Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 244th edition of the open forum!

Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site.

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?

194 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. heard the printing canto #1 was messed up pretty bad with lots of damage, cover A and ratio. any one else see anything like this

    1. First I heard. Where you hearing this? Sometimes it’s a certain region that’s affected. I’m really looking forward to this book so I hope my pre-orders don’t come damaged or they’re damaged at my local shops.

        1. One of the only two damaged books from this week for me. I’m assuming them dropping the polybagged Transformers 7 with the huge deck of cards on it for shipping was the cause. maybe it was damaged before the shipping. It’s a miracle Batman Damned didn’t cause more damage. Dropped in a partially filled box with regular size comics so all of them got the bounce their way here treatment. Now it looks like the Harley Black Label is going to be oversized continuing the shipping Russian roulette game for an even longer period.

      1. the Fake News hashtag and term is soooo played and tired. It’s also in and of itself, a component of “Fake News” and primarily used by those spreading the “Fake News”. Perfect example is the use of it by the most pompous, fatheaded moron to ever grace the Office of the Presidency.

        Congratulations on participating and perpetuating the stupidification of America

        1. Haha.. to top this, I think it’s been used so much now as the most absurd way of disputing someones stance or facts presented that they have the “Fake News Fallacy” now..

        2. Can we please keep politics AND fake news out of a comic book speculation and hobby site? You don’t like this president, fine. I didn’t like the last one. Who really cares? No one on a comic book site should. Please keep it to the political forums and not on the comic book ones.

      2. Nope 3 stores every store copy I look at had creases running from the spin into the middle of the books, some had colour breaks while others did not. 1 store had 10 copies and all had colour break these are large creases 3 inch at the least.

    2. both of my lcs got damaged copies. one orders 3 copies the other ordered 6. have seen 1 or 2 others talk about it on facebook

      1. Diamond doesn’t have any left to replace my damaged copy with so it went to backorder which means it most likely will never get replaced.

    3. So the shop I went to this morning, they had about a dozen Canto’s and all of them except about 4 were really badly damaged. Doesn’t look like shipping damage but off the press roller type damage across front cover and severe spine damage.

      I also noticed similiar damage on Road of Bones #2.

      1. Just to add to this, I looked at two different copies initially and they were ok, but in looking at others on the rack, many have the exact type of damage you are describing.

        I was really impressed with this book though. I love the art and the story. It’s not often I add things to my “pull list”…this will be one that I do.

    4. The Cantos at my LCS were banged up too.
      I got the best one one they had. Luckily I’m interested in the story. I doubt my copy is flip worthy.

  2. So I have a question or an eBay question. I sold 4 comics. 3 were pretty cheap and the other was a $30 book. He said they arrived damaged. I said ok just return them. Got package today and the $30 book was not returned even though it had the tracking number on eBay. Did I just get played?? Ebay name is comic hunter 713 in Florida.

    1. Sounds like it or they honestly forgot to pack it up. I’d say start off by giving them the benefit of the doubt and send them a note saying the $30 was not in the return package.

      At the same time, start the process of contacting eBay immediately so it shows you’re doing your due diligence.

    2. Absolutely. Let ebay know the situation & send a message to that buyer about the “missing” book so you have a written trail. Him using a tracking # means zilch if all items weren’t returned.
      Sadly, buyers tend to get a large degree of leverage with ebay.

    3. Must likely – yes. Can you reply with the eBay link of the buyer. Would like to add to my block list

      1. I totally want to start a eBay dud list.. list of eBay buyers who are duds who don’t deserve to be on eBay. Perhaps we should start a thread in the forums?

        1. Do it! Start that Dud list! Love the idea! Haven’t gotten scammed “yet”, but those non paying buyers are just as bad!

          1. I just gave him a refund and blocked him. I know it’s only $30 but I just feel scammed. I just wanted to get this out there for people who have more expensive books on eBay.

          2. I sold a book on Ebay, think guy had buyers remorse, sent me message that I sent him damaged book, but then offered to keep it, I had photos of book prior to ship, when I said no, send it back, it was trashed. He ruined the book trying to scam me, Ebay did nothing to protect me from this kind of fraud game.

            1. I will say i package books so robustly there’s almost no chance of damage unless it’s sabotage…

        2. Love the idea….anyone who sells anything, on any platform tied to the internet anywhere would love this. You have to be careful with that though. IE disclosure of information and privacy policy issues on a public site. As it stands right now, sellers have no rights….

          1. Rules would be simple. People post their eBay handle and that handle only. They can’t explain why they blocked them, location, personal information. Just the handle which is already public knowledge cause anyone can browse eBay and find user handles. 😉

            1. Need more than a handle. Need to provide facts – then it is up others to determine what they use that info with. Should be fine As long as no personal info

              1. Your probably right. Handle and then one line description of why…. But anyone can take that handle to go see feedback where sellers should have left a note. Yeah, sellers can only leave positive but the comment doesn’t have to be positive.

    4. Did they send all 4 comics separately? Or did they send them all in one package under a return against he $30 comic?

      How did you package them up? Did you send them in a Gemini or similar mailer, or sandwhich them between 4 pieces of heavy cardboard or other robust means such that damage was unlikely? Also,did they provide pictures of the damaged container?

      I don’t accept returns or offer compensation without seeing the evidence first.

      1. I’ve done the same (with other goods I’ve sold since I’ve been fortunate enough to not have any damaged comics yet). I usually ask for photo and the corresponding package that aligns with the damage. Then if it seems legit, start the return process.

        I’ve sold numerous amounts of hard drives on eBay, you’d be surprised the amount of buyers who try to return a drive that was “damaged or not working on arrival” that wasn’t even the drive I sold them. I kept track of serial numbers. I’ve had some who tried to claim DOA only to retract that they “mixed the drive with another sellers drive they bought” after I tell them they can return it and once I verify the serial numbers match, then they get a refund.

  3. Got some grades back from cgc:
    Batman Beyond 1 9.6
    Howard the Duck 1 1:25 9.8
    Darkhawk 1 3x 9.8 and 1 9.6
    Major x 1 3x 9.6 and 1 9.8
    Uncanny 266 9.6
    Uncanny annual 14 9.6 and 9.4

    Overall I’m pretty happy.

    1. Yes, shipped Fantastic Four 11 and Amazing Spider-man 24 50-50 mix with Carnage-ized Trade Dress Variant. I also got back stock shipped for Symbiote Spider-man #3, Deadpool 14 and Venom 15 and all 3 of those shipped 50-50 today with Carnage-ized Trade Dress. Totally forgot to flip to the last page and read the one page story in FF 11 though. I got so excited by the ending and what’s coming next it slipped my mind. Big fan of Thing vs Immortal Hulk mixers.

  4. This weeks pick ups……

    Moonknight #25 1st Black Spectre

    MoonKnight #188 1:25 1st Sunknight.

    Marvel Premiere #47 1st Scott Lang as Antman

    Harley Quinn #26 1:25 1st Redtool

    Detective Comics #854 1:10 1st Alice.

    Hulk #228 Whitman and regular x4 1st Moonstone prob the real villain of Captain Marvel 2.

      1. Marvel Premiere #47 is a little undervalued in my opinion. Good book to get in higher grade right now.

  5. Just a heads up, some issues tonight with load balancing on the back end. So if you see any delays, pages stop responding, etc, we’re on top of it. Anthony says he’s buying me a beer for all my hard work while you guys beat up the website looking at the spoilers he’s posting.

  6. Check your local GameStops had a whole table of $10 Diamond Gallery Statues normal $40-$70. I picked up Aquaman, Orm, Black Manta, Joker, Squirrel Girl, and Netflix Ironfist all $10 each.

      1. If the gripe is tied to Liefeld, I don’t want to hear it. We should be collectively ignoring him until he goes away. Don’t buy his work.

      2. #@$%^$$# series finished without letting us know who Dreadpool really is. I was sure they were saving it for the last issue and that it would lend some spec potential to Dreadpool’s 1st appearance in issue #1. Apparently Deadpool gets to see Dreadpool’s face but who knows how long it’ll be before Liefield gets around to giving us the origin story.

  7. I wasn’t going to pick anything up this week but then I heard about Marcel Comics Presents #6, so I picked up 3 copies. Tried to get all 6 on the rack but they told me I could only have 2, and negotiated up to 3 lol. Also ordered 2 online at but they limit to one per order so I ordered 2 under my account and my wife’s account, which comes out to like $9 each but whatever, I wanted 2 more just in case…

    Also got back a Hulk 418 from CGC. Bought it for a buck and sent it in without pressing and got a 9.8 White pages 😀 1st Talos, this book is so undervalued.

        1. Yes, I am holding it right now at my LCS which gave me a heads up on this. Wolvie actually says “I don’t know her Colossus…But I am pretty sure she’s my daughter.”

          1. I’m sensing that quite a few places ordered heavy on #5 due to its focus on Venom, but went far lighter on #6. I felt fairly lucky to get a copy.

          1. She has a very small cameo appearance in Issue #5 also (very small..but it’s there all the same). Might as grab it for a set.

              1. Blowing up on eBay now. How did you guys miss this one???? ?

                Grabbed one copy at my LCS at
                Lunch…left one there as it was damaged. Will look for more on the way home.

                1. Flipped my sweet NM+ copy for $25 shipped. May have to go back and get the damaged one…

                2. I’m still waiting to read the 80’s series. I started once but got tired of forgetting the one story by the time I read 3 others in the same book before getting back to it with the next issue. I started trying to read all of just one story thru each issue and then going back to the next, repeat, etc but that got complicated and since they’re cheap books I put it off to the back end of my read everything from marvel ever to do list. The new series I haven’t read since it looks like it has an 80’s feel and I’m still trying to wrap my head around #6’s cover which had me wanting to give it a try just to find out why Wolverine in 80’s costume is on the cover with Ghost Rider in 1990’s costume and Deadpool sporting a nice 2000’s look. I figure it must be a time travel story. I guess now I’ll have to wait for the trade to find out.

                3. Sadly because never anything happens in the series and I skipped flipping through it last night. Mistake on my part.

                4. Whens your due date, Alana? Lol.

                  Alana, that is all in good fun. Im not busting your balls, but, I couldn’t resist with the irony in that statement, with you expecting your lil one. Im a jackass, i know. You know I love you. ?

                5. Missed you say? Because it’s pure FOMO in full effect… kudos to those who grabbed copies and flipped them though. To those who want it.. wait, the price is more than likely going to come down after the hype wears off and more are getting listed on eBay.

        2. Wolverine gets around! His other daughter appears in J2 #5. How many daughters does Wolverine have? How many kids? Talk about a stud!

          1. There’s Daken, X23, Erista, Raze, Wildthing, Hudson Logan, Torrent, Amiko Kobayashi, Bryan Logan, Mari Logan, Kiribati Yoshida, Jimmy Hudson, Scotty Logan, Jade Logan, Hulk Jr adopted kid, Kouen, Gunhawk, Shadowstalker, Fire Knives, Saw Fist, Cannon Foot, Hex 23, Gabby and all the others that came after X23. This new one looks like either Scarlet Witch or Emma Frosts daughter.

            1. Hey. A man can not be held liable for his clones and by no means have to pay child support. Also, Jimmy Hudson and Wildthing are from another universe. Cannot be blamed for that either. And no child support.

              1. So he adopted X-23 even though she’s basically partly his clone, partly her mother, but NOT his real daughter.

                How many are actual biological daughters from this Universe and time?

                1. I forget, is Honey Badger X-23’s clone or from Logan DNA? If it’s from Logan then X-23 has a birth mother and birth mother DNA Honey badger doesn’t. That would make her more of a wolverine clone than X-23 but no relation in terms of daughter since Logan hasn’t adopted her.

                2. In the recent X-23 issues there were an army of clones. All versions of Laura. So add those to the list of Wolverine child support payments.

                3. Gabby is X23s clone. Laura is the genetic template for her ‘sister’. There were at least ten other ‘sisters’ created by Alchemex. We were able to see Gabby, Zelda and Bella in the early ANW series, from a few years ago.

                1. Not exist in what universe? Once created, a comic book character can never truly go away. Kinds like the toothpaste thing.

                2. Watch her be the POWERS OF X #3 (OF 6) WEAVER NEW CHARACTER VAR for 1st Cover appearance in August. I’m still trying to figure out who that is in #2. Looks like Major X has a sisterfromanothermother I just can’t tell whether that’s a straight Cable/Kitty Pryde mix or whether there’s some Illayna Rasputin thrown in.

  8. the awthe awesome powers of do you guys feel about pre selling san diego exclusives?thinking of doing you guys blind adam out

      1. So far PayPal’s been kicking back their fee’s with the refunds even though they advertised they’d be stopping that. Maybe it was a customer back lash or legal concern.

        Either way you can only cancel a couple times a year without E-Bay penalties and you know California is scheduled to have the big one and fall in the Pacific any day now. I’ve been hearing that since the 70’s and although I’d like to ignore it, I just watched that Pompeii movie last month so apparently people who are skeptical have been wrong before historically and I’d hate to see you in trouble with E-Bay when you could have waited to be sure.

        Maybe try something from an east Coast convention.

    1. i generally presell only those that i get from vendors that have presales .. NECA / Mattel etc etc. Necas TMNT Splinter / Shredder is a hot item this year. The He-man set from MAttel is hot as well. (i sold out on both within a few days) . Everything else is a Risk and potentialy having to give customers money back is always a bad thing for your ebay rep. I missed the boat on Hasbro and getting a ticket to be inline early .. kicking myself in the ass on that.

      Comics i wait until i have them in hand because you never know .. you could be slow and miss out.

  9. FYI on the MVP #6’s, the color EASILY rubs even when placing on a board before bagging. Marvel outdid themselves with this one… so I ended up flipping one for $30+ and have another up for a lot more in case someone REALLY wants it… holding on the rest to see what happens.

    1. I’ve been talking about the dreaded “marvel rub” for months….best I can tell it has something to do with he reaction of he ink with the board…it’s not as prevalent with adjacent comics and doesn’t seem to even be a problem with gerber full backs.

      I can’t order a marvel comic online anymore because by the time it gets to me its got major ink loss. And I now double bag every comic in modern/silver age bags to separate the comic from the board just because of this.

  10. Pick ups for the week:
    Marvel Comics Presents #6 (2 copies)
    Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #43
    Batman Damned #3 (Cover A)
    The Goon #3 (cardstock variant)
    Spider-Man Annual #1 (Hidden Gem variant for $25)

    Spec pick ups this week:
    Web of Spiderman #118 (1st Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider VF+ condition) $3

    Was interested in getting IDW’s Canto #1. Went to four different stores and every copy I saw had major spine damage. I must have looked at over 30 copies and didn’t find one that I would want to buy for my collection. Did see the 1:10 variant, but the store had it priced at $60.

    Good hunting everyone.

    1. If enough stores call them in instead of putting them on the shelf then maybe they’d trigger one of those later printings they pretend are a 1st Printing to replace them all. Say something if you see damage so the store knows to report them.

    2. But but.. Canto #1 being damaged is fake news.. 😛

      My shop had 3 good copies, the rest were all damaged really badly as well. And yes, they have a limit of 3. I own all 3. 🙂

  11. I think I was fortunate to get 2 MCP’s #6 and 1 MCP #5 after visiting 3 stores and calling 3 more. I found the supply was definitely limited. I think stores ordered minimal shelf copies and sold out fast as word spread of a 1st appearance. I had been ignoring this series due to the $5 price tag per issue and too much Marvel product in general. Maybe other folks were feeling the same?

    1. The series was sitting around 16,000 copies for earlier issues of MCP. It is definitely a really low modern Marvel print run. Probably 15,000 copies or less.

  12. Anyone else thinks it’s funny that in one day on the shelf Marvel Comics Presents #6 is worth more than any other Marvel Comics Presents book.

      1. I bought one from the bay for $15. Cost me the same in gas to get to the LCS and get a copy with the $5 price tag, if they even have one.

        1. I’ve done the same before. Spend gas + time just to go nab a book or just buy online for a few bucks the same cost it would have to go to the shop myself. I do contract work, I could spend a good hour heading to the shop and spend $5 on a book I can sell for $25 or I can stay home on my couch, work a good hour and net $100 or more for my hourly contract rate… 🙂

        2. I hear ya. My shops sold out before I could get there. I called first so I didn’t waste any time. I’ll wait till the hype runs down and grab one online for $15 or so when the under-cutters start competing for sales. Adding in gas and time trying to find one locally it is just cheaper sometimes to pay the scalping price.

              1. Set’s are already showing for $60 listings for 5 & 6 and already have $35 sales for the two. #5 has disappeared from mycomicshop and E-bay outside of sets. $10 and up potential now. I haven’t peaked at the book yet but if she’s 1st appearancing in #5 it should probably be rising as well.

                1. I sold a set with a 6 with a big spine ding color breaking for $35 last night. People kept throwing out lowball offers but I didn’t take them. It still sold for full price.

    1. Don’t give up on MCP 19 just yet. You never know when they’ll actually get that tv show out the door. it’s still getting good asking prices for something that was in the 50 cent boxes for decades. MCP 175 might be back on top if this one cools down over the next month. Take a deep breath, soak it in and keep chipping away at those rent payments due in 5 days $30 whacks at a time.

    1. Hi guys!! MCP #6 has to have a very small print run to begin with.. Just the one cover, no variants. I was surprised that many bigger LCS I visited today don’t carry the series at all.. Out of the few copies I saw many were damaged, all with the same top spine corner crushed in.. I’m hearing about damages from numerous regions throughout US and CANADA.. As DANIEL P mentioned earlier in the thread, the colour rub was abundant on what undamaged copies remained.. I’m supposed to get 4 copies as damage replacement in two weeks but you never know how these things play out when prices start rising…

      My point of this long winded ramble, is high grade NM copies of MCP #6 are RARE.. Act accordingly when selling, if this character does anything at all it’s gonna skyrocket IMO. Be well friends..✌️

      1. One last thought.. MCP #2 was 18,457 print run.. MCP #3 went up to 29,403 but I’m sure it dropped off. Certainly 15-20k would be an educated guess for MCP #6?? I would assume less than half of that run are high grade as for reasons mentioned earlier.. We’re talking approx 8-10k 9.8 CGC usable print run.. We all know what happens to price when demand increases on a short supply..

              1. Yep MCP #6 about 200 copies have changed hands counting up the sold listings and listings wit multiple copies sold.

              2. I dont recall if I’ve ever seen any book sell 200 copies on eBay in a day let alone a new book at 5x cover. Usually you might see 10-50 copies of the hot book of the week change hands at scalped prices.

                1. After rereading it really looks to be Emma’s daughter. Her claws look to be made of Diamond.

                2. Bat wang did ok day 1 like $15-20. Day 2 it pushed up past $50 after it was mentioned on the late night shows then went to $100 and over time back to $50 or so.

                3. Started at 6 times cover plus getting others off the shelf at cover added in. I’m seeing 10 times cover listings this morning.

                4. Dynamite/Dynamic Forces pulled down Batman Damned by taking all those copies they were going to sell to us CGC’d and offering them for sale directly $50 a copy on their website without the CGCing or anything extra. E-Bay’s not going back up while they have them in stock. (I haven’t checked in a couple months)

  13. Everyone talking about MCP #6 but anyone paying attention to Canto #1? Sales between $15 and $25. The variant is selling as high as $70. With what it seems like a huge majority of them damaged, could end up being the real winner for the week.

      1. Second Print good. I’m going to use the next $30+ copy sold and buy a shelf copy or two of the Second Print and one to read so I want have to wait for the trade. All the 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s and 5’s still on the shelf need something to go with them before the 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s arrive so people starting next month can have a whole story to read.

    1. Were they shipped bouncing around the same box as those oversized damned Batman Damned’s? They don’t fit in the single Diamond boxes so they get dropped on top preventing the divider cardboard from being used to protect the other books.

  14. Now that we’ve sold out of #6 at 7 times cover plus friends along for the ride at cover, the Second Printing has been ordered. Now it’s time to find out what’s up with the story.

    Does it continue into #7?

    I’m assuming if she was seen in #5 then it goes back that far at least.

    Does the Wolverine story begin all the way back at #1?

    Any reason to bump orders for #7 other than maybe an origin story?

      1. Never mind. Found an article with a ton of images from all the relevant parts for the whole series at that place you hate.
        “So… Wolverine’s Daughter. First appearance as narrator, Marvel Comics Presents #1. Conceived in Marvel Comics Presents #3. First on-panel appearance Marvel Comics Presents #5. First claws-out Marvel Comics Presents #6. And maybe a naming in Marvel Comics Presents #7.”


                Now this is total Marvelitizing with a 25 qty 2nd Printing ratio coming.

                  Retailers may order 1 variant for every 25 copies purchased of MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS #6 2ND PTG (MAY198638)

                  Apparently it’s going to be her 1st Cover.

                2. That’s the one to get. The 1:25 may have a higher print run than the 1st print!

                  So far I’ve sold 2 copies of #6 and 1 set of 5/6. Still have a set to go. And I might know where another issue 5 is….

    Order now on this newly-added solicitation for TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK RETURNS reprinting Avengers (2017) #684.

  16. Another one to figure out how to pay for.
    Retailers may order 1 RED variant for every 200 copies you purchase between the combined total of any Absolute Carnage #1 covers, EXCLUDING ratio variants.

    MAY198762 ABSOLUTE CARNAGE #1 (OF 4) RED VAR AC (FOC 7/15/19)

    1. Secret Preview for House of X #1 that can only be viewed on the website for 24 hours by retailers but not downloaded or shared under penalty of death it seems..

    2. does marvel actually make you pay for the ratio variants? Seems like if you order 200 copies the 200:1 should come for free…

      1. Yes, they charge the Cover Price minus discount level percentage.

        If it’s damaged and they can’t reship another copy, you get Cover Price refunded minus the discount but nothing for the shipping and no reward for purchasing the qty it took to qualify for it.

        Chasing ratio’s is assuming a risk and one of the reasons for needing to be rewarded for the risk in higher than cover pricing.

        I’ve actually had entire shipments disappear and been forced to wait two weeks for emergency reshipments which by then many items were out of stocked and others the subscribers picked up elsewhere and other items continue to trickle in for maybe six months after the event when there was little need for them.

  17. Marvel is doing free 100% overships on Loki #1. So every store that ordered 10 copies by FOC will get 10 free ones, etc. Usually a publisher will only do that if they REALLY believe in the product.

    It was a deep discount title as well.

    We are getting 70% off on what we ordered, plus a free doubling of our order. 15% cost of goods sold? I’ll take it. Here’s hoping Daniel Kibblesmith has a good story planned.

    1. Invaders 7 also. 100% overships on a book I’d already doubled the order for since it would be one of the Carnage-ized Trade Dress issues if the last 5 continue what the 1st 5 One Page story books did. Aero as well but that’s old news on Aero.

    2. You might want to check the website. I’m only seeing 50% Post FOC extra applied for Loki 1. Already called it in. It shows 100% on Invaders 7.

        1. Nothing the covers don’t already show for the first 11 pages. That’s all we got to look at. I’ll let Anthony spoilerize it since I don’t think they can threaten him with , hold that thought, sold another $20 MCP#5, gotta pack and load another.

          1. Where was I? Oh yeah Anthony might want to tell you about Krakoa and why everyone’s apparently naked again. “HOUSE OF X #1 EXCLUSIVE RETAILER PREVIEW!
            Get an EXCLUSIVE retailer preview of the highly anticipated HOUSE OF X #1!
            Posted up on the Diamond website, this PDF will ONLY be available for 24 HOURS! That means that it will be removed before the weekend! Don’t miss your chance to view!
            PLEASE NOTE: This preview PDF CANNOT be downloaded, shared, or spoiled! UNDER PENALTY! ” I’m trying to avoid the PENALTY by letting him have the fun.

            1. If Anthony’s not going to say it, then

              To me, my naked X-Men.

              I’m actually looking forward to Age of X-Man Omega just to find out what happens to their cloths this time. Anthony can explain why he needs them before they have time to get dressed. I might need therapy. At least a drink.

                1. Seems to be a reoccurring theme for them to end up in naked group over the last 40 or so years. At least one going all the way back to naked Jean in Central Park at the end of 136. Naked koi pond swimming for the New Mutants. Storm taking naked rain shower showers. The teleporting to Genosha thing without the cloths arriving. That could be a long list there of all the naked x instances people can name. Logan’s already had at least two in the movies I can think of from barn dashing to waking up in the past.

                  It just gave the story a creepy/pervy vibe off the starting line for him to be petting and calling them together naked before having them get dressed.

              1. I had to call myself. You have to go to their online catalog and look at House of X #1. When viewing all the order stuff, there’s links in the bottom right corner for downloading Previews. I found another one page version just now from further on in the story with what appears to be fully dressed X-Men exploring Krakoa with a 6 year old that looks like She-Hulk.

                I’m hoping the Diamond Daily has a specific 24 hour time frame today for when the entire book will be available instead of just the 12 pages across 2 previews.

                Power’s of X is doing WEAVER NEW CHARACTER VAR for all 6 issues it appears so I’m assuming we’re getting at least 6 new X-additions probably through POX at least.

                #5 has Mr Sinister on the cover so you never know what he’s going to cook up. #4 has some heads on the cover I can’t name so they may be new.

    3. Mistaken info. Marvel’s only doing 50% over ship on Loki. A correction will be announced in the next Marvel Mailer according to Diamond calling me back just now.

  18. Not to stir stuff, but this is from another podcast about another spec site. Just FYI and why I frequent here as opposed to other places:

    “We have pushed like, when I was part of (that site) pushed lies and obviously pump and dump things”.

      1. On the recent episode of the podcast Unpressable Defects, Jimmy clearly states that he and the guys at CBSI were pump and dumping, lying to sell books

  19. Flipping thru the new Preview book it appears Marvel Comics 1001 is building on the new Hero in Marvel Comics 1000. Eternity Mask wearer.

    Unfortunately Marvel Comics 1000 is a $9.99 comic with a million covers at least 500,000 of haven’t been revealed yet. Maybe one of them is a reveal or spoiler. I can’t imagine a bunch of stores chasing store covers for a $9.99 comic. What would that have been, a $30,000 to $50,000 cover price buy in?

    New Mutants and Alpha Flight One-Shots sound interesting even if they’re set in the past so they don’t reflect anything going on in HOX&POX.

    Symbiote of Vengeance? I thought fire was one of the Symbiote’s big dislikes like sound?

    Absolute Carnage Symbiote Spider-Man? Sounds like Deadpool’s getting an unadvertised One-shot. remember Back in Black?

    Amadeus kissing another girl.

    Immortal stories looking great as usual. 24 sounds big.

    That’s it for what grabbed my eye. Looks like a tame month waiting for Absolute Carnage, HOZ and POX to play thru.

  20. Marvel’s only doing 50% over ships on Loki #1. I just got the call confirming it will be corrected in the next Marvel Mailer but I think the thunderstorm ate my reply.

  21. Noticed that the LCS still has a few copies of Immortal Hulk #19. Does that issue have a significant first appearance? Might snag a couple extra if so. Anyway, here is my pull for the week:

    Action Comics #1012 (Cover B Ben Oliver)
    Batman Beyond #33 (Cover B Kaare Andrews)
    Batman Damned #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Lee Bermejo)
    Batman Damned #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Jim Lee)
    Detective Comics #1006 (Cover A Kyle Hotz)
    Detective Comics #1006 (Cover B Dan Quintana)
    Dial H For Hero #4 (Of 12)
    Flash #73 (Cover B Evan Doc Shaner)
    Justice League Dark #12 (Cover B Clayton Crain)
    Martian Manhunter #6 (Of 12)(Cover B Joshua Middleton)
    Silencer #18
    Terrifics #17
    Wonder Woman #73 (Cover B Jenny Frison)
    Avengers #20 (Cover A Ed McGuinness)
    Conan The Barbarian #7 (Cover A Esad Ribic)
    Major X #6 (Of 6)
    Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover A Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson)
    Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards)
    Superior Spider-Man #8
    Thanos #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Jeff Dekal)
    True Believers Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker The Spectacular Spider-Man #1
    True Believers Spider-Man Spider-Man Vs Mysterio #1
    War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Arthur Adams)
    War Of The Realms Punisher #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Juan Ferreyra)
    War Of The Realms Uncanny X-Men #3 (Of 3)(Cover A David Yardin)
    Wolverine Exit Wounds #1 (Cover A Ryan Stegman)

  22. Was able to pick up my shops last MCP 6 so I’m happy about that. Decided to stop at a shop about 20 mins from my house yesterday and picked up a crazy haul and all for cover price.
    Naomi 1 2 3 4, Die 1, Kill or be Killed 1, Harley Quinn 42 & 47 var, Old Lady Harley 5, Pearl 1, Silencer 15, Justice League 20 all 3 covers, Dead Rabbit 1 & 2, WD 191 192, Middlewest 1, Infidel 1, all 1st prints. I guess this guy orders only DC and Image books and just leaves them in the Diamond shipping box, his store is so stuffed with random things like VHS tapes, old nudie mags and cats that no one really stays to look through the boxes. Also one box was by the door one box was under a stack of newspapers, it’s just so cluttered in the shop that I guess I was the only one to put the work in to go through everything

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