Books hit the shelves Wednesday mornings, but sales go on before that. Here is what our picks are doing on eBay going into Wednesday morning.
It has been fairly tame going into the reports the past couple of weeks, it has been mostly sneaky books that have ended up heating up after release that have caught people by surprise. Not this week.
Regular Covers
Walking Dead #192 Commemorative Variant – This is an odd one, many cover priced sales, however, sales have hit as high as $10.11
Walking Dead #193 – a book that is truly heating up and destined to be a Wednesday Winner. Most recent sale at $14.88
for this last issue in the series. Pre-sale 9.8’s hitting close to $100
Zombie Tramp #61 Stan Lee Tribute – Suggested in the comment section by Rory. Hitting $30
Ratio Variants
Savage Avengers #3 1:50 – only 3 recorded sales so far, one for a steal back in early June and one as a part of a set, but the highest recorded price has been $53.69
for just this issue. Buy low and sell.
Aero #1 1:50 Anacleto Variant – This is a sneaky one. It is not the first appearance of the character but first solo title. This one is creeping well above ratio at just under $90
Raised the prices at comicmint to $6.50 and $70 for slabbed 9.8 TWD #193. Still better than eBay.
MCS still has 193 for cover, Zombie Tramp either never went live or sold out in minutes at MCS
I grabbed two copies of the zombie tramp at my local shop. Ironically my brothers name is Ben H
Haha. I hit refresh for 30 min straight. I got the 2 ZT 61’s.
Nice! My LCS (and only one in area) of 14 years closed 5/31 so I’m kinda scrambling. Always too late or overpaying with online purchases!
Anthony…you may have missed my post last week. If you still need a Spidey life story #2 shoot me an email. Its vf/nm but yours for cost if needed. Least I can do for all you do!
Yeah man. Not sure I have your email but will look through the registration.
mycomicshop is now $10 for 193
I blind ordered 2 Zombie Tramp Cover F’s because my two subscribers like like them without the tops. I never even looked at the images. I used to have a subscriber that got all 6 but he stopped at #50.
Glad I was able to contribute something.
The Stan Lee grace Cover is Cover E I think.
I grabbed 7 of them online Sunday. F is the risqué one but the grave says “comic code authority”
TMNT 95. You might want to get an order in for 96 while you’re at it just in case while raiding the shelf for 95’s. There’s a 10 QTY Variant out there also.
Is 95 a cameo?
I posted the picture somewhere. She’s in the book the whole trip and apparently goes back to issue #51 I was told in another message here. She’s green for one page of this book. I bought 20 each of 96’s covers just in case green stabby in 96 gets more love. I imagine there’s also a chance they let her heal and suit up in issue #100. I guess it’s supposed to be a big deal issue hitting triple digits. who knows what the future holds but the print run for 95 can’t be more than about 10,000 or so combined based on the Comichron numbers for 94. Split that between 2 covers and the ratio. even if 96 turns out to be the give me some love book, I would imagine 95 to be fewer and far between. If they wait until 100 the print run could be huge watering it down. I may even back out of my order for 96 since it’s a gamble and it doesn’t FOC until this Monday coming up meaning every store will probably order heavy making it less in demand and hopefully keeping 95 higher like what just happened with walking Dead 191 and 192.
Got two copies of Zombie tramp 61. Suprised what its selling for already on secondary market.
Space Bandits $0.75 Chaykin variant has multiple sales in $10-15 range on ebay.
75 cents?
Yes, 75 cent printed on the cover with the Image logo in the bottom left corner. Mine’s got a corner impact crease on the top right tip so I called it in as one of only two damaged comics this week.
(NOTE: This Legends Variant is limited to 3,000 copies. Allocations may occur. Every copy ordered at either initial or FOC will be fully returnable, no qualifiers. Note, this issue will not have new printings.)
So it’s the Howard Chakyn cover. Oddly enough my local shop had them at $14.99 and not .75
Here’s my damaged copy so you can see the price on the cover that doesn’t show in the solicit image.
I see what you mean. I just meant all of these were marked $14.99 and were behind the counter.
Okay. Cheapest copy on E-bay right now appears to be $10.75 counting shipping so he may be a smidge over current low ball pricing.
I preordered the Space Bandits legends $0.75 cover by the order deadline and my comics shop said they got short shipped-they never got a copy. They did receive all of the other covers though. What gives?
Sounds like you got screwed.
It is possible since it was solicited as potentially allocated.
“(NOTE: This Legends Variant is limited to 3,000 copies. Allocations may occur. Every copy ordered at either initial or FOC will be fully returnable, no qualifiers. Note, this issue will not have new printings.) “
“allocations” means too many copies ordered by stores so not enough to fill all the orders like I suspect is happeneing right now with that Nova Pop.
This short ship also happened with my die kitty die “bewitched” cover. Is this how the general rules for allocation go or is it something different? 50 states so possibly 60 copies for each state then if a given state doesn’t even order 60 the difference would be randomly distributed . Or is it whomsoever gets their order in first?