Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I know I did, and now am trying to play catch up with the site. Here are the comics from this weekend you should be searching the bins and shelves for.
First up, and one that was mentioned in the comments, and I had planned on bringing up all the same (especially since I couldn’t find them in my local shops anyway) is Justice League #20.
There were three covers on this one. First up is the Right Side Variant. This one is going for between $10-$19
on eBay. Next up is the Left Side Variant
. These are going for between $12 – $18
. Finally is the Center Variant
. This one is all over the map, but recent sales have been trending on the middle to higher end of the $4 – $34 range. There is also a Foil C2E2 Variant
that is still attainable.
So why you may ask? The answer lies in the Spoilers we ran a while ago which talks about the Sixth Dimension, a previously unmentioned dimension in the DC Universe.
Next up is a pair of books from Marvel. West Coast Avengers #9
and West Coast Avengers #10
These feature a new hero names Alloy.
West Coast Avengers #9 is a $15-$18 now after the cheap copies got snatched up. West Coast Avengers #10 is now $17-$20
. (Sets are going for $30-$50).
Alloy, whose real name is Ramone Watts first appears non-powered, in Hawkeye #1 (2017).
So that is it. Hope this gives you a few books to grab in shops over the next couple of days.
This is my favorite column T. The comics are ACCESSIBLE and possible long holds unlike all the incentive ratio and store variant issues that are becomming more the norm each week for heat and quick flips. Thanks for looking out for us average joes.
Great column as always Anthony!
If I can add one more to look for that hopefully everyone knows about now-Blackest Night #7 (1st White Lantern).
Lots of speculation that this is tied into Naomi. Not saying it is, just that if you can find them in the wild, I got one Friday for $3, you can sell them for $15-$30.
Good hunting!
Great pick. Added it to my hint list for today.
Any spoiler spec on Endgame yet? People have seen the advance screenings for critics already. Spoil away!!!!
NFL Draft Spoilers also always appreciated if you have a source!!!!!
Ha. No sources on that.
I’ve got one draft spoiler………..the Redskins will blow their pick again.
I would shoot for Captain America #25 and #34. Other than that not a lot yet.
I actually loaded up on some of these around Civil War time since there was speculation that Cap might die and Winter Soldier took up the reigns then..
And no complaints from readers if people do spill spoilers.. if you don’t want to see spoilers, just sign off from the internet until you see the movie! 😉
Ultimates 25…..just gonna leave it here….lol
For future reference, please make these comments five minutes earlier while I’m still in the comic shop. LOL literally just walked out and can’t turn around now
Turn around, comics are more important than your lame ass day job.. 😉
Ha. Yes it is.
I should have checked it too. Going back later after work. Need to see if I can hold a Naomi 1 anyway and talk to the owner.
I did grab a Thor 390 for $4 earlier today. Looks maybe but shape. Is that still a hot spec?
Thor 390 has some heat.
Selling for about $18 raw. White cover is a killer. First time Cap picks up the hammer.
Sold for $20. VF condition.
Also hit a shop on the drive home and found 2 sets of Avengers West Coast #9/10. Sold one on eBay already for $30.
Been a good day for flipping. Hoping tomorrow brings more.
Actually, I’m writing this at 1:30am so I’m guesd I hope today brings more.
Looks to be around a $25 to $30 book currently..
I need to see if I have this. Not sure I collected Ultimates until this series.
I know I don’t have them and with only one shop in town here that carries back issues, I’m sure they’re all long gone.
The spoilers are out there
I saw a picture of a toy for kids that looks like the Gauntlet on Iron Mans fist. I can’t think of a comic with a tie in yet.
Naomi CGC 9.8 going for $600 as we speak on the bay. And people this comic will die down. I don’t see it
I just listed another Naomi #1 raw for $149.99 + free shipping after I saw another ended sold listing was at that price. 🙂
Is the Naomi 1 B cover doing as well as cover A?
Not from what I have seen… Most recents only put it at the $50 range
People are trying to get more right now for Naomi 1 Final Printing arriving in stores in the morning than I got for my 1B. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=naomi+%231+final+printing&_sacat=0
I had to pair a #4 and a dinged #2 to get my last 1B out the door this weekend.
Sadly no
Sending my 5 copies (2xA and 3xB) into cgc with fast pass tomorrow. Along with Avengers 682 secret variant, 684 and Iron Man 282 (the latter getting pressed and special marvel labels for fun).
All have legit 9.8 potential. Very exciting. And paid cover or less for all except the iron man which i got on eBay for like $30.
Btw, I fully expect there to be a glut of Naomi’s 9.6s and 9.8s hitting eBay over the next 2 months…so not sure if this will last. But the multiples of $100 should be there until the series wraps up. Fortunately I’m doing fast pass no press on my five…cgc estimates a 9 day tat, but convention season is starting….gotta get ahead of the rush!
Hit up one shop today. My honey hole. For $10 I got a Angel #0 Thank you Variant. Bloodstone #2 (great cover and a $10 book). Action Comics 1006 (an $8 book and rising) and West Coast Avengers #10 see post above. I picked up 2x WCA #9 and #10 last night.
Love this column. Grabbed a set of the Justice League #20 / Exiles #2 and two copies of Exiles #3 all for cover price from my local shop today
Exiles 2 is another great one. First new Valkyrie. They killed the old one off last issue of War of the Realms and are loving towards the movie version.
My LCS had 6 exiles #2. Picked up one. See what happens. Also grabbed action 1006. Thanks guys and gals!
Thought the same thing, but then they put out that teaser for Jane Foster: Valkyrie. I have one, but not buying any more 2’s for now.
TFAW still has West Coast Avengers #10 available for anyone who can’t find locally at your shops.
Ughh.. well, they did. By the time I saw them available to the time I posted link, gone.
I looked last night and didn’t see them.
Either it was a glitch or they had just one left cause my page showed the order button and not out of stock. Oh well..
They could have found some.
Tis true.. but tis is also true they found and they sold that quickly. 🙂
naomi 3rd final prints are sold out at t.f.a.w. was told to call back on Thursday.need to serch for those jla #20s.will have a new hidden gems for tony tonight love ya all blind adam out
Did anyone realize the White widow 2nd print was finally released for 4/24
Yes now we have to see how long issue to takes to come out
But I did pre-order the set from Midtown
love this column as well. added them to m list..
My list is ever increasing
Nice! Thanks.
Nice new column. Hope it stays around.