Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 229th edition of the open forum!
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
eBay coupon code PSaveToday when you use their app. Save 15% no minimum! Good till 7pm PT (another 1:50).
I got a ASM Annual #16 with my eBay coupon today. It looks to be a 9.2, maybe 9.4. I paid approx $30 US / shipped, after applied discount. This is the 1st time Ive bought using the eBay discounts. It feels great. ?
The only new book I believe I’m picking up this week is Grim Knight for the read. But I’ll likely hit the back issue bins for some spec books.
Today I stopped by the lcs and grabbed their only Naomi #2. Also found 2 copies of the Hulk #14 Red She Hulk variant cover for $5 each.
The Fan Expo Batman: Harley Quinn Alex Ross Foil Exclusive is a pretty sweet looking book.

How do I get me one of those? The website shows pics and says it’s $30, but I can’t put it in a cart.
I also like the detective comics 27 reprint exclusive.
They wont be on sale on the site till after a bit of time after the con season starts. Im going to the show this weekend, DRog. Send me an email and I will get you a copy at the con, for cost, and ship it to you.
Message sent.
Did Fan Expo get tired of reprinting BA #12 fifteen times. Now on to ruin another Harley key with reprints. Buy the original help save the hobby.
Fan Expo did tec880 last year, Alana. Not BA12. ? I purchased a 1st print of this last year for my Harley PC. I love old school Jester Harley.
I did the same for my Tech 880. Loved the foil so much I had to have it paired with my original.
I also have a DC Comics Presents Harley Quinn which I think is a 10.0 and will get sent off to grading someday.
I attended the con w/ the tec880 foil. I presold 10-12 copies, knowing I would get them at the con, and used my profits to buy a 1st print tec880 at that same show. Jock was also at that show. I got him to sign my foil copy. I had a nice 15 minute chat with him while I waited for the ink to dry on my copies.

My god, one of the nicest covers ever. Glad I own one.
Agreed. Imo, the best cover for a modern book. I fell in love with that cover the first time I saw it, about 4 years ago when I first got back into comics. Jock told me his story about the cover when he first handed it in to the editor.
True story, I was out of comics for a few years and when I came back I saw everyone drooling over this, and I thought “I need to aquire that cover somehow” but the comic thought of spending $100 on a modern raw comic was discouraging me. Almost pulled the trigger a
Few times, but one day going through some of my back issues to post
On eBay I came across my
Stash of Detectives which included the entire Batwoman and Jock run through 881. It was sandwiched between a number of loose comics,
No bag or board…yet remained in NM shape. One of my fondest memories of my collecting comics, for sure, was that moment. I have no recollection of buying the run of Jock tech covers. But obviously I did!
I love it when that happens!
When I first saw the cover about 4 years ago, I think it was about $50. I wanted to buy it, but that seemed like a lot of money for a non key book, to me, at the time. I watched it do nothing but go up, and up, and up….I was very happy to acquire mine at the con. I believe it was the only raw copy at the show that day.
The red signature on the foil
Is sweeeeet! Glad you didn’t have the original signed. Not a fan of signatures on the original. But in the foil I like, for some reason!
The red ink is a nice matte red too. It really pops on the foil cover. I love having that set in my PC. I had the original with me, and could have got it signed too, but, I generally don’t like signatures in my PC and I didnt want to ‘ruin’ my freshly acquired copy. Plus, Jocks signatures were $10 for as many as you want, except for tec880. Jock wanted $20 to sign the foil and $60 to sign the 1st print tec880. I asked him why, and he said its because he knows that that particular book, when signed, commands a higher price in the market. He wants his cut, which I think is fair. Jock is my favourite cover artist, so, I decided to go get my foil signed. I bought a Wytches Vol.1 TPB Exclusive and had that signed too.
Sweet cover
Where can I find this online? I thought I was looking at the correct fan expo site, but they dont show it?
It is not for sale online yet, and I am not sure it will make it to the online fan expo store. It may sell out at the cons. For now, It can only be obtained at the con if you attend.
Trinity Comics has this on their website for $55 if anyone is interested.
The Harley book that is
I have them listed for $50 on Ebay. ?
the owner of a comic shop is this guy I’ve known for 25 years. i went in last wednesday and there was a comic i saw on the shelf.
when i went to pay he took from me and said this is not for sale. he was looking for this comic to give it to one of his clientele from a pull list. he told me he put it there accidentally (which i believe). usually when this happens the owner would say…my bad its yours…but in this case i gave it back to him to give to one of his customers. was i right to give it back or is he wrong. I’ve known him forever though. the comic by the way was one that hasn’t heated up yet…but eventually could. thanks.
You were right. Honestly shops make mistakes. If he was walking around with it then set it down it was an honest mistake. Better to just move on then ruin a relationship with a shop if they are good to you.
grail man, if you think he was being honest with you, then you did he right thing. Find the comic somewhere else. What was it? Maybe someone here might come across it in their travels and pick it up for you, if you can’t find it.
If the owner made a mistake, it would have been nice to offer you a discount on another comic. He doesn’t have to, but Thats what I would have done, anyway, but I’m not a shop owner.
morning in america #1
Hell yeah. Alana is back guns a blazin. The hobby is a horse running wild these days. Whoa Nellie. FYI…wrote Anthony an email and I wanted to alert my CHU fam, Second Coming is being published by Ahoy! Yes, yes and yes again. Proudly pimpin my Ahoy comics cap they mailed me for this. Way to go Mark Russell.
Nice. That is truly a second coming! Lol!
Im sure Anthony will keep us all in the loop when official FOC and on sale dates are known.
Ive done quite well selling The Wrong Earth #1, from Ahoy Comics. The paper stock (cover and interiors) quality for Ahoy is stellar.
I know where a bunch are just haven’t messed with selling them.
Ive been getting almost 3x cover for the last 6-8 weeks for #1. Ive sold probably close to 10 copies. Ive stashed 1-2 in my spec box based on the action I saw from that book. The Grant Morrison story in the back of issue #1 is what originally caught my eye on that book. Although Morrison has nothing to do with the Title story.
Jay Clue, Im writing a fan letter to Ahoy asking how to get issues #2 and #3 of The Wrong Earth. I have never bought a TP and dont ever plan to. Skinny comics rule! If you have any spares, please email me: If youre missing a book, maybe I can help in exchange. Best.
I may be able to help you out with issues #2 & #3. Stay tuned.
Dial is set Mr. Jay. You mentioned your Walmarts dont stock the DC 100 pagers. Ours has a Titans 1, I also have Swamp Thing 1 and Superman 7 if you need something….thanks a bunch for any and all efforts on my behalf.
Oooooh, I didn’t think of that. I also have a TT1 and Sups 7 in NM shape. I can likely acquire the Swamp Thing or any of the new issues out this month for those Giants if you’re looking for them, JClue. Just fire me an email if you’re in the market. you can have them for cover price.
Bought a Fantastic Four volume 6 #6 1:50 1st Victorious she was recently added to the mobile game future fight and playing a big role in the F4 relaunch comic series as the Herald of Doom. If there is a Dr Doom movie you may want to start grabbing these and the different covers for 6 off the shelves just came out a couple weeks back. Real good read too Dr. Doom vs Galactus.
Going be low print on the 1:50 for a sixth issue in a series many aren’t reading.
67k print run on comichron so roughly 1300 copies of the 1:50
There are less than 3000 shops in the US. That’s an average of 25 copies per store.
Let’s say optimistically 20% of stores order at least 50, and 5% order 100 copies. Thats 750 print run for th 1:50, which I think is much more realistic. It’s probably even less than that.
Ooh. Thanks for this info Alana! I ain’t into incentives because they’re expensive although sometimes I go for the 1:10 varinat.
I saw Captain Marvel earlier, and I liked it.
bought a cgc 9.8 fantastic four 1 facsimile signed by stan lee. got it to match my true believers amazing fantasy 15. weird thing is cgc label says he signed it 11/7/2018. had no clue he was signing that close to his passing
Mr Lee passed on November 12, 2018 .. if your date is correct, it’s got to be one of the last of the items he signed ..
My grandmother passed away on December 31st of last year and she was reading Christmas cards and signing checks up until the day before she passed. So for someone in good health but old, it’s not uncommon for them to do tasks right up until their last days.
Not disputing the validity .. Mr Lee loved to sign material .. I personally have at least a dozen books he signed for me at various Distributor Conventions in the late 1980’s, early 1990’s ..
The story of his last several months is a sad tale .. he was also blind some time prior to passing ..
Excelsior ..
Oh for sure. I was just re-iterating that even right upon death, some people are fortunate to still be pretty active and productive, in a good state of mind.
Mr Lee had a nice visit with Roy Thomas prior to passing ::
That KRS Grim Knight just killed me glad I got a set
This week is the conan in No Road Home/Build to Savage Avengers right?
Yes, I believe so
Picked up the following:
Assasin Nation #1
Little Bird #1
Shuri #6
Grim Knight A&B
Catwoman Artgerm cover
Naomi #2 x 2
Spider-Man/Deadpool 47 x3 (1st appearance/cameo of villain?)
Will be getting:
Grimknight a&b
Avengers NRH
Any Naomi’s I find
First NCBD in months that I’m not picking anything up. I typically only pick up copies of spec/collectible books and read the rest digitally and this week seems a bit slow for spec.
Are the shelves drying up in Michigan City? Moving back up that way soon. Is there enough market to open another shop in sw MI, NWI?
Sorry but no idea… I live in nyc.
Only 1shop in Michigan City and they are always out of everything would love to see another shop
Time to start pre-ordering online I say.. 😉
Sorry Daniel nyc…hey Daniel Coapstick, please think good thoughts for us selling this farm. If it goes half as well as my realtor thinks, let’s discuss a new store when I move up that way. Beer and pub grub at Shoreline, my treat.
jay clues can you email me at could use your help at fan expo .thank you so much for the surport and love blind adam out
Pick ups this week:
Wonder Woman #66 (Cover B variant)
The Goon #1 (Cardstock premium variant)
Spec pick ups this week:
Superboy #9 (1st full King Shark-NM for $5)
Middlewest #1 (1st print for cover)
Naomi #2 (X2 for cover)
PC pick ups this week:
One of my shops had a nice high grade collection of Uncanny X-Men come in and I was able to get 4 beautiful NM copies to add to my collection. Was able to pick up #109 (1st Vindicator), #116 (notoriously hard book in the series to find in NM shape-I’ve been looking for years), #132, #133 (classic Wolverine story). That leaves only 3 more books to go to complete the Byrne/Claremont run.
Not a huge Xmen fan but the Byrne/Claremont years were pretty freakin good!
Anybody know if there is something “special” going on in next week’s Batman #67? Cover A was sold out at Midtown instantly (and limited to one per customer). That seems “odd” for one of the top printed comics. Maybe there was a problem?
I think it’s a sweet cover, but BM 68 has Thomas Wayne dragging Bruce through the dessert. Story gonna kick into high gear.
It’s a pretty awesome cover but I noticed it sold out quickly as well.
You can still get cover A of Batman #67 at TFAW for anyone that missed out.
I like TFAW generally but they also seem to have issues sometimes in terms of shipping items I pre-order on time. Have had more than a few pre-order comics backordered with them that normally arrive quicker from Midtown. Some they just cancel, others arrived later than expected.
Yeah, Midtown is pretty consistent. Make sure your TFAW pre-orders arent set to bi monthly or monthly… They give those options to combine shipping.
Back in stock at midtown. And no limit to the A cover. I think they were having technical difficulties.
Yeah, I see that now. Thanks for the heads up. I thought something just seemed very odd about that.
Avengers No Road Home #6 (Cover A) is sold out already though. Could be the big book next week?
Good eyes Derrick…Ive wondered why no one is barking about Conan 1st app. in MCU coming up in issue 6. Ive been ordering several copies from LCS. Didnt this get solicited with some Conan hype? Does anyone care that much about Conan? Trust your gut get a couple just to be sure.
Doh! Derek my bad. DEREK got it.
I would grab a copy or two myself. I think issue 6 is a good play. There was a brief meeting between Scarlet Witch and Conan is issue 5 but I don’t think they were in the Marvel U proper at that time.
Hey y’all, new here (well not new to the site but first time commenting). Just wanted to say you guys are a good bunch here. Lots of info.
Welcome and congrats on your first comment on the site. Hopefully we’ll see more in the future. 🙂
Erick r send me an email.might be abel to help with the x men .love that run buying toon tumblers today.vintage burger king glasses as well.might have scored some j scott cambelloriginal art from gen 13.going to try and have a grunge and Fairchild costumes made for a fan film lets call it a fan film love you all blind adam out
Found a few transformer variants today, got the shredder in hell variant. Got 2 Magnificent Ms Marvel 1:25 but they said they didn’t get the 1:50…
Best score was a squirrel girl 1:25. That thing looks to be a ghost
Interesting comment on the afterword page of the first issue of Image’s “Little Bird” that released today: “This might be a good time to mention that Little Bird will not be collected in a typical trade paperback anytime in the near future so the most immediate and cost-effective way to read the story is going to be right here in the individual issues.”
I thought the first issue really unfolded like a hybrid of writer Daniel Warren Johnson’s Extremity and BKV’s We Stand on Guard.
While it’s a limited series, I like it a good deal. Solid read, nice art, seemingly written for an adaptation. It has all the elements of success around it.
Only thing for me today was Supergirl b cover.
Peace Fam.
Gunning for Hits 3
Iron Man 9
Grim Knight 1B
Catwoman 9B
Have a great week everyone. 1
Today visit to a lcs store left a sour taste in the mouth. Picked up a Umbrella Academy trade from the shelf and when I got to the counter, the guy said that I bought a copy last week and that he won’t sell it to me. Said that it was selling more online and insisted that it was not for sale. I was kinda floored about the whole assumption thingy. Like really? So I walked out and decided not to bring my business there anymore. And so what if I buy mutiple copies of a comic? This is also the kind of store that markup prices for hot books on ncbd. Either way, was not happy with the lcs.
I pulled an ASM 789 (Ross cover) with finger bends and other shelf wear from the back of a pile on the shelf…when I brought it to the counter the guy looked it up and charged me $5…cover is 3.99. That kind of pissed me off. Why mark up a book at the register that’s sitting on the shelf.
I don’t visit that lcs often, but the few times I do it’s Blaise I’m in the area and just popping in to see if they have a comic or two…and each time I have a questionable experience, it seems…
I still bought the issue as the defects could likely press out and I haven’t seen many Ross ASMs on the shelves between 789 and 794 in quite som time.
Just when I thought I was the only fellow having issues with LCS. ATTENTION LCS ACROSS THE LAND: we are your cu$tomer$, quit being greedy. We do the HOURS AND DAYS of research only for you to conveniently up the price at the register or pull it all of a sudden when you’ve caught word. Knock it off!! Accept the fact that you dont have the time or staff to do the legwork or discuss/spec and just sell us some comics! We will return to your well if you dont F us over. Better yet, hire one of us to manage your stock. Sorry Uncle Willie if you take offense, had to vent.
I’be been saying this for awhile, but in my opinion, most LCS’s will close over the next few years and the ones which are well run as well as online will be the place to go. Headaches are not needed in this hobby, and many LCS owners are great comic fans, but horrible business owners.
With places like Midtown, tfaw, golden Apple, and others, who needs the inconvenience of a bad LCS?
Your not going to offend me .. while I have made it clear in the past that I don’t subscribe to the immediate markup thing, if a shop does, the book(s) should be bagged/boarded and clearly priced .. there should be no surprise at the counter ..
I won’t defend shops that do it .. although I will say it’s the Web that made it that way .. back in the old days, it was Word of Mouth and usually travelled slowly .. there was not the big Movie / TV hype that there is now, either ..
All industries have their Gordon Gecko’s .. especially when it’s a limited number of something and more buyers than sellers ..
Just don’t condemn all Shops .. there are still many of us left that do things the right and fair way .. after 60 days on the rack at cover, I reserve the right, at that point, to price the book as I see fit ..
I agree not all shops are like that. In my case, I’ve been observing this book sitting on the shelves for months. I mean this book has hot up weeks ago. You would think that the owner/staff would be have ample time to price it accordingly. I shouldn’t think that it’s the customer fault to want to buy it at cover price if it is left sitting there for a while. But what do I know. Just a comic guy.
If a book is not re-priced by the Retailer, it’s simply unfair to the Customer to have that popped on the Customer when they try and buy it ..
I had a regular Customer in the other day who said they had visited another Shop out of town, found a small stack of Back Issues that they wanted, took them to the Counter to pay and the Owner said they had to look the books up on eBay to see what they were selling for ..
Well, that’s just unfair, deceptive, and not good Business .. what other places would do that .. ??
My Customer left the stack on the counter and walked out .. the shop lost a Sale and the dude will never go back .. that’s just no way to run a Business .. pricing stuff the minute somebody wants to buy it ..
Now, I’ve left money on the table because it’s very difficult to keep up these days .. after GOTG 1 came out, a guy came in and bought the 4 NM Hulk #271’s I had in the bins at $6.00 each .. that’s just one example of many .. my fault, he scored, and he still comes back in .. it’s a Win because long time loyal Customers are what a Shop should want ..
Absolutely. Couldn’t agree more.
I’ll give you another example that happened last month .. wall book / House of Secrets #92 .. a clear 8.5 in Raw .. I don’t have it priced, but, it’s a wall book, behind the counter ..
Guy lays $700 cash on the counter .. take it or leave it .. well, I knew I could get more on-line, but hey, Bird in the Hand / Cash Money .. so, I took his money ..
Dang. Nice. But online (eBay) you would have paid fees bringing the price down. I still need to find out where your shop is.
Wow, 60 days is very generous. You definitely run an awesome shop Willie!
Well at least I dont overeat or binge drink…
ASM 17
GK 1 A B
WS 4
TRanSfOrMerS 1…what the hell, why not
Light week$….good grief.
Marvin is home!!
Yeah for Marvin!
Woops forgot my main man vern Mark Russell…WT 2
Pickups this week. All cover price except as noted:
Doomsday Clock 9B (trouble finding the B cover last week.
Aquaman 2 (first trench King)
Batman Beyond 1 (Six Flags Reprint – it a little beat up and has a huge water stain, but it was 40 cents! Not bad for a reader copy)
Amazing Spiderman 789 & 791 ($5 ea)
Silver Surver Annual 6 x2
New Mutants 8 x2 (First Surge)
New Avengers 27 (first Hawkeye as Ronin)
Immortal Hulk 6 ($6)
Venom 165
Naomi #2
Superboy #0 (1st King Shark, Cameo)
Dr. Fate #1 (2015, first Khalid as Dr. Fate)
Now for my blunders….
Picked up a Daredevil #21 thinking it was the first Superior Spiderman, then driving home realized I grabbed the 2017 reboot, not the 2016….I hate reboots…I get more confused looking for issues…especially when in a rush.
Left a NM Detective 585 in a box, I thought $5 was too high when it wasn’t heating up…then tonight i see recent sales in the $20 range.
Searched diligently for Hulk 15/16 and any remaining immortal hulks < #10 and Naomi #1 for cover….all gone!
I just searched Detective 585 after reading your comment and wow I didn’t know it went up so much. It was a $1 comic 2 weeks ago. Ratcatcher gets mentioned on some list that might not even be real and boom lol. I’m glad I have a NM copy.
Never hear much about it, but I’m personally really enjoying “The Punisher” run. Good art, story. Frank is really busting heads. Sister Mercy was a good addition.
I’ve grabbed a fair amount of Naomi 1’s & 2’s but the well is now dry. I actually found more of the #1 variants than the regular. I actually enjoy it as well.
Happy hunting friends!
Yesterday I went to a new LCS that opened up in a mall. I was able to get the following books.
JLD #9 both covers
The Goon #1
Little Bird #1 ×2
Naomi #2 ×4
Spawn kill everyone 2 #4 all covers
Wonder Twins #2 both covers. Rumor to have a new character and team
Harley Quinn #59 variant (for the wife)
Catwoman #9 artgerm variant (for the wife)
The Grim Knight #1 cover A&B
I love comic shops in Malls. I miss Another Universe. Best mall comic shop ever.
This is my second week going. Last week I was able to get 3 copies of Naomi #1. That’s where I got the wrong poop! book lol
Freed a Hulk 15 (1st Red She Hulk) from the dollar bin today.
Like VF, but last sale was $15 in that condition….will hold for next weeks reveal.
Picked up a few items online:
Naomi #2 x3
Batman #67 B Cover (Cover A sold out everywhere I checked)
Port of Earth Ashcan x2
Also, this week’s pull:
Batman Who Laughs The Grim Knight #1 (Cover A Jock)
Batman Who Laughs The Grim Knight #1 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto) x2
Batman Who Laughs The Grim Knight #1 (Cover C Blank Variant)
Catwoman #9 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau)
Flash #66 (Cover B Tim Sale)
Hawkman #10 (Cover B Cully Hamner)
Justice League Dark #9 (Cover B Kelley Jones)
Red Hood Outlaw #32 (Cover B Shane Davis)
Supergirl #28 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau)
Superman #9 (Cover B Rob Liefeld)
Titans #35 (Cover B Rafa Sandoval)
Wonder Woman #66 (Cover B Viktor Kalvachev)
Gunning For Hits #3
Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #13
Outer Darkness #5
Oliver #1
Age Of Conan Belit #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Sana Takeda)
Avengers No Road Home #5 (Of 10)(Cover A Yasmine Putri)
Dead Man Logan #5 (Of 12)
Old Man Quill #3 (Of 12)
Star Wars Age Of Republic General Grievous #1 (Cover A Paolo Rivera)
Wolverine The Long Night Adaptation #3 (Of 5)
Cover A is available at midtown.
OK, thanks.
Working on hopefully acquiring some cool stuff, but nothing much to report other than I got a first appearance of, “Old Lady Harley,” AKA Harley Quinn #42 in great condition out of a dollar box at a comic show. My hope is to sell it to someone for $9 or so, that’s enough profit to buy two comics, after all!