Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Avengers #684
7 Day Trend: +109%
Weekly Units Sold: 49
Sales Average Raw: $50.00
Sales Average Graded: $155.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First Appearance of Immortal Hulk
Avengers No Road Home #5
7 Day Trend: +97%
Weekly Units Sold: 49
Sales Average Raw: $ 7.44
Sales Average Graded: $NA (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Conan in the Marvel U. Plus Immortal Hulk story line.
Naomi #1
7 Day Trend: +140%
Weekly Units Sold: 33
Sales Average Raw: $39.48
Sales Average Graded: $130.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance of Naomi. Hot comics
Naomi #3
7 Day Trend: +91%
Weekly Units Sold: 45
Sales Average Raw: $8.58
Sales Average Graded: $NA (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Naomi’s father and his true nature revealed.
Eternals #3
7 Day Trend: +83%
Weekly Units Sold: 49
Sales Average Raw: $113.00
Sales Average Graded: $260.00 (CGC 9.6)
Reason: First Appearance of Sersi
Immortal Hulk #15 Marvels 25th Anniversary Cover
7 Day Trend: +92%
Weekly Units Sold: 40
Sales Average Raw: $7.88
Sales Average Graded: $68.50 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Great looking cover on an already hot series.
Amazing Spider-Man #265
7 Day Trend: +109%
Weekly Units Sold: 33
Sales Average Raw: $25.98
Sales Average Graded: $210.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance of Silver Sable
Naomi #2
7 Day Trend: +97%
Weekly Units Sold: 36
Sales Average Raw: $7.36
Sales Average Graded: $NA (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Second issue of hot series. Print runs tend to drop between first and second issues. Issue #1 became hot after this was pre-ordered so stores did not increase orders.
Bitter Root #1
7 Day Trend: +221%
Weekly Units Sold: 15
Sales Average Raw: $12.25
Sales Average Graded: $33.99 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Recently optioned for movie
NAOMI #1 Variant
7 Day Trend: +118%
Weekly Units Sold: 25
Sales Average Raw: $18.50
Sales Average Graded: $55.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Variant for hot first issue
The Runners-Up
THE INFINITY GAUNTLET #1 sold 19 copies, 7-day trend 155%, high sale of $224.50 CGC 9.8.
THE ETERNALS #1 sold 26 copies, 7-day trend 111%, high sale $974.95 CGC 9.8.
THE IMMORTAL HULK #1 sold 25 copies, 7-day trend 115% high sale $149.99 CGC 9.8.
WOLVERINE #1 sold 23 copies, 7-day trend 122%, high sale $149.99 CGC 9.8.
ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #26 sold 36 copies, 7-day trend 74%, high sale $39.99 raw.
ULTIMATE FALLOUT #4 sold 24 copies, 7-day trend 107%, high sale $335 CGC 9.8.
MS. MARVEL #1 sold 27 copies, 7-day trend 93%, high sale $520 CGC 9.6.
SPAWN #1 sold 25 copies, 7-day trend of 99%, high sale of $105 CGC 9.8.
YOUNG AVENGERS #1 sold 33 copies, 7-day trend 73%, high sale of $300 CGC 9.8
9/10 and 16/19. Think that’s the best I’ve done to date! I’m surprised the first Silver Sable in ASM 265 is only $25 in raw state. I guess a movie appearance could help that out.
8/10 and 12/20 this week.
So hoard my run of, “Naomi,” I’ve been building as it gathers heat and hopefully goes nuclear? Will do!
Fac. Incredible Hulk #181 where are you? Aren’t you glad you bought 50 copies of that? Plenty on our shelves…BEWARE GROUPTHINK!!
Actually I am glad I bought three copies. It is a great long term hold and is an excellent ace holder in my Incredible Hulk Collection until I get the real one.
bought 50 myself. already going for double cover. wait in a few years.
In stock at Lonestar for cover price. I haven’t sold a copy here but I figure it’s a long term stock item for walk-ins that will want a cheap way to read the issue like the True Believers. If it makes it to $10 in ten years it’ll still be a good buy now.
Midtown still has them and limited to 1 per so depending on how many they bought, could take a while for their supplies to run dry.
Agree. Long term hold here. Look at what the Amazing Fantasy 15 true believers. A $1 book sells in the $20 range. It took a few years, but it got there. I’m always on the lookout for those. Eventually there will be a facsimile of AF15, though. So if you have those TBs, dump them before that happens. It’s only a matter of time.
The only thing holding back the Hulk facsimile is the True Believers reprint. Although I think it’ll likely be he opposite where the facsimile kills the TBs spec value.
I watched the price on AF15 TB slowly inch up in price as I had 30+ copies. It was a great flip. Im finding the ASM300 TB is starting to see some movement too. The ASM #1 TB is another TB to pick up if you see them.
Moving Amazing Fantasy to E-bay now. I’ve been staring at $5 or less copies for years locals walk right by and ignore. They distributed hundreds of thousands of copies free in the newspaper as part of that Spider-Man Collectible Series which we still get handfuls dropped off almost weekly for the kids by the front door.
I got one of those newspaper copies signed by Stan lee! I collected the entire run. I can’t believe they discontinued it right before they reached issue 14…bummer.
I hope they do a fac of ASM 14 now that I think of it. And FF 48/49/50.
I wish I knew what paper they were in.
Multiple newspapers around the country although all of them didn’t get the entire series. Richmond stopped at issue 20 or 21 I believe so I’ve never seen 22, 23 and 24 before. They’re also printed on newspaper type paper so they’re thin and rarely in grades above comic book grades Fine due to handling and inserting. Nothing CGC quality even in the best one’s I’ve seen. From #3 on they’re maybe worth a $1.50 to $2 around here and no one wants to pay that locally due to excessive supply. I might have several hundred filed away but I took them offline and just let people drop additional ones on the table by the front door for the kids to read for free.
I think it was issue 23. Each week only half a regular issue was published. So it took two weeks to reprint one entire comic.
Vol 1 was AF15,
Vol 2 was ASM #1a,
Vol 3 was ASM #1b,
Vol 4 was ASM #2b,
And so on. I recall it ending after ASM #11b, which would be Vol 23.
#24’s cover
dumping TB’s is good advice, unless there signed by Lee. fantastic four #1 facsimile is a good buy long term
I grab those FF facs when I see them for that very reason.
I agree.
9/10 I’m doing ok for myself. Only missing Eternals
I had 4 Incredible Hulk 347 Newsstand Mark Jewelers 1988 Variants ranging from 8.4 – 9.2 .. finally decided to sell .. I was surprised how well they did ..
Definitely now is the time to sell if you’re looking to let them go.
Does an established unpowered character getting a new coming out with new costume variation/ powers count as a 1st appearance or does it have to wait until they get a new name to go with it like Immortal Hulk?
Would you say Ms Marvel 1 is the undisputed champ over Avenging Spidey 9? I don’t know if I can see that. It isn’t a first appearance, she isn’t Ms Marvel anymore, I don’t see the value. AS9 was arguably over-valued, I guess, but I have no idea why that one has gone on walkabout since the movie came out, unless I’m mistaken.
Avenging Spidey 9 is only notable because she switches to a movie like costume that’s not that different from other Kree like uniforms and has the original Captain Marvels colors. She was 1st Ms Marvel back in House of M #3. Two weeks later in House of M Special an multiple other appearances. Her first 616 appearance was Giant-Size Ms Marvel the day after House of M ended.

1st Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel back in House of M years before Avenging Spiderman 9. She was “Warbird” prior to House of M. Coffee hasn’t finished brewing yet and I can’t find an edit button for these type messages.
If you’re looking for a key try Giant-Size Ms Marvel #1. It’s not only the 1st 616 Universe Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, it’s also the 1st cat. House of M #3 is so far very cheap as well as Pulse House of M Special that came out 2 weeks later.
Unfortunately there’s no edit button unless you’re an admin.. 😉
I get a lot typed for 2 finger typing looking down at the keyboard the whole time. Edit buttons are my best friend, runner up is spellcheck with auto correct which this does provide. That Giant-Size Ms Marvel sure went from the dollar been to triple digits fast. I’d love to see House of M #3 get some love since I still have plenty of copies of that one and they’re cheap. If changing costumes alone were enough to make a book valuable in the future I’ve got a ton of Iron Man comics with different armors and Wasp used to change costume every issue for a while it seemed back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. There’s even that key issue where Yellow Jacket blasted one to pieces to make her choice for which to wear for her.
Is it a Spoiler if the Advance PDF shows the solicitation description is completely wrong about the contents of a comic’s #1? It’s like #1 is not what’s was solicited at all and may be a big deal. Does everyone take Sundays off?
What book are you talking about.
Check Fridays Diamond Daily. I don’t know if I can even name the book without giving it away. Part of me wants to shut up, quadruple my initial order and hope it goes crazy. The other part wants to holler about the misinformation in time for others to get a copy before prices go up.
If you are talking about The PDF releases on Friday, I read it.
You see then. Nothing like what the solicitation said was going to be in issue #1. New altered version of an older character I expect may get a new name with an adjective added in front of the old name.
Are you talking DC or Marvel?
Do me a favor. Email me at and let me know. I am not sure we are looking at the same thing.
E-mail sent. Noone to talk to here but the puppy and she doesn’t give great second opinions on spec potential unless it’s chicken.
I would say yes. It is awesome. I think people will be looking for it.
Check your email. It’s not what you think.
I guess the whole series of house of M might be a good idea to hold onto then, if there is a little spec on it.
At least HOM#3 and Pulse House of M Special. #3 should count as 1st and I would think Pulse HOMS would be first Full even though it’s like newspaper articles but she does appear in multiple articles on multiple pages. There’s a New Thunderbolts issue she’s in under the name captain marvel at that time also.