One Week Later Report for April 3rd, 2019

Welcome once again to the another installment of the One Week Later Report. This week we’ll cover the books released on 4/3/2019.

DC Books

Almost every DC book you can still find at your online or local retailers.

You can still find most if not all the covers for Detective Comics #1000 available.  TFAW has them for $2 off the retail price. If you have to have it now, go that route or wait for the bigger sales when they want to dump the remaining stock from their shelves.

Midtown sold out of the Shazam #4 Jim Lee Variant but you can still likely find it elsewhere online or at the local shops.

It’s a pretty cool cover but even with the movie, I don’t think we’re gonna see these comics come into high demand.

We all know movies of existing characters don’t cause the print runs to go up, take Black Panther as a good example.

Marvel Books

The hot Avengers No Road Home series keeps selling out online. Issue #7 (of 10) had another awesome Putri variant.

Sold out online initially but you can still find at other retailers if you missed out and likely at your local shops. Issues #6 and #7 already have 2nd prints coming out in a few weeks.

There was a pretty sweet Hulkverines #2 Tony Moore Variant but not much love on the secondary market after most online retailers sold out. You can find this for cover or so still.

Low print run plus hype that creates demand equals a book that won on the secondary market.

I’m talking about Marvel Rising #1 Peach Momoko Variant.  Kudos to those who secured a copy early and already dumped theirs.

These are selling for $70 to upwards of $150 for the most recent sales dating back to March 25th (pre-sales) or so. From what I read, nothing really makes this book stand out. The only thing it had going for it was a bunch of talk I think and hard to find, so the FOMO was kicking into high gear.

Indie and Small Publisher Books

Everyone remember Rags? Issue #1 had a 3rd print out last week. Only a handful of sales around the $7.99 range but a bunch of others listed at or around that price. I wouldn’t budge, same cover, different color for the title. That’s all.

Neon Future #1 is seeing some slight success. Regular cover is flirting as a $10 book after a week. Lots of covers for this one though. I’m sure the print run is minuscule so it was hard to find. The Cover F variant is a solid $15 book on it’s own. Midtown didn’t even list this cover as available.

There’s a really cool ECCC variant that was limited to 100 that some are listing at $125 and another at $175 but no sold listings yet. Another person has the ECCC and Wondercon variant (also limited to 100) for $250.

For such a small press book, seems to have a lot of covers available. I say go for cover A if you really want this book. Unless this book takes off in popularity, you’ll waste your money on those limited variants. Those are certainly high risk gambles.

That’s your week in review. Rather small uneventful week for the most part.

7 thoughts on “One Week Later Report for April 3rd, 2019”

  1. Anyone need one of the Detective Comics #1000 Dell’Otto variants? I have them for sale on ebay but no one seems to even want them. It’s Dell’Otto so I thought they’d sell easy, I was wrong.

      1. Thanks again for letting me post these. I know I got a lot more views on my listings because of it and I have almost all of them sold.

        1. I know we’ve mentioned this in the past but I’m working on something to enable more community chat for CHU that’s also built into the comments on the site. So stay tuned, I’m sure we’ll have a way to allow people to post links to their online listings.

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