CHU Flash Giveaway – 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank

It’s that time again for a CHU flash giveaway.

Edit: We got 25 comments from 25 people. So comments have been closed, I am drawing the winner now. 

Update: Joel Ramirez is the winner! Congrats. I’ve replied to your comment and emailed you to the email provided in the comment.

Comments are open once again but a winner has been drawn.

This time it’s for a copy of 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1 which recently got a media option. First 25 comments are entered to win. If you comment fast, you’re odds are increased of winning so you have to be on your CHU game.

It wasn’t a bad read, but I think We Can Never Go Home was the better of the two from Rosenberg and Black Mask, which I’m surprised didn’t get an option before this one.

Anyways, again, the first 25 people to comment will be entered to win a copy, which these are now selling for around the $10 range currently.

The Stinking Rules:

  • 1 entry per person. (you can keep commenting, but you only get one entry).
  • Entries are counted as a comment here, on the website (comments on social media like Facebook, Google+ or Twitter are not counted); if you’re a first time commenter do not worry if you’re comment goes into moderation, it will still get counted if it’s before we reach 100.
  • First 25 comments recorded are the people who are entered to win; any comments after the 25th comment are not included. Sorry, it’s a flash giveaway, gotta be on your CHU game.
  • Buyer agrees if international to chip in for shipping costs or it goes to next randomly drawn entrant.
  • Winner will be announced in the comments and I’ll send an email as well (so make sure you fill out a good email address); no response from winner after 24 hours, we’ll select another winner.

Good luck!

40 thoughts on “CHU Flash Giveaway – 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank”

      1. Joel Ramirez, you are the winner!

        Congrats! I have also emailed you at the email you provided with your comment. You have 24 hours (1:25PM CST Monday) to provide me with a good mailing address or we select a new winner.

        1. This is awesome. My weekend just got a heck of a lot better. I really appreciate this and I will appreciate the book! I emailed you back with my address.

  1. 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank and let me win their free #1 comic from Comics Heating Up! ?

      1. Sorry, Seth beat you by seconds from the timestamps on the back end. Seth was the 25th comment.

        Whoops, Seth commented twice, so you are actually in Christian. 😉

  2. Great prize!! Great idea on these flash giveways!! Congrats Joel…..and a big thank you to the generous sponsor (probably Poyo)!

  3. im too late, i was just reading a copy of this comic and i like to get into character so it took me a while to get my balaclava off

    1. They truly are spur of the moment giveaways. I found that in a lockbox when sorting, forgot i had it. Was gonna list to sell but figured a giveaway was due.

    2. Holy cow…I was like 6 hours off…what was I doing 6 hours ago? Oh, repairing a fence that a tree took out over a year ago, cause the dog finally figured out it could sneak under the temporary fence I had put up and a bunny kept chewing holes into it as well…

      Took me so long to repair it because I had to get out my chain saw to cut it up…and that was a chainsaw I got for x-mas 3 years ago and had yet to take it out of the box!

      It’s also the 3rd tree that’s taken out my fence since we moved in 10 years ago (he first tree fell the first night in the house!). And that’s despite having about 20 trees removed already…and we don’t live in a forest!

  4. Dang it. Missed it again. You gotta tweet it sooner Anthony! ? Lol
    Congrats in advance to the winner!!!

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