Last week we visited the year 1991. Now we go back 20 more years to 1971 where the world was introduced to a new DC character by one of the most known comic book artists and creators, Mr. Jack Kirby.
That character was Mister Miracle, a character that gained recent popularity from the 12 issue max-series
by Tom King and artist Mitch Gerards.
Mister Miracle made his first appearance in his own self titled book Mister Miracle #1 (1971).
Little known to most, Mister Miracle had a love interest named Big Barda who Kirby claimed was based on his own relationship with his wife.
Although Mister Miracle was never high on the popularity hero list at DC, the latest King and Gerards run definitely put this character on the map.
I read that King and Gerards are going to return to Mister Miracle one day.
I would totally welcome them back.