda thought?
You made money. Don’t fret about money left on the table.
Thats the spirit 😉
You’re reading too much into the non-plot….Fine, forget that. Probably too much work anyway. How about a bunch of poorly drawn pet rocks looking for a home, but they are rocks so they can’t move or talk…or do anything…Same panel for 22 pages….Option next month!
I sold one of my ash cans a while back for $10 but the guy returned it cuz he said it had a scuff on a corner and I listed it as NM and according to him it was more of a VF lol. So now I can relist it and see where it ends up.
It means you’ll make more money now.
Yes. More money is always good lol
The Mall….they are really trying to see what shit sticks these days….
Well, of course. They want to reserve the rights to a potential story, they explore the options and see if it’s doable, will make them money, etc and then they either proceed or let it die.
CHU called this one a while back and I wisely picked up the ashcan then as well as several copies of the FBCD unstamped.
The thing about Non Disclosure agreements is I have known for a while and could not say anything until the release. Same with Long Lost. But I have been quietly picking up copies for myself.
If this was a stock market, youd be going to jail, or a heavy fine. Well played in thecomic market!
I have made friends with many, creators and intern have shared stuff with them and they have shared stuff with me. Thanks I cannot disclose until I’m told I can disclose them. Unlike the stock market there is no Law against find copies of the book that you know will be options.
So glad my last copy of #1b never sold after being relisted 3 times lol
This shouldve went in the Ice Cream Man thread. Damn phone
Whatever happened to issue #2?
It comes out next week I think