Venom #13 is in stores April 24th. it is writting by Cullen Bunn, with Donny Cates taking a break for the issue. Add in it is a War of the Realms crossover and you have several factors going against the book: fill in creative team (Bunn is awesome though), part of a larger crossover, and a stand alone issue, normally this would be a book to not order heavy on. With FOC having passed already, stores may have done just that.
Here is the solicitaion:
The Marvel Comics event of the year makes landfall in the world of the wicked web-slinger as Venom gets swept up in Malekith’s campaign to take over the Ten Realms!
But Malekith has designs for the sinister symbiote…and they may prove fatal!
When we last saw Eddie Brock he was separated from the Venom symbiote. The symbiote walked off on its own. The solicitation makes it sound like this issue would focus on the separated Venom symbiote, however it is an Eddie Brock story.
Spoilers follow so only read if you do not mind spoilers:
Eddie and Dylan are on the run. The War of Realms crossover is in full effect and Eddie is being chased by dark elves type creatures. Eddie and Dylan make it to. Safe house where they are confronted by a witch. The witch offers Eddie a dream crystal that makes weapons.
Eddie dreams a new Venom. Not an alien, not a symbiote, not one that talks in his head, but an all-new, all-different Venom.
And it is angry. It brings out the rage in Eddie. Rage that is all his own.
Venom #13 is available in a regular and Asgardian Variant
And no, the new Venom does not appear on the cover. He is a very different looking version.
Nice. This could be good. Bet there will be store variants.
It’s after FOC so not sure there will be.
Which makes it way more sweeter if it does heat up. The old saying of.. “Less is More!” tends to be true from time to time.
Absolutely. I wish I bought more than 10. I just remember hearing them open it to store variants about a month ago.
Nice write-up! Thanks for sharing!
Any time.
They had a new symbiote in Venom first host #3 and it didnt heat up so not sure this will.
Not saying it will. Just to be on the look out for it. Also, the First Host one did. It stuck around. If this one does, it has a better chance of gaining traction until they go back to the classic.
Wait till Sleeper bonds w/ Dylan….
Like the next issue cates writes.
I fully believe there will be a kid Venom but think since the symbiote is the actual father Dylan will not bond, it is already in him.
Great theory. I like your thinking there. Venom #7 and #9 are ghosts in my area right now, except for a few marked up copies of #9. I found a #7 2nd yesterday. I didnt know a 2nd existed for that book.
Knull comes back (or substitute in The carnage story) and something is going to make Dylan symbiote-out.
Tony, is this a 1st appearance in #13, 1st FULL in #14 thing?
No it’s fully the first appearance of the new costume it appears multiple times on multiple panels through the book
I’m voting for it being a much sought after comic. No qty Variants with the issue to encourage over ordering and the solicit text doesn’t lead you to believe what’s inside is actually inside.
• The Marvel Comics event of the year makes landfall in the world of the wicked web-slinger as Venom gets swept up in Malekith’s campaign to take over the Ten Realms!
• But Malekith has designs for the sinister symbiote…and they may prove fatal!
Rated T+
This one’s all Eddie and not being an alien symbiote should be free from knull, that god things influence. 1st Savage Venom if my vote counts and the name sticks. The alien symbiote left in issue 12 and is on someone else right now on the last page of #12 walking away so it looks like we have two Venoms at large so it’s time to break out the cool adjectives to tell them apart as we speed toward Maximum Carnage with Maximum Venom’s already in place now.
I should also add the Advance PDF was missolicited as Savage Avengers #1 so it may not have been supposed to be out on the street yet and many stores may think they were reading Savage Avengers #1 like I was until Anthony caught the error at Diamond. Also, Venom 13 is still available through Diamond for now since most of us were ordering the wrong book due to the mistake in the Diamond Daily.
Yeah. Hopefully you can correct your orders on Savage Avengers #1 based off the error.
Already adjusted the order total back down. I’ve got a walk-in considering a cheap presale bundle on all the covers that might have me go back up but not until he confirms. Diamond just sold out of Asgard variants for Venom #13. I only had 2 on order. I did get the standard cover increased in time.
Any guesses who’s got the other suit seen walking away with it on the last page of Venom #12? Flash again? Bruce Banner maybe?
I always thought that it was a new hostless Venom and that’s why it had trouble speaking. 1st hostless Venom??? Sounds like a cupcake.
The symbiote definitely selected someone with a male build in the image from the last page below. Only people I know wearing hoods are types like Banner and the Weapon H powered down. People who don’t want to be ID’d. With the One Above Them All in one book and the One Beneath Them All in the other book it’s only a matter of time before the two gods clash and we get a mixer with Hulk and Venom that gives a reason for Hulk to have the Alien symbiote on. I’ve got a dozen more Venomized Hulk pops coming in Tuesday to be on stand-by for the event when it occurs.
The symbiote didnt select anyone. It took a human form to blend it. ***shakes head***
You are priceless, Monopoly. Your commentary is quite rich. ***also shaking head (for different reasons)***
Correct. The symbiote was on its own after 12.
Flash is dead.
It’s Marvel, wait 5 minutes and they’ll be back. Didn’t Cable just die to immediately have a younger Cable and a SonofCable show up?
Great catch! i completely missed the preview and didnt know about this. Upped my order on Cvr A.
Yes to all the above, symbiote is on its own and made itself look human. Question is who will be its next host?
That’s my question who is that on the last page, is it a solo Symbiote? Kid Symbiote concerning Dylan? What if Knull uses him for his bidding? How about Venom 165? What play if any does that book have. I’m for sure getting multiples of 13.
I can see that interpretation now also. It appears to me it’d just touched and absorbed onto someone passing on a street that’s packed with people and busy.
Street looks pretty empty to me.
It’s fun to speculate, but Sometimes the artist doesn’t have all the details and will exercise some creativity which could be misleading if paying too close attention.
That’s the part that threw me looking at the brick pattern changes implying that he’d merged with the wall and in a rather scary manner snuck some tendrils out at a passerby he may have been stalking from a point further down the wall. Beware the shadows and what can creep out of them when you aren’t looking!!!! I’m actually looking forward to #14 for some clarification.
That’s what throws me visually.

Panel 1, human form starts to break up.
Panel 2 goo strands merge into wall
Panel 3 tendrils reach out from the wall further down the street into crowd and contacts male passerby.
To go from human like Venom form to just changing the outer appearance the middle panel wouldn’t be needed, especially showing the legs disappearing almost entirely into the wall when all they’d need was an external coloration change to pants like appearance.
The more I look at it the more I can see it being either case. Some test to clarify would have been nice.
I look at it and see the head of the symbiote turning pointy kinda like the sweatshirt. But I see where it could be seen as blending into the shadow and jumping on a passerby
Either way the important part is we still have TWO Venoms in the mix now meaning we need a cool new adjective like “SAVAGE” to tell them apart. I still have every reason to expect a meeting of Hulk and Venom to occur soon and have the original What If and the True Believers reprint on standby also of the first time they got together.
Don’t forget about the JC Penny reprint
Let’s go with the version that Venom now has the power to go full blown Mystique/Skrull changing his shape, color and appearance. Has he ever had this power before or is #12 now considered the 1st appearance of this new Mystique like power?
If so then what new name would you come up with for this version?
(I had more but no way to write them down wile enjoying a hot bath.)
Eddie’s credited for joining the Savage Avengers, hopefully by issue #2 so he’s got a lock on that adjective I would think.
I don’t think the symbiote brings out the rage in Eddie, the way I read it it sounds like Eddie created it “with” his rage. That’s why it is so violent. Savage Venom would fit that ticket. Here’s to hoping that the name sticks !!
I’m speculating that Venom 14 will be the first app of a new version of a character. The witch gives the dream crystal to that character and how he/she uses it will be interesting. Will they make a new symbiote or give that character more powers ….. or something else completely different.
Diamond has an unpictured Variant for that book also on new items today so I’m thinking they think it’s going to be a big deal issue.
Several new to order variants for the summit. I’m a newbie so do they ship them to you or do I need to head to Vegas and pic them up ?
If I’m going to Vegas you can find me at the roulette wheel ?
My understanding from the past is that when they list them open order on Diamond all stores with Diamond accounts can order them and they’ll be delivered to the stores directly. I even see other convention variants hitting the clearance sales after the events are over. Convention people get them first at the conventions but if it was open order you might want to wait paying jacked up numbers until the stores that didn’t go to the convention get their copies. They advertised a separate pack of variants last week only for stores actually attending.
Those were being given to the stores attending for free to supposedly pay for the costs of attending by selling them.
Yeah I saw those. I’m hoping there are others. Either that or I get “Lucky” on the Casino floor ?
Ah. Yeah.
This is all very confusing.
Venom #13 Standard Cover is now going to Back Order at Diamond which probably will not ship.
I see a 1:25 2nd print variant in this issues future, plus many shop variants of said 2nd print.
It’s already going to 2nd print except there was no incentive for the 1st print.
No item code at Diamond yet. I already have a guess for which page makes the seconds cover. The 1st Printing only has the Asgardian variant and that sold out yesterday. Standard Cover by this morning. If they give the cover I expect for the second I’m ordering a bunch.
Just read DCeased #1 again and enjoyed it even more the second time thru. bumped my order at diamond again for all 3 covers. Drooling in anticipation for #2.
Have u read venom 13?
Yes, but unfortunately I thought I was reading Savage Avengers #1 due to Diamond missoliciting the PDF Friday. I jumped my order for Savage Avengers #1 way up but Anthony caught the mistake yesterday when I had him read it a couple times. Apparently Sunday the correct PDF for Savage Avengers started downloading. I’ve been excited since Friday!!!!!! Now Savage Avengers has been dropped back down and I got to increase my order for standard cover Venom 13’s before Diamond sold out and bought a couple sets at cover price off E-bay to make sure I had a couple extra variants on hand. My hope is the page where we get our 1st look at Savage Venom becomes the 2nd Printings cover so it counts as 1st cover appearance of Savage Venom. That’s a real thing, 1st cover’s right?
Unless he’s on the cover for 14 and that releases 1st. Regardless, both the 1st and 2nd print will probably be sought after if what you say happens. There may be plenty of 2nd print copies it being so early. I don’t think we can go wrong with the 1st print, though. I definitely share your enthusiasm.
#14 releases Est Ship Date 5/22/2019

if they’re reprinting #13 now it should beat 14 to the stores though I’ll need to have an expert tell me which Venom is which between the art for 14 which isn’t final yet and what appears in the PDF for 13 I can’t post.
Ignore that image of #14’s cover. it’s not savage Venom and I expect them to change it after the 13 hits the stands. It even says art not final on the Convention copy of 14 or it may be a story with the other Venom that’s adjectiveless so far.
That also freed up a little $$$ to increase my orders for all 3 covers of DCeased which is the other book I’m excited about and the best DC story I’ve read in years!!!!! I think DCeased is a great story, page after page of shocks, and surprises from front to back. I don’t see it going crazy price quickly but I expect word of mouth to drive up demand steadily, especially if the other issues in the series are half as good as #1.
Here’s the Cover for the Summit Variant of 14
Art not final
The solicitation for #14 doesn’t say which Venom will be in the book either. VENOM #14
(W) Cullen Bunn (A) Iban Coello (CA) Kyle Hotz
• Chaos reigns as Malekith’s campaign to take over the Nine Realms sweeps through Manhattan.
• With desperate battles raging all around them to quell Malekith’s horde, Venom has teamed up with an unlikely group to try to stop Malekith…
• …or die trying.
Rated T+
I have no idea whether 14 will get a total art change after 13 hits the stands or even which Venom to expect in it. I would imagine with Savage Venom heading for the Savage Avengers story it’s possible they could focus on the other adjectiveless one making no cover change needed for 14.
What do you mean on back order meaning it wont ship? So they may change 13? Is it actually a new venom?
It means Diamond has already sold the extra copies they’re sure they have already. By going to Backorder, the extra copies on Back Order will only ship if extra copies turn up which could happen any time after the initial orders are sent for various reasons including returns and accounts that couldn’t pay the COD in time, etc.., other reason and so forth. Frequently this nets nothing and they eventually get cancelled in a couple months or so. Sometimes lightning strikes and an extra 40 copies of Immortal Hulk #3 arrive. Got one that looks good left and a few with minor dings that make great reader copies to go!!!!!!!
It’s a new “Savage” Venom, not an alien symbiote, no voice in eddies head helping to drive and a suit that looks like Road Warriors Hawk and Animal mated with Marrow from the X-Men and this is their Savage Child.
God bless the power of the internet and the speed in which it operates.
I can honestly say that I got several emails and messages from retailers to read the site that ordered extra copies based on this. A lot of retailers do not necessarily read the advanced PDF’s the diamond puts on there because they’re just too busy running the day-to-day operations