Another Contest – Deadpool #5 Nic Klein Garbage Pail Kids Variant Giveaway

You miss out on the Deadpool Garbage Pail Kid Variant? Well, not so much a variant but an Awesome Cover A.

If you haven’t read my October Review 2018 Part I, this book is still selling between $10-$15 with some recent sales.
But here’s your chance at a free copy. The rules are simple, just read below on how to enter. Most of you all know it’s pretty simple, make a comment with your name and that’s it.

Contest rules are easy, just comment below with your name or WordPress handle (for those concerned about privacy, I understand since I go by an alias as well).
1. One entry per person via comment on the website.
2. Poyo pays for shipping within United States. I ask if you are international you chip in for shipping costs.
3. Contest ends after a day (24 hours) goes by with no new entrants or after one week, which ever comes first or when I remember to check (contrary to popular belief, I have a life outside of CHU).
4. Winner to be selected randomly.
Good luck!

90 thoughts on “Another Contest – Deadpool #5 Nic Klein Garbage Pail Kids Variant Giveaway”

    1. I know. I wish it was like little league and everyone got a trophy but then its not much of a contest…. 😉

  1. blind adam this book is amazing I so need this and it would be nice to have a cool Christmas gift for once blind adam out

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