Might be old news but apparently HULU is in the process of teaming up with Marvel to create 4 new animated series.
Kevin Smith is apparently working on a Howard the Duck series. Howard the Duck made his first appearance in Adventure Into Fear #19
Chelsea Handler and Patton Oswalt are some of the other big names that are taking on these projects.
Other characters included in the mix are M.O.D.O.K., Hit-Monkey and Tigra and Dazzler. Hulu is known for their animation shows so this goes along with that popularity.
For the other first appearances, M.O.D.O.K.’s first cameo appearance was in Tales of Suspense #93, first full was in Tales of Suspense #94
. Hit-Monkey made his first appearance in Deadpool #19
. Tigra made her first appearance in Claws of the Cat #1
and Dazzler made her first appearance in Uncanny X-Men #130
I first read this news from Fox6Now.com.
Edit: Updated MODOK first app info.
I think modok first appears in tales of Suspense 94
Ah yeah, first cameo was #93. First full appearance is Tales of Suspense #94
I updated article to avoid confusion. Nice catch.
There actually is some debate about Hit-Monkey and his first appearance. Both Deadpool #19 and a Hit-Monkey one-shot came out in April 2010. Some people will swear up-and-down that Deadpool counts as his first appearance and others will swear that it is that one-shot.
Nice to know. I went by what I found online, at least most of the Wiki’s claim Deadpool as his first.
Yes, I agree with that too but some people seem to be really insistent that we should count the one-shot as first. Whatever the case, both are the earliest appearances without a doubt!
I wasn’t into comics but can someone verify the actual release dates? Seems the one-shot was originally set with a release date of February 10th 2010 while the Deadpool #19 was February 17th. But the solicitation for the one-shot is: “You’re digging him in this month’s issue of DEADPOOL and you want to know more about him? How about his origin story? A troubled soul, set upon a path of vengeance he does not understand. An assassin without equal, trained in the most secret of killing techniques. A flesh and blood specter, haunting the killers of the world. A monkey…with a gun. Bear witness as the legend is born. Hitman Monkey.”
How can we dig the new monkey in an issue if it hasn’t even been released yet? Anyone recall the actual release dates from that time on which one came out first?
I read one other place that Deadpool was delayed, which is why the description doesn’t make sense and I think is one reason there is all the argument
Makes sense. So theoretically Deadpool #19 was suppose to start before the one-shot. Probably Diamond shenanigans.
I would blame either Diamond or possibly Marvel. After all, remember that one time Marvel released two Wolverine issues out of order some years ago?
I like blaming Diamond where possible. They seem to be in control of when things are shipped.
Hit-Monkey #1 ONE SHOT is the 1st appearance. Deadpool 19 was delayed and came out a week later.
Based on Disney’s financial stake in HULU, not surprising (60% once the Fox sale is complete) .. I’m sure when Disney+ or whatever it’s streaming service is called, we’ll see more uptick in made for TV / Streaming material ..
To.me it seems really bizarre that Disney would let any content go to Hulu even being 60% owned by Disney. Really tough to make a launch of a pay for streaming service with a bunch of movies everyone has already seen and 3 live action Marvel shows. I dont know anyone that’s going to pay Disney money every month to watch Hannah Montana reruns.
HULU actually has some worthwhile original content .. and, the addition of Disney original content is likely to boost the value of HULU ..
Yes. If Disney owns 60% of Hulu, makes sense they’d want their content on Hulu over say.. Netflix or Amazon. Sure they want to start their own streaming service but Hulu is already a proven platform with millions of subscribers.. Disney needs a backout plan when theirs fails.
I personally think it will fail .. or maybe at some point merge with HULU .. the continued roll out of these single player Streamers are doing nothing but fragmenting the market .. folks don’t want to have a dozen individual subscriptions or more .. that’s why Netflix has worked so well for all these years ..
They all want a Piece of the Pie .. I’m all for cutting the Cable Cord, but in the end, it’s going to cost more for the Consumer to go a la carte ..
Yeah, right now I have Hulu, Netflix and Amazon and I don’t even stream Amazon, I use it for the free shipping and Prime stuff. But Hulu and Netflix now approaching the $30 range a month, adding more streaming services is only gonna make me not opt in since I still have cable but been thinking of cutting it since I just don’t watch that much TV. The kids rarely ever watch normal TV or Cable.
Hanna Montana? That’s the only reason I’d pay for the Disney streaming service.. sign me up!
Disney is putting all original teen/adult content on Hulu. Nothing bizarre at all.
Hit my lcs to find DP 19 and Tech 854…struck out on both. With try to hit some honey holes tomorrow and later this week.
Dug through my bins and found my, “Deadpool,” #19, #20, and #21. Bought the Hit-Monkey one-shot online from a place I found with it about half what it is trending for, that was mostly lucky.
Snatched-up some, “Detective Comics,” #854 from some of my resources before they were raided by others.
I only share this as normally I’m so slow on the draw anything I want is gone by the time I hear the news about stuff and start searching, so I’m proud of myself this week at least!
I’ve been speculating on Hit Monkey since the 1st GOTG movie came out when James Gunn said that he’d love to do a HM movie if he could pick one Marvel character.
Spec doesn’t mean success in hunting in the wild because those Deadpool issues are fan favorites and usually missing when people trade in a partial series run at a LCS.
The one-shot of Hit Monkey waa originally done as a web comic and Marvel decided to issue in in print form when he was going to be introduced to the masses in Deadpool #19.
Hit Monkey one-shot is a BITCH to find in high grade. All black flimsy cover, wasn’t ordered heavily, most likely read a couple times, so if any graded copies surface expect to pay a premium for 9.8 and even 9.6.
Books to look for:
Giant-Size Creatures #1 1st Tigra, this is where The Cat character becomes Tigra.
Marvel Chillers #3- 1st solo Tigra book..Beautiful cover, all black spine makes it very tough in high grade (CGC 9.4 is the best I’ve subbed so far)
Howard The Duck #1- 1st Beverly
Howard The Duck #15- 1st Dr Bong
Savage Tales #1- 1st Man-Thing, HTD was introduced in Fear 19 so it’s a possibility that Man-Thing is in the series.
A whole world of Steve Gerber characters like Foolkiller, Omega The Unknown and the Simon Garth Zombie could make the HTD show the most interesting of them all.