Spoilers: X-23 #7 New Clawed Villainess

X-23 #7 is out Wednesday and features a new villain.

But to be fair, the solicitation informed us of that.

X-23 #7 -AN ALL-NEW ARC BEGINS A series of gruesome murders. A killer who disappears without a trace. Laura and Gabby are on the hunt. But when Laura comes face-to-face with the mysterious X-Assassin, nothing is as it seems…


Laura sis kicking back and monitoring things. When we see a new type of claw creep up.

Laura snaps to attention, and we see exactly what the new claw is.

And the battle begins. Full look at the X-Assassin


And finally, unmasked.

And there is the X-Assassin in preview, what do you think? Comment below.

9 thoughts on “Spoilers: X-23 #7 New Clawed Villainess”

    1. Bellonas eyes are red, lol. And from a quick search, all of Lauras clones or ‘sisters’ have green eyes, like Laura. Makes sense if they are clones. ?

    1. New character is a robot. Do robots have spec value?

      Check the issue preview for X23 #9. References a robot.

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