Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 231st edition of the open forum!
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
Debating heading to the midnight Detective party
Pros: Midnight cover and first dibs at spec stuff
Con: Im tired
no spec, last page cameo of arkham knight. 1001 cover A is the book to buy
Cover B, bro, is where its at. Arkham Knight was already on a cover, store variant to Tec 1000. Cover A is is more of a silhouette which will be partially covered by a trade dress. Stick with the Cover B (almost virgin) cover.
Always bet on cover A.
Agreed. Plus, store variants haven’t really held value at all, so if speccing on Arkham Knight, it it 1001A.
Don’t steal Anthony’s thunder!!
No spec this week??
What do you mean no spec this week?
I think they meant spoilers instead of spec..
Possibly. But one must have patience. It takes me a while to edit the images and upload everything.
Takes time skimming through all those books on the toilet too to see if they’re spoiler worthy.. 😉
I will have the final page up shortly. Then decide.
My shop that usually throws the midnight parties only set out the new book for the midnight party and then I can find the midnight party variants later on. So it’s never worth it for me, I’d rather be asleep.
I should have asked my shop if I could buy new issues at midnight, or my pull list at least…Jist so I don’t have to leave work early tomorrow. Oh well.
Every shop near me is not in he best neighborhoods, and likely not many will be around….so I also have to consider my personal safety, especially when there really nothing to chase this week.
Theoretically they should be able to sell them if they’re prepared to without getting in trouble.
It’s really a choice between
(1) stay up late and pay the price when trying to get up for work tomorrow or
(2) go to bed early so I can get up early and leave work early tomorrow.
I’m thinking #2 is a better option. Night guy always screws over morning guy.
Saw Eric Powell and am now at the beach.

Last spring break with the kid before she goes to college.
Great book. ?
This week I went back to the collection I was picking through last week and snagged Cotote #12 – #14, to complete the McFarlane run on that series. This is my Coyote #13, 1st Todd McFarlane Cover. I would say that this would grade at 9.6. ?

I’ve been pretty successful finding and flipping these, once I explain what they are.
Ive never seen a copy in the wild before I came across this collection. The Canadian market is about 10% of the size of the US market, so perhaps that goes towards explaining why I do not come across them very often.
Need some help … has anyone heard when (if?) Donny Cates’ Reactor #4 is going to be released by Vault Comics? Why such a delay? Did it get canned? Thanks in advance!!
Has any Dial H for HERO new hero ever had a transition into mainline continual use later? Seems like a 6 issue series starting this week intentionally designed to give 6 or more 1st appearances might now be a huge gamble long term.
I don’t think so.
might have found a holy grille.come on we know spelling is my kryptonite .might have found beavis and butthead production cels.and it is the cornholeeloe episode to boot.waiting on an email back.picking up a few of the detective 1,000s,amazing spiderman,the batman #67 foils hopfully the hellboy day book has any sceen the hellboy beer?i also tried the oranage villina coke it is amazing .o.k. off to buy some flash Gordon Whitman books and then rent the place that will become awesomesauce radio/fan boy delights vip headquarters love you all blind adam out
Orange Vanilla Coke? Get out.
You know you have to try it. Just to say you did. Will be on the lookout.
I have been wanting to try it. My wife got a Orange Vanilla Coke Zero (I don’t drink diet drinks) and tasted it. It was yummy. But want to taste it without the chemical taste.
Tastes like a Creamsicle?
When I went back to school about 5 years ago, in one of the cafeterias on campus had a machine. That machine had about 50 different ‘flavours’ in it. You were able to mix and match any of the flavours. If you wanted a vanilla tangerine fanta cherry coke sprite, you were able to. It was quite rad.
They still have those. I saw one at some huge Pizza place we took kids to that had video games and such. I think it was called the “GetYourDiabetesDrinkHere” machine.. 😉
I regularly ask at vendors when I get a drink to mix fanta and coke it tastes fantastic like a fruity coke. I call it ‘focanta’. I think it has a nice ring to it. I got introduced in Germany where they sell it pre mixed called “50/50” or “schwip schwap”, it’s seriously good. But the best soda to end all sodas is the coca cola companies south African spar letta “green cream soda” put some ice cream and you got the best float!
If it’s not water, coffee flavored water or beer flavored water, I don’t drink it.
Will any 1st Appearances will be credited to this week’s free War of the Realms Preview book?
Sometimes but the free books don’t usually get counted. If it’s the paid for preview books like the Marvel Point One they’ve had in the past, they tend to heat up on first appearances.
That’s kind of a weird rule. I know I’ve seen Freely distributed books like FCBD Umbrella Academy and the 2005 Spider-man FCBD go crazy priced but they were mostly given away for free. Stores had to pay for them but stores had to pay shipping freight on these and had the option to directly purchase additional qty I believe with some given for free based on discount tier. Someone should write an exact guideline for this 1st appearance stuff everyone has to adhere to.
FCBD books are different from the previews books.
That’s what I was trying to see what the difference was. Both given away for free mostly originally. Both cost the stores money to acquire. Both could be ordered by the stores in fairly unlimited quantities. Neither has a price printed on it. Then take ashcans for another category. Those come in for free usually also with no price printed on them. Sometimes they even reimburse the shipping/freight.
FCBD books that get heat are generally an anomaly .. Ashcans, on the other hand, can be lucrative depending .. they are usually just printed in enough quantity to send a few to each shop .. sometimes, you only get one ..
I use Ashcans as a Sales Tool, which is really what they are designed for .. they have been used for many years .. mine sit on the counter and encourage Customers to take a look and possibly try the book when it comes out ..
I’ve had about $200 in sales in the last 6 months just from the two 2005 FCBD issues alone. The WOTR Preview is still in stock right now at Diamond for $5/bundle. DEC189150 It contains original material in the form of interviews and artwork including a breakdown of the 10 realms with descriptions. Cheap investment to grab a bundle or two to squirrel away. One of those ashcans for an Image title sold for $50 a couple years ago. That $5 a bundle thing works out to about 20 cent each plus shipping cost so it’s very close in cost to many FCBD books.
I sold two FCBD Umbrella Academy books for about $100 each. I always grab FCBD books and squirrel them away. Did well years ago with the Sixth Gun one as well. Had about 6 of those.
Make that closer to $450 from those two FCBD issues. I forgot the Umbrellas sold at $40 each plus shipping.
There were a ton of marvel rising and the Mall FCBD issues at my lcs a few weeks ago. I took a few and planned to go back and gradually stock up. Now they’re gone. Someone wasn’t as bashful as me.
I did fond a civil war II 2017 FCBD in the bin today. Ordered a bunch of them for $1 ea. Too.
Diamond was clearancing them a few months ago for like 4 cent. I stashed a case away just in case.
I sold the first Cyberfrog Ashcan to Ethan Van Sciver last year for $100 .. he had never kept one and was buying any of his stuff he did not have ..
I’ve sold ancient D&D books and adventures to the Gygax family over the years .. some for major coin
But, like I said, FCBD books that get heat are generally an anomaly .. Umbrella Academy is not going to happen every day ..
Can order be placed through the Previews site? I’m not seeing a way to setup an account although there is a login page.
No, you have to have a Diamond account which means any of your local dealers can order them for you or may even have an extra bundle laying around so there’s no delay. I got 3 bundles and have only cracked open two so far and have been trying to figure out if there’s a 1st appearance in there worth buying a few more bundles for later just in case.
You can get a diamond account but I think they require a minimum of $400 a month in purchases to maintain your account. Someone with a Diamond account please correct me if I’m wrong. There might be other requirements but the the minimum is the one I’ve been told about, if true.
I don’t remember the minimum but I’m pretty sure the shipping and minimal 35% discount at that level makes a lot of other alternatives better. The business license and store front are needed also.
The free previews to me are more of a solicitation, not a comic per se. FCBD and ashcans books are actually comic books, at least I classify them as such.
How do you feel about ads? Those could be considered solicitations like the First spawn in Rust as an advertisement? Then there’s those Image Plus books with actual prices printed on them which are basically solicitations we pay for. I’ve seen a number of them called 1st. Another category, that book of Outcast given away to a few top accounts. Was that considered a solicitation since it was intended to get the big sellers to buy more? I’ve seen both that and the Image Plus issue sold as 1st appearance. I don’t feel qualified to argue with the people but it I’ve got a nice box full of #1’s I’d rather see have a legitimate claim as 1st if a movie or tv show ever comes out.
Some collectors go for those in ads, I don’t bother with them myself.
It really boils down to, collect and buy what you like, who cares what other people say but the market will decide ultimately which one is the most desirable with most value despite it being an ashcan, ad, in a previews book, FCBD issue and so on.
Well, advance advertising Posters of Characters can and do appreciate .. so, there you have another category ..
The problem is is soon as it’s written someone will wanna argue about it
I could see that. Kind of like the Carol Danvers mess. 1st appearance as Captain Marvel is House of M #3. 2 weeks later Second Appearance in Pulse House of M Special. Multiple other appearances through the rest of the series and tie ins like New Thunderbolts issues and even a 1st Appearance as Captain Marvel in 616 universe in Giant-Size Ms Marvel #1 a day after House of M ended. That’s also the 1st cat issue. still all anyone wants to talk about is the 1st movie like costume in Avenging Spider-Man which is really not that much of a change from some of the original Kree uniforms in the original comics and the color scheme is taken from the original captain marvel making very little of it worth thinking about other than the price people are scooping up falsely calling it the 1st.
She pops up in a panel of Daredevil in costume as well prior to Avenging Spidey. Absolutely agree!
Would love to have that issue to add to my list of Carol Danvers if you think of which issue it is.
Hey BJ…it was Daredevil #15 of the 2011 series…she’s in costume in a panel towards the end of the issue.
I’ve been able to find it here & there in bins so don’t overspend on it.
Happy hunting!
Thank you. I don’t have that one so it’s time to shop.
BJ….I’m not quite sure how getting ahold of someone works on these sites/forums (lol..I’m old & not tech saavy)
If you don’t have luck finding one please ask the admin or however it works to email me as I’m more than happy to give you a copy as I have a few/extras & hate to have you pay ebay prices.
Regards. is the email to use. There is a contact thing at the top that lists my email. I have no problems facilitating it.
Hold that purchase off. Apparently Avenging Spiderman #9 beat the daredevil issue to the store shelves by a week. Sale Date: JUL 11 2012. for ASM9 Sale Date: JUL 18 2012 for Daredevil 15.
Gotcha..Should have clarified..still an early appearance & I suppose 2nd app then (prior to Avenging Spidey #10)…like I said..if you need one just to have relative to Danvers just holler. I think that Summer of Spiderman promo comic was also right in that time frame.
Thanks, I’m still searching out Pre ASM9 Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel appearances.
That’s from Giant-Size Ms Marvel #1 where she goes back to Ms Marvel after this issue in her own new series. Here’s another one from that issue.
February 2006. I don’t even have an exact count the numbers so large already and I still have other tie in issues from other series at the time to check. Even Secrets of the House of M gave her a listing and should count.
I couldn’t get a complete scan without mashing the book and damaging it so the text is hard to read along the edge.
Those are awesome. Thanks for sharing. I wonder since it was House of M if they don’t count do to being alternate world references even though it is the 616 Carol Danvers.
Giant-Size Ms Marvel #1 is completely 616 Universe. It, like the commentary says takes place a day after. She goes thru an entire story including throwing the cat at the villain which should have had PETA in an uproar I would have thought on the way to self discovery and launching herself at the end as Ms Marvel again heading in a new direction with her life. There are some free copies online that can be read. I think it’s more of a thing that having been far enough in the past, many of the new buyers didn’t see it or forgot it. Others want to jack up the price of AVSM9 so they pretend it doesn’t exist or try to call it all 616 when GSMM1 is clearly 616 and not being familiar with the alternate universe numbering rules, I’m not sure HOM wasn’t technically 616 also.
I have a copy in storage and will have to go back and re-read it.
Technically Captain Marvel gave up the name and changed to Photon prior to House of M in New Thunderbolts 6.

That made the name available for her to use. In House of M #1 she’s “thinking about” going from warbird to Ms Marvel but instead oops for Captain Marvel.
That final decision occurs between HOM #1 and #3.
The name progression is clearly
Pre House of M–Warbird
House of M – Warbird to Captain Marvel
After House of M- Captain Marvel
Ms Marvel #1 – Ms Marvel again, a return to the past in terms of name.
Here’s the New Thunderbolts #6 Pre House of M issue identifying her as the former Avenger Warbird text. Apparently there’s no edit button to add it in to the other post. LOL
Ooops, I thought I was posting links to the pictures but it appears the message is actually displaying them for some reason. Sorry if it that’s bothering anyone or not allowed. it wasn’t intentional. i’m not sure how this type of message thing works. Reminds me of the Windows 95 stuff prior to message boards.
Usually the direct link to the picture will post the picture in the comment. You are fine with posting them. It is fully allowed.
Writing a guideline and ‘adhering to it’ is irrelevant. There are lots of types of appearances: prototype, cameo, first appearance, first cover, first solo title, etc. Call them what they are appropriately. Depending on the situation, the market will ultimately decide which one they like. One thing that now seems to matter: whichever type of appearance it is, if there is also a cover appearance, that is the one people tend to want. I blame slabs and people who don’t read comics for this trend.
I agree with that statement about the slab and people depending on how they’re labeled instead of just reading the gosh darn comics. CGC and other slabbing companies are not the official authority on “first appearance” in my opinion, they grade comics, with an opinion for the most part.
Everyone else’s copies of the hulk 181 facsimile have yellow streaks (color rub) down the back cover?
I don’t see any buy I’ve only got 10 copies.
Got 10 copy’s and none have yellow streaks. Sounds like u got a bad batch.
I had 50 come in .. all were clean .. (or as clean as you can expect from Diamond, anyway)
Other shop I went to were better. Not perfect but better.
When I line up my two copies, front to back, it’s clear that one of the “streaks” on the back cover is the bar code and the other is Wendigo’s leg stepping forward (both transferred from the cover).
Mine were clean. However there seems to be a consistent printer defect (paper fold) on Hulks pants in the glutes region.
Item Status B/O Not Stocked at Diamond so getting replacements might not happen if you call them in. If you bag and board them noone’ll notice and you can probably sell them all to kids and readers who wouldn’t care as long as you mention it to any perfectionists you have as regulars.
i picked up 50 copies …pre ordered…. of hulk 181 facsimile editions. i aint scared.
That’s a lot. I just went with 15 pre-ordered.
I pre-ordered zero. With all these pre-orders from buyers, seems like these might be easy to obtain for years to come. 😉
Try to sell this Marvel Rising Monoko Variant as fast as possible. I’m still holding the Marvel Rising Alpha #1 Lee Variant CGC 9.6… hopefully this series catches on this time.
the cartoon is great.marvel’s best in years.couldn;’t find the variant .if anyone can hook me up with the hellboy beer and it is not an empty bottle let me know .does anyone here spec on action figures?love ya all blind adam out
Transformers action figures…but only the G1 re-issues.
Live near a Beer City….AVL, NC and will call around Adam. This is hipster central around here and some specialty shop just might have it. Will reply here if I find it.
Not a bad week. Sold two of my Avengers #196 and a set of Untamed #1 both versions for $400 total (all four books combined). My investment was $40 so a pretty darn good profit even after E-bay rips their share from my cold greedy hands.
No new pickups for me today. I think I might take a break from in store pickups for a while, and just get pre-orders and my pullbox.
We all bought some comics other than Hulk 181 fac right?
Pick ups:
NRH 5 & 7
STAR BASTARD A LCS B PRE O….out at Diamond…asked lcs for reorder
NEON FUTURE X 2….out at Diamond….ditto
BATMAN 67A….. (3 more at lcs if you need one & plenty of Bs)
ACTION 1009…. (b/c Bendis is on LSD)
ASM….my gripes preceed me on this
HULK 181 PRE O….just to be a safe conformist…not a fan of facs.
SAVANTS 3….1 & 2 decent
SHARKEY 1 & 2….potential option?….time will tell….avg. read and art
THESE SAVAGE SHORES B/W…..thats how you draw a ship mateys…wow
My tummy is grumbling like Pooh’s….time for breakfast. Hope everyone is in good health and spirits.
Woops….always forget one…DIAL H FOR HERO A & B
Oh bother…
Time to dig out my lower grade copy’s of ASM 298 and see if I can ride the spawn wave
I wonder if he is going to swipe his ASM 299 cover as well.
I think there are plans up to 300
No Detective #1000? You’re missing out on a classic issue.
Waiting on discounted…Poyo speaks wisdom to this.
I get that. It’s a great read.
I typically read Detective first when I get home. Wrote DC complimenting new team. Agree with you B, this is one of their better titles for sure. It was very difficult to eat a piece of Tec 1000 birthday cake at a LCS and not buy it with stacks of fresh variants on the table. Willpower prevailed. Other DC I enjoy is some Vertigo stuff…Border Town, Goddess Mode, American Carnage are relevant to the times. The Wonder line with Naomi YJ WT and others is pretty good too. If you havent noticed, I dont flip comics. I buy a lot and bury them in the basement. That is why I still have the Crows first app Calibur down there. Ive been buying new 9.8s and stashing since I was 10. My kids will cash in one day. Good health and a steady supply of “kind” and comics keeps me content.
I’m a huge Batman fan so I planned on spending on this comic. I bought 4 different covers. I got a few of the Ross homage variant and 2 sets of the Dell’Otto variant though so I should definitely make a nice profit when I sell those.
That’s cool that you don’t flip much. I really don’t either. I’m much more of a reader and collector. I read all new Batman related stuff. I also have a large CGC collection of mostly Batman and Detective. Hopefully I never have to sell any of it.
Yup, wait for Midtown’s 75% off sale.. get it at a fraction of the price. 🙂
I read NEON FUTURE last night, it’s awesome, I think we have a real winner there.. Great writing/art, super low print run, first appearances.. What else do you want?? Haha. Have a good day everyone..
Nice. I haven’t got mine in the mail yet but looking forward to it.
Quit pumping. This book is drek. And you can buy it from the publishers website for cover price.
Not sure saying a book is a good read constitutes pumping.
Perhaps it is drek. I have 5 shops. When only one of them has a title and I ask about reorders and they say sold out, I cant help but buy one and in this case there were two. My gut feeling reading Previews said drek initially, but the research changed my mind. Keep that fire in your belly MJ, its fine by me. I appreciate outliers and dissenters. I think some people are getting timid to share pick ups because they are concerned what others might think. I welcome your opinons of my pick ups. I got 3 kids, wife and a farm and am numb to pain!!
Detective virgin variants seem to be selling for higher prices at ebay. Check out Artgerm,, Lee,, Otto, Parillo and Hughes. Supply is probably low because of high retail price and many different variants.
Now is not the time to buy those. Wait 6 months….prices will be half what they are now. Check out Action 1000 as an example.
These are not good investments either. 1001 may be a better bang for buck, IMO long term.
I will say I’m quite impressed with how ASM 797 Mathew is holding value. It’s dropped in the last year, but 9.8s still go well over $100. Raws are still over $100. And I still want one to go with my ASM 238!
*Mayhew * not Matthew. Damn auto correct.
I have the run of Immortal Hulk Ross A covers as well as what I believe are 9.8 condition copies of Avengers 782 (secret variant) and 684.
I’m contemplating either dumping them to get a low to mid grade cgc/cbcs Fantastic Four 49 (4.0-5.0 unrestored).
What would you do? Hold em or go all in?
Also to consider, I think I’d have to send the avengers in for grading to get the max dollar and the 5.0 FF49, but 682 needs a quick press to get back a 9.8. Would do the same with 684. I would go with cgc.
I would sell and get that FF49.
detective comics 1,000 was a decent read.loved the ke vin smith&jim lee story.thinking of buying a sealed box of spawn pogs.still can’t find the darn hellboy beer.called the distributor and left a message
betty and me #18 will explain why in hidden gems. also bought reggie and me #122 another hidden gem I also bought a nice run of gen 13 with farichild covers .and I am loving nick spencers you guys blind adam out.bought
I paid $1800 for my Xmen #1 a couple years back now it is a $8000 book.
The price of my Xmen has eclipsed my Tales Of Suspense #39. 1st Doctor Doom is crazy now too paid $800 worth $4000 now.
Nice. WhT grade?
Wondering if anyone else noticed that the Dr. Aphra greatest moments cover this week. I pre ordered the issue expecting AH cover. But then when I pick it up the art didn’t look like AH. In the bottom right I think I read Kevin Noland on the cover, and on the first page it states AH as the artist for the variant. Can someone else confirm this. If this is true is this an error in the comic?
It is Adam Hughes art. Not sure if Nolan’s recolored it or what but it is Hughes art. He has released the images previously.
Cool thanks! Did anyone see where the AH might have been on the art. Maybe it was covered by the dressing.
Maybe. It was also weird to have the other signature.
Picked up my pull sans Detective 1000 issues as I’ll probably pick up just 1 or 2 covers for that one (for now). I think I have a blank cover on the way for that one, though, so I didn’t completely ignore it. Also missed out on Wonder Woman #67, Dr. Strange #12, and Hulkverines #2. Don’t know if those books are hot or if the LCS was shorted on those. Avengers No Road Home #7 was down to the last copy for the main cover, and maybe a couple of the connecting variant cover. Anyway, here is the pull:
Action Comics #1009 (Cover B Francis Manapul)
Batgirl #33 (Cover B Yasmine Putri)
Batman Beyond #30 (Cover B Ben Oliver)
Detective Comics #1000 ?
Dial H For Hero #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Joe Quinones)
Dial H For Hero #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Nick Derington)
Flash #67 (Cover B Ryan Sook)
Freedom Fighters #4 (Of 12)
Heroes In Crisis #7 (Of 9)(Cover A Clay Mann)
Heroes In Crisis #7 (Of 9)(Cover B Ryan Sook)
Justice League Odyssey #7 (Cover B Toni Infante)
Martian Manhunter #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Riley Rossmo)
Martian Manhunter #4 (Of 12)(Cover B Joshua Middleton)
Shazam #4 (Cover A Dale Eaglesham)
Shazam #4 (Cover B Jim Lee Shazam Movie Variant)
Silencer #15
Terrifics #14
Batman Who Laughs The Grim Knight #1 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto) (replacement for damaged cover)
Ice Cream Man #11 (Cover B Babs Tarr)
Isola #7 (Cover A Karl Kerschl)
Avengers No Road Home #7 (Of 10)(Cover A Yasmine Putri)
Incredible Hulk #181 (Facsimile Edition)
Invaders #3
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #30 (Cover A Ashley Witter)
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Greg Smallwood)
Superior Spider-Man #4 (Cover A Travis Charest)