What Up CHU? Mel V back with your weekly Variant list. This might be the shortest Variants of the Week list ever. Light Week means heavy wallet. Today is a big day for NYC Basketball as a whole, as tonight is the NBA draft lottery and the Knicks have a shot at the 1st pick in this coming June’s NBA Draft ..This could help propel greatness back to NY Basketball ..not for just the Knicks but Basketball in the city as a whole … Fingers crossed……
Any way lets get into the variants
Aberrant Season 2 #2 Cover B Variant Davi Leon Dias Cover – This is an homage to one of my favorite sports cards of all time.. the Billy Ripkin F*** Face card
. You will know why this is a must have for my PC
Spider-Man Life Story #3 ACO Variant – Shout out to my buddy Gary Nusser over at The Comic DeSPECtive for putting me on to the preview pages. The book has an interesting concept, written by Chip Zadarsky, and an interesting spin on Peters past.. worth taking a look ..besides that, it’s an awesome 80’s cover
War Of The Realms #4 Cover G Incentive Greg Hildebrandt Variant Cover – Greg Hildebrandt is a legend. Nice depiction of Thor and his gang in front of Malekith’s head. 1:50 Ratio cover.
Marvel Tales Iron Man #1 Cover B Incentive Jen Bartel Virgin Cover– Probably your best bet to flip variants this week. The Jen Bartel covers have done well in the past. None on eBay right now.