Kickstarter Spotlight: Savage Sasquanaut

On Wednesday, April 3rd, humanity will witness the incredible SAVAGE SASQUANAUT as he scours the galaxy like only a Bigfoot can.

A secret space-race experiment hurls Bigfoot far across the cosmos to confront the mighty Aurellian Empire! SAVAGE SASQUANAUT is born this day!

Creator Wes Hartman teams up with sensational new talent Gab Santos of HMT Studios to bring this giant sci-fi adventure comic to life. In the traditions of Firefly and Farscape, SAVAGE SASQUANAUT blends action/adventure with humor, set against a rich tapestry of fantastic worlds and incredible aliens. It’s Buck Rogersmeets Big Trouble (in Little China)!

Readers will be able to support SAVAGE SASQUANAUT by pre-ordering Issue 1 exclusively on Kickstarter from April 3rd to May 3rd!
There will be MULTIPLE REWARDS such as the printed full color comic and VARIANT COVERS featuring fan favorite artists like Paolo Pantalena and Ace Continuado, a limited edition hard enamel pin, and even an opportunity to purchase a coloring commission by award winning comic book colorist Wes Hartman.

For more information visit and sign up for the email newsletter at and of course always remember…

“One small step for man, one BIGFOOT for mankind!”

4 thoughts on “Kickstarter Spotlight: Savage Sasquanaut”

  1. I know it’s a different publisher but every time I flip past this post all I can think about is didn’t he just get back from space with Captain Marvel and Alpha Flight and have they come up with a topical monthly for space fleas yet? Doesn’t feel like that original of a concept to me.

    1. Hey, BJ, thanks for stopping by to check out the article on my comic. I’m sorry I’m not sure I understand the correlation to Captain Marvel you’re referring to haven’t read a Marvel or DC comic in nearly 10 years, and while there is a Sasquatch character on Alpha Flight I’m pretty sure Canada is a lot different than space, haha. If you haven’t checked out the kickstarter page maybe it will give you some more info that may change your mind, but then again maybe not and that’s okay. I thank you for your brief look at my comic about bigfoot in space, maybe my next project will be more your speed. Have a great day and please support indie comics.


    Captain Marvel and Alpha Flight went into Space around 2015 for several years through the Chitauri invasion storyline. I always thought Sasquatch just didn’t look right being oversized making it hard to fit space suits and things others would normally wear and in general having super strength as your primary asset in a location where everthing’s weightless always made it stand out for me all the times he was shown there. I was rather glad to see him back on solid ground in the Immortal Hulk issues going a bit more traditional in story use. Hopefully your story does well.

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