So in order to spare people from reading any spoilers from the Avengers Endgame movie (Thanks BJ for the idea), this post is setup and intended for sharing spoilers, speculation on books from the movie, etc.
So if you don’t want to see, read or hear about any movie spoilers, just avoid this post and maybe turn off/ignore notifications until you see the movie if you get them via email (for those that get email notifications on comments).
So here’s a list to start off with from some of what’s been said in the Wednesday Open Forum:
Infinity Gauntlet #1 – Main book Infinity War and Endgame is based around. It saw initial heat but it’s seeing more sales recently with the new movie out again.
The Avengers #257 – First Nebula Appearance.
Invincible Iron Man Vol 2 #10 – First Rescue Armor.
Incredible Hulk #377 – First appearance of Professor Hulk.
New Avengers #27 – First appearance of Hawkeye as Ronin but according to Alana, very small appearance, probably won’t heat up since it’s apparently a brief showing of the Ronin outfit and alter ego.
Silver Surfer #44 – 1st Infinity Gauntlet.
Avengers #12 – Iron Man yields the Infinity Guantlet.
Captain America Vol 5 #25 – Death of Captain America.
Thor #390 – Captain America is worthy after all!
If I missed any from what’s been mentioned, let’s post them in the comments. Post spoilers, spec worthy news or whatever you want regarding Endgame here.
Captain America vol. 7 #25.
Would you quit pumping misinformation. You know damn well its Captain America Sentinel of Liberty 8
The funny thing is, neither one of the plots where Sam becomes Captain America in Cap #25 and Sentinel #8/9 seem to relate to the movie plot.
One should note, in Sentinel 8/9, Sam just steps in briefly while in Cap #25, it setup Sam/Falcon as the actual Captain America cause he had his own title beginning soon after as Captain America.
Sort of like Batman 366/368. First Jason Todd in Robin costume can Jason Todd officially becomes Robin. Both books tend to be around the same value, I believe. 366 has a nice joker cover while the official announcement is also on the cover of 368.
And chill out monoJ. I’m only pointing out the book that’s got heat right now. All these Sam as Cap books are relevant.
And yes, you are right. Cap America #25 Vol 7 is heating up. Some might see it more officially as Sam becoming Captain America since the title followed him into the next Captain America title. In Sentinel he just took the suit and claimed to everyone he’s Captain America that lasted all one issue. But it’s not to go unrecognized either.
Here’s the only pane in Sentinel 8 by the way.. last pane of the book:
I won’t post all the pics for Sentinel 9 but it starts off like this:
And it’s pretty much Sam as Captain throughout the entire book until Steve comes back.
I really do think all three books in both titles are pretty good long term spec books. Cap 25 does indeed set him up but one can’t deny he is in Caps uniform and doing his job in Sentinel of Liberty. I have said this before, I think Sentinel 8&9 is taking a bit of a back seat because a lot of collectors out there don’t even know about it. It’s what, roughly twenty years old and been sitting in bargain bins for the longest time. None of the above are bank busters. Get all three, I say.
Reviewing them today as well (Sentinel title), the art and story seems more like a kid story than anything else as well. It’s got a lot of cheese factor in it..
Oh, the books are very 90’s to be sure! Exaggerated anatomy… Early digital coloring. What’s not to love!
Yeah, the late 90s weren’t the greatest for comics. I’m kind of glad I discovered girls around 1994 and dropped out of the comic collecting only to pick it back up after I got married with kids..
Aint that the story of all ur lives? we work so hard to meet a girl and not seem too nerdy and then 10 years later we are on the couch with our captain america t-shirts on and bellies hanging out while the kids are jumping on the sofa !
I sold my collection back in 93′ cause the girl i was dating thought they were childish…. now days my wife is gun ho about SDCC and getting ” Exclusives”
? cheers to that! Same situation here!
CGC recognizes CA #25 as “Sam Wilson becomes the new Captain America” whereas CA Sentinel of Liberty #8 – hmm – just a blank.
Maybe its because just because someone puts on the Cap Suit and calls themself Captain America doesnt make them Captain America.
Hey everybody, look at me! I’m Captain America! Outta my way!
Are we sure that was Falcon and not Naomi as Captain America?
Too soon? Nah..
Could be but we all know that whatever CGC/CBCS recognize that is what counts from a $ perspective
I don’t see them as a final authority on anything except maybe authenticating a book to be legitimate and not counterfeit. Even their grades they slap on the label is just an opinion.
if you wish to go that route then authenticating that a book is legit is also just an opinion.
anyway – in this case your opinion does not matter – what matters is that many people look to what CGC/CBCS recognize as first appearances
Well, that’s not an opinion though if they’re using certain criteria to prove the book is not counterfeit or fake copy. It’s either true or false, not “I think it’s real” type of scenario.
As for grade or what they slap on the label, that’s all opinion for the most part (because there have been cases when a graded book gets cracked out, resubmitted for a grade and comes back a different grade than it was previously). The portion of the label that states first appearance or other information is just that, just for reference or information and it is a subject of opinion if they’re claiming a first appearance when the market could say otherwise or the creator says otherwise, etc.
As for people relying on CGC or CBCS or any other grading company that slabs books for first appearance labels, they really shouldn’t if you ask me. That means they’re buying the slab and not the book itself, which I think is the wrong approach but I will say this, that’s my opinion so to each their own when it comes to buy
Thor #390
Cap gets the hammer. I doubt we see Sam again maybe in Young Avengers but would make more sense to use American Chavez since it’s Young Avengers not middle aged already been I. 5 movies Avengers.
My Nm/NM+ clean white cover sits on eBay right now for $60. Wondering if I have it priced too low…
Ungraded NM copies seem to be selling between 45 and 55 so you are right there.
Worst part and still irks me is how can Gamora be saved and returned by grabbing a Gamora from the past but when Red Skull says there’s no way of coming back after be sacrificed and this is why they didn’t grab a Black Wodow out of the timeline to replace herself. MAJOR GAPING PLOTHOLE.
She wasn’t, she disappeared after the finale. She wasn’t with the Guardians at the end so technically she’s still dead.
What about how Thor went to the past and took the hammer from the past.
Captain America took it with him when he went to return the stones. Assuming he would be returning Mjolnir as well.
There’s tons of pictures out of what looks like a Professor Hulk toy. I saw a picture yesterday of what appears to be Iron man’s Hand inside a Gauntlet for kids to wear that may be by Hasbro about to get announced and Avengers #12 just had a sale for $33 counting shipping so that might be a legit spec that Iron Man wears the gauntlet in the film. I have not seen the film yet.
Both Hulk and Ironman wear the gauntlet for about a second I don’t think that second will push too much demand for the gauntlet wearing books. Same with the changing of gear hammer for cap and shield for Sam I don’t think it is that big of a deal. All this books will end up like the Antman Hawkeye trick shot cover high now and a $10 bill in a year.
I wouldn’t put these as lasting long either for the spec market for who wears the gauntlet. Yeah it’s cool but story line type of firsts don’t last long on the hype train..
I think the Iron Spider suit 1st might see an uptick way cooler than anything the black suit has every done.
I remember I thought for sure ten years ago Peter Parker # 16 with Venom and Sandman teaming up would jump in price after Spider-Man 3, and it was probably still a quarter book when the movie came out lol.
I feel the same way. Bought those gauntlet wearing books months ago for cheap. Only bought one of each so I will just keep them in the pc.
Cool slideshow of a ton of Endgame toys with more to come I suspect.
I have not seen the movie but have read spoilers as I don’t mind them (sometimes I have more fun knowing what is going to happen). It sounds really fun and full of call-backs to past flicks thanks to extensive time-travel.
I’m the same. Spoilers usually don’t spoil the movie going experience for me either.
The closest theater almost never has superhero movies showing with start times after 7PM so it’s impossible to get to see most movies without a long trip to a big city. I end up buying them anyway Blue Ray at what’s less than the cost of a ticket and popcorn. I might make an exception for this one and do both but once again the closest theater has 3 showings Friday and Saturday with only one starting after 8 and the best day for me would be Sunday evening they only offer 2 showings earlier in the day start times. It’s like they literally do not want my money.
I love spoilers, especially if I get on the band wagon early enough and make some extra cash because of them!
Sweet round up of all the comic specs! Been lookin for weeks for a place that has em all. Thank you!
Ultimates #25…….the Hulk with the Gauntlet
Yup yup. We’ll try and get whatever is mentioned in the comments in the post itself as well.
The 1:25 variant is pretty cool with Hulk on the cover wearing it. Was a $10 to $15 book a couple of weeks ago.
The entire plot of the movie is already posted on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is boring though, post stuff here.
I bet Wikipedia doesn’t have the Easter eggs posted that should be getting found all weekend leading to more spec. PET AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!! (I don’t know this but have been hoping ever since I saw Howard in the Guardians movie Easter Egg)
Any Naomi sightings in the movie so far?
Yes, every African American girl has been classified as Naomi’s first MCU appearance..
Fun fact, Moon Girl #1 is actually Naomi’s first appearance. Neither Marvel or DC was even aware of that!
Glad I already have a 9.8 cgc!
I read the Wikipedia page, it’s pretty brief plot but definitely spoils the movie so don’t go reading it if you don’t like spoilers.
That goes over the general plot and story but doesn’t seem to dive into comic speculation. That’s really the point of this post and forum.
They’re Nazis on Wikipedia, the “mods” on there take themselves more seriously than comic nerds.
I really think Nebula and Rescue take the cake for any spec. Nebula is basically the main character of the film and actually two characters in the movie. Rescue basically takes up the mantle as Ironman with Tony’s death. I’ve watched the movie 4 times now and still can’t stand professor Hulk.
Origin of Nebula is Avengers #260.
I thought that issue was just more of her being an antagonist in the story, not much of a back story. I’ll have to check it out but not sure how much of a spec that one would have to relating to Endgame.
To clarify, I wasn’t stating that it has anything in it relating to Endgame – was just saying that if Nebula’s popularity grows because of the film, new fans may chase down her key books.
I gotcha.. but like I said, can’t recall this being an origin story. I know there was some flashbacks in issue #259. I did a quick review of the book and the cover says “Stunning Secrets of Nebula” but there’s not much of origin story in it.
#259 dives a little bit into her past but not too much. I’d say #257 through #260 are all good pickups for Nebula early books.
257 is first appearance
Yup. Mentioned in the main post as well.
wait, how have you seen it four times already?! i thought it just came out today! you must have superpowers.
and the way they treated black widow bothered me, too. not just the gaping plot hole either; she wasn’t given her due respect at all. they cry for a minute on a dock then basically don’t mention her again. but iron man get’s a huge funeral where everyone in the mcu shows up? really lame.
but i loved the movie.
Shes watching it in the not so legal way….
I thought she had time travel capability…which was also why she has “speculation” powers.
I did but ran out of Pym particles and have been stuck in this timeline. Poyo It’s not illegal to stream a loan education video at least that’s what it was titled.
So really there is nothing new/hasn’t been on the radar for quite some time honestly. None of these books are a surprise for any of us are they? Yes, the prices are now higher & it’s time to flip, but any places I go to were cleaned out of these long ago.
I haven’t seen anything that is a “future” spec at this point? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
For me..the biggie at this point will be the 1st hint of what big direction will we see next!
Please note..I’m still loving every minute of this discussion!
The biggest surprise of the movie is the death of Black Widow didn’t see that coming with her solo movie on the horizon.
I heard her movie will be based in the past prior to all of this stuff.
Also kind of shocking is the power level of Captain Marvel she is stronger than every superhero in the MCU combined and easily handles Thanos on two occasions kinda making everyone else there fighting kinda pointless. She could of just handled Thanos at anytime during the last ten plus years of films.
Love me some Brie Larson.. she can come handle me anytime.. Oh snap, did I say that out loud?
I’m sure there is a Hollywood “#protest” in your future now
also agree on this point, alana. when she FINALLY comes to help she destroys the ship in like two seconds and handles b’ness all over the place. for me, it really took the steam out of the battle. still, great movie and great ending.
Also, please take my above comment as a huge compliment to this amazing site versus a complaint.
Seriously, everyone of these books has been discussed/recommended over the course of the last couple of years.
Huge thanks to all of you! The only book I don’t have is that Thor only because I never found it cheap around here & not because I wasn’t aware of it.
I think thats the point of this post, you may have known about professor hulk was gonna appear in it, but now we have confirmation on it. Same with the knowledge of the brief Ronin spec. And nobody knew about the Thor book. Believe me, Ive been searching for some kind of round up of Avengers endgame comic speculation, this post here covers it all! Thanks CHU!!!
Cap doesn’t die we just assume he’s dead soon. He returned all the stones in the end and instead of coming back he stayed with Peggy and grew old so we see him in the present as a very old man and he gives the shield to Sam after Bucky sees Cap sitting on a bench.
So this is now a REAL possibility for an upcoming Deadpool movie to include!!!!!

I’m so glad all my favorites can play together now in future movies.
And before anyone looks up Tony’s daughter she doesn’t have an appearance in comics as far as I’ve researched.
exiles 2 ? ultimates #25 ?
oh and a-force #1?
Besides time travel they also show the ability to age or de age people with the same machine. I think this preludes to something in the next phase of films, Could be used to turn old man Logan into a young Wolvie lol
It also seems the Young Avengers books, with the exception of issue 1, have not taken that big of hit. Last #6 and #12 that were sold where still in the mid-$20.00 range. Considering Kate Bishop is not in the movie.
I feel like saying “did this happen or that happen? Did so and so do the thing and was that what we thought it was in then trailer?”
But I’ve decided I should just go see it. ?
My brilliant white 9.4/9.6 Thor 390 just sold for $60. Someone must be at the theatre and been like “Damn, I need that comic where that thing happens!!”
Haha…. Or some comic flipper is buying books at premium and they lose money thinking it will go up more….. Either way you won and thats all that matters.
Moved a Fine and a VG+ in the last two hours for a combined $56
Captain America: Steve Rogers #1. The hail hydra issue.
Asgardians of the Galaxy #1
I thought Asgardians of the Galaxy #1 was a War of the Realms spec book? Something in the movie with the baby involved?
Same question for Captain America: Steve Rogers #1. What’s the movie tie in spec? I thought he was time travelling and ending up old, not a young brain washed murdering Jack Flagg Hydra pimp daddy.
It’s a silly tie in but he says Hail Hydra to the agents in the elevator. The call back to the Winter Soldier elevator scene.
mycomicshop has it up in price to $9.60 now so maybe it’ll get my last 1st print copy out the door and some 2nd’s assorted covers.
at the end thor refers to himself and the others on the ship as the “asgardians of the galaxy”.
I had the wrong series in my head with the baby anyway. AOTG #1 is sold out at Diamond but the ASGARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #1 2ND PTG LOLLI VAR is still in stock with Nebula on the cover. Ordering some right now.
Don’t forget Captain America uses Thor’s hammer in Fear Itself #7. Regular issue, a 1:10 and a 1:25 variant. Might gain some heat meaning a good flip if you can find it cheap enough.
It was the first time he was captain America while wielding it. Thor 390 he was just the captain.
Just sold my last copy. $28 counting shipping.
‘Wonder what Cap ended up doing with Mjolnir. Maybe we’ll get a limited series about his adventures in time.
(And geez – no love from the Russo Brothers for Vision? For such a powerful character in the comics, he’s not much more than an inconvenient love interest for 3 movies before he gets whacked. All the different ways for someone to survive death or come back from the dead – but only if you’re an organic person
I agree… Age Of Ultron we got badass Vision… By the next movie he was just a weak droid overcome by his emotions.
Definitely get Sam as Cap, Rescue, first Nebula, Exiles Valkyrie, Hawkeye Ronin.
Don’t think that Hulk / Iron Man wields Infinity Gauntlet & Cap wields Mjolnir are long term specs.
I know where there are about 10 copies of exiles #2….and I’m struggling whether I should grab them when I’m trying to keep my expenditures under control….spent probably $200 in comics this week alone….May go back and grab the best 3 copies using cash from sales of this weeks flips.
Grab ’em! Tessa Thompson’s Val is now the new ruler of MCU Asgard. Exiles Val might get more exposure soon.
And also get Professor Hulk.
I’m waiting until we get the new title.. Professor Immortal Hulk.. cause we demanded it!
Sold a newsstand variant (1st prt) VF/NM copy of 377 for $25 a few days ago. Surprised I even found it in a bin the other day.
On the other hand I came across like 10 copies of hulk 372 (return of the green hulk) and 393 (green foil cover). I bought the best looking green foil they had for nostalgia.
I’m thinking immortal professor hulk will be the name….so it they can make a few more sales off a “new” character.
Rescue is clearly on the uptick again.
Sweet! Haven’t checked the trending prices yet.
Listed my lowest grade copy of Cap #25 (2014) as NM- (9.2) this morning for $28 shipped and it’s already sold. Going to list a NM or better copy later maybe for $50…..see what happens.
When I have multiples of something in various grades I usually put one on eBay to test the market or as as a means to flag when an issue is heating up. I’ll price it above recent sales by 10-20 percent and when it sells I know to keep a closer watchful eye on things.
This one clearly tripped the wire as NM sales were in the $25 range yesterday.
Hey- for anyone that saw the movie…during the Iron Man funeral there’s the pan to all the various avengers- who was the kid standing behind the scarlet witch/falcon/winter soldier group? Thanks!
i was pretty confused by that kid, too. the shot went here, hero, hero, hero, who the eff is that guy?, hero, hero…
I think it was the kid from iron man 3. The one who helped tony then got the sweet stark lab in the garage. That was the only person I could think it would have been.
Anyone know what issue his first appearance is in? Iron Man 3 Prelude 1 or 2? or at all?
don’t forget captain America #34.bucky&the falcon are getting a Disney plus show.Going to see the movie soon.think I am going to hunt for the wizard world captain America #25&try and find my twenty copies of thor #390. love you guys blind adam out
Hoping you see this first, but mycomicshop has WWLA Cap 25 for $6. I have two copies of it already, I can’t believe how dead this cover is compared to the regular.
Will Fear Itself #7 get any love?
$3.20 at mycomicshop right now and the hammer holding is hidden inside instead of the cover so most will not know to look for it and the one’s that do will probably clean out the cheap copies first. It needs some scans of the actual page floating around to get it some attention. I suspect lots of people haven’t actually seen the movie yet either. The closest theater’s only showing after normal people get off work doesn’t start until 8:15 so it looks like another round of midnight shoppers again like last night except with a lot more theaters participating tonight than last.
A little love at last. One $10 copy plus shipping finds a home.
Yeah I was waiting till after the weekend to post pics of Cap. Since he almost quotes the same thing.
I just saw it. I thought the beginning was not that good, until they went to the past to get the stones that’s when it picked up. Then from there it was great. Once again the Hulk sucked.
They have not done the hulk right. At least IMO.
Which is a shame cause Ruffalo is a great actor. When they start doing mostly CGI for Hulk and he has more speaking parts, it’s just not gonna be as good. I prefer my Hulk as the simple minded monster that knows Avengers and doing good from bad guys.. keep him like that and you likely win with Hulk.
I like Ruffalo in somethings, But he always looks like he is going to cry. I do need to rephrase my post. Hulk in Ragnorak was awesome.
They did do a better job of him in Ragnorak for sure. If I was Banner and turned into a big green scary monster.. I’d probably be on the verge of crying all the time as well..
Ragnarok was the best Hulk we have had to date
Don’t forget about the old tv series.That’s still my favorite Hulk. Ragnarok and the first Avengers are a very close second. .
I’m hearing Phoenix and New Mutants who already had their release dates pushed back multiple times may get nixed completely by the all mighty Mickey and never released even though both are finished and in the can.
From all reports that sounds like a good thing
Dark Phoenix is definitelycoming out in 9June. They played the latest trailer before Endgame.
I was hearing New Mutants might go straight to streaming. Which would be a bummer. It looks like Fox took Marvels strategy of genre mixing to the mutants.
I believe New Mutants, but what did you hear about Dark Phoenix? That I want to see.
this is just a total guess on my part, but “if” there is going to be a Hulk/She Hulk TV sow and Ruffalo will be in it I can’t see him doing more than voice over work due to the money he commands…with that I could totally see Hulk changing into Mr. Fixit for the show at some point. They haven’t used the grey Hulk yet and Mr. Fixit is just itching to introduce himself!
I’ve always thought first professor Hulk is when he returns to the grey Hulk. That’s when he was first is able to talk normal as the Hulk. He is a little weaker in this grey form and that’s why he later becomes green Professor Hulk to restore his lost power.
Phoenix won’t be cancelled. We see the trailer in the previews before endgame.
That movie is coming. New mutants on the other hand not too likely.
Disney reportedly said New Mutants was a go.
During Stark’s funeral they focused on some kid for a second standing alone. Does anybody know who he is? I don’t think I’ve seen him before.
It was the kid from iron man 3 grown up.
Blonde kid at Tony’s Funeral. I think he was the kid from Iron Man 3. I reckon new Iron Man.
No love for Avengers Vol 1 #16 for the “Avengers Assemble” cover?
I’m not sure how that would apply to this movie since he’s holding the shield instead of the hammer. I thought they missed a great chance two movies back to have “Cap’s Kooky Quartet” together for a fight scene but instead just killed off Quicksilver for no real good reason other than Fox was also using him.
Coz Cap finally said those words in the MCU, being the ultimate nod to that call of which the cover is the most prominent.
The scene that got me pumped was when Captain Marvel was going to make the run with the Gauntlet and all the females showed up. Gonna put A-Force 1 and Fearless Defenders on my female team-ups list.
I’ve got complete sets of both A-Force series but until mycomicshop runs out of “Discounted $1” copies there’s not much sense in putting them up.
Damn. At a buck, I’m buying up what I can. I honestly thought more would come of Singularity, so I’ve hoarded #1 cover A as well as all the variants (Bartel, Hughes, Molina).
Just sold a lower grade copy of Thor #390 Mark Jewelers for $60. People are loving that book right now!
I sold a very high grade copy for $60…not looking back. Paid $12 the day before to acquire.
I just don’t see these prices lasting for long term (Avengers 12 & Thor 390). Not even past a few weeks. They’ll likely be minor keys, but once the movie nostalgia wears off and people start dumping copies realizing the peak has been reached they’ll settle to 25-50% what they are demanding now.
I don’t see Thor 360 holding the full value it is getting right now for too long. It wont go back to where it was last week though. I think it has established itself as a bit of a key/semi key now but I to think in the coming weeks it will go down a bit and then be one of those comics consistently but slowly increases in value… $60 for a $15 investment? I’ll take that all day every day!
Sorry if it has already been mentioned but do we think there will be any movement on Fear itself 7 as it is modern book where captain uses Mjolnir and has the shout of Avengers assemble?
I was hoping so. I only bought a few but doesn’t seem to be a ton selling. I don’t think all that many know about it.
From what I’ve seen, Avengers 12 appears to be the biggest winner thus far out of everything . Really jumped quickly & continues to climb.
Biggest winner from Endgame is Shang Chi who’s movie in phase 4 was quietly confirmed in the middle of all the Endgame release buzz.
Oh that’s pretty awesome. Picked up three nice looking copies of Special Marvel edition #15 last year when the rumors first hit. Chi has always had a small but loyal following so even before most people had the book on their radar it wasn’t all that cheap. Should explode now….I hope anyway.
Shang Chi was already up there because of the movie rumors and even further back Netflix show rumors with iron fist. Weird that Phase 4 they choose Shang Chi, Aforce and the Eternals. If it was up to me it would of been Silver Surfer Xmen and F4.
I know! I was only able to find one copy of #12 before it took off. I was thinking about selling it when prices were at $40 but it keeps going up. I am starting to wonder if this is one of “those” comics that become iconic and stays hot, basically becoming and staying a key…or if it will cool off and fade away. I think people like the cover so that helps. Time will tell. The other big winner for me anyway has been Captain America Sentinel of Liberty 8&9. Made some nice profit off of books I was buying for $2 not long ago. Thor #390 did good too.Those may have some staying power as well. So far Fear Itself #7 where cap uses the hammer and Ultimates #12 1:25 variant showing Hulk wearing the Infinity Gauntlet have not been nearly as hot.
Love it when I already have a book in my possession when it gets heat. Real easy to just go on ahead and list that sucker.
Sold an avengers 12 for $64. Paid for my family’s tickets.
Can’t believe we are at a point in time where it costs over $50 to take a family of four to the movies. That doesn’t include the $9 popcorn and $4 milkyway. Sheesh!
Oh yeah they have movie theatre candy at the dollar tree. Put this in your purse woman and keep it shut!
For the big movies like Endgame, we goto iPic where it’s just around $112 for a family of 4. At least that includes popcorn. But it’s worth it from time to time for the big event movies.
Sure looks it!…Guess I’m just old, bitter and cheap….and I don’t like kids on my lawn.
Yeah, the first time we went me and the wife were hoping it would suck (due to price of tickets) but man, it ended up being nice. The slight walls around each section of pair of seats is a bit new which just makes it seem like you have the theater all to yourself. If that annoying person pulls out their phone or some talking, it blocks most of that. Plus you get a pillow, blanket and a reclining chair. If you want a drink or food, they bring it to you. The last movie I saw was Shazam in the regular theater, it sucked. People were annoying, loud, made noise, bumped your chair, had to get up to let people out of row.. the old way of movie theaters sucks! I’m happy to spend more now on the iPic experience, makes movie going worth it when it’s movies you really want to see and can’t wait for home viewing.
I owe my wife a date night…will have to look around and see if there any any options like that close to us.Does look like a good way to watch a movie.
The food is pricey though, we always eat before or after. The first time we went we let the kids get candy and it comes in a fancy glass dish.. $9.. $9 for M&Ms!?!?!?!?.. and it was likely the equivalent to a normal size individual bag you get for a buck or so at store. I was like, never again.. just get an appetizer and drink water..
We have an 80inch tv a couch and a jail broken fire stick for an admission fee of zero dollars
I watch most movies at home. Just a few each year I want to have the movie going experience.
I feel bad for my kid she’s been to a movie theatre 6 times when she was a baby the Hangover 2 and the last Harry Potter as a child Star Wars episode 8, Deadpool, Wonder Woman, and Ralph breaks the Internet.
Just took a look on Ebay. An Avengers #12 just sold for $127 and another one listed at $99 but with a best offer accepted. Both were listed in NM and they were, but neither looked like a 9.8 candidate. Without question this is the big winner so far! Wish I was able to score more than one, but congrats to those who got their hands on multiple copies!
Looks like A-Force is becoming a solid $10 book.. lots of Mycomicshop sold listings mixed in there but once cheap supplies run dry, might not be a bad pickup.
Still showing at $1 on their own site and sales of $2.20 on e-Bay.
I may put my 5 and 10 issue sets up later this week if it looks like they’ll at least pull cover price. To be complete would take both sets totaling 15 issues.
Nothing close to cover price showing in sales yet.
Yeah, it’s definitely hit or miss. Just seen some sold at the $10 mark on recent solds. I think as supplies run dry, could be a book to watch for sure.
I’m hoping for Hercules 1982 and 1984 series to take off.
Recorder 412’s first appearance in 82.
Thor’s going out into space with the Guardians.
Hercules went out into space in 82 and 84.
The No Road Home people are sending him out to space again.
It would seem to make sense for Hercules, recorder or both to pop up in the next Guardians movie or soon after.
Momentum seems to be building in that direction for the future for both mediums.
Most of the 1:25 variants are super cheap. Get those if you can. If A-force goes anywhere those will be the ones that make you happy. Very low risk right now.
That 1:25 Singularity headshot A Force #1 I’m always pushing is a solid $50 book now. I got 6 copies I bought for $5 each.
If A-Force becomes a thing don’t let the cheap prices right now fool you into thinking it has little relevance. Eternals a year and a half ago we’re still very cheap books. Now most of them are many, many multiples of where they were. Don’t go nuts unless the Spidy senses are going off but wouldn’t hurt to grab two or three just in case. Cheap spec for most versions of #1.
I agree. If this isnaprt of the future MCU…. These books will definitely pick up in the future.
Right now, for cheap and maybe good, I would go for the # Molina 1:25 variant. Very nice looking cover with all (or most) of the team on it.. I found three for $4 each a few days ago. Just can’t beat that even if the comic does nothing long term. No big loss.
If Singularity is introduce the Hans cover will be freaking huge, but that is and has been a $25 to $40 book. I picked up two a couple years ago when Alana brought it up when they were $15. Have a feeling I will be wishing I bought more but don’t want to pay $40 plus now…Anyway, that Molina cover could be the sleeper hit in my opinion.
I’m sure I am not the only one to think about this, but if Disney is potentially bringing She-Hulk to their streaming service maybe they will be able to bring her to the silver screen. That would be huge for an A-force flick. That is just me thinking out loud though.
Singularity will be seen in the movies before the likes of silk, doctor aphra, khamal khan, gwenpool, angela, riri, kate bishop, etc. (though I think marvel sent a message in 2015,2016 of what they were planning for 2020 movies and beyond. Aphra has made it through a ton of issues of vader 1 and 32 issues of her own with no stopping, there seems to be a plan). I think we will see a korean white fox in the aforce movie too (contest of champions #1) and I would not be shocked to see Modok and The Maestro as the alpha baddies in the aforce movie (a ridiculous couple of characters that aforce could mock but characters that are ridiculous enough they could fight women without a major feminist revolt)
A force movie was just confirmed by Kevin Feige on The Nerdist live L.A. radio