It is nice to walk into your local comic shop on Wednesday and pick up your books. It is even nicer when those books can be flipped for multiple times cover price by the end of the day. These are the Wednesday Winners. This was a good week and is deserving of a Wednesday Winners post.
Three sneaky ones popped up this week.
Walking Dead #193
– This was a sneaky one if you didn’t pay attention to the spoilers, or didn’t think the ending of the most popular independent series would mean anything. Before Monday, this would have most likely been just another issue.
When the spoilers leaked, these sold out everywhere Wednesday, quickly, and has shot up to a $30+ book (highest sale was $44 shipped.)
Not bad if you were able to grab multiples. Sets with #192 and #191 are going for more.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95
– People used to worry about food transfusions giving an illness, in this case one gives turtle-ness as a new turtle is born.
This one flew under the radars with the Walking Dead news took center stage. Good luck finding a copy, none on eBay at the moment.
Sales in the $25 range. The 1:10 Variant
was an easy buy at under $12 this morning, but a high purchase of $125
was had today. Asking Prices continue to creep up on this one.
If you were able to grab these, especially all three covers you are in for a money maker.
Zombie Tramp #61 Stan Lee Tribute
– We mentioned this one in the Pre-Game report last night as a $30 book. Since then, it has sky rocketed.
Low print run shared between multiple covers makes this one even rarer. Listings are approaching $100 but the highest sale without a best offer has been $70.
How many of these books did you score, let us know in the comments.
I got all three. Multiple copies of two.
I got multiple TWD am ok with not having the other two. I’ve been burned on turtles before have 12 copies of Death of Splinter that never moved. My collection is doing just fine without a single copy of Zombie Tramp and no plans to change that.
I have made great money selling ZT books. I don’t collect it but I sell what other people want in order to buy what I want. I do well with that concept.
Isn’t that the whole reason you started CHU? 😉
The art on that ZT cover is atrocious, imo. I was talking with a buddy on Tuesday night, discussing our game plans for Wednesday. I mentioned the ZT book to him, and after a brief discussion, we agreed that the cover was too ugly to catch any heat. Swing and miss, Batta Batta…
Zombie Tramp?? No thanks, no matter what…
There is a huge collectors base for the book and frequently we have seen certain covers pop up as a “hot book”. I found two yesterday. Paid $9 total. Sold for $130 total. To each their own.
TMNT 95 has now sold out at Diamond and mycomicshop.
“I’ve been burned on turtles before have 12 copies of Death of Splinter that never moved.”
I did really good back in maybe 2014 when the turtle died for a couple issues and sold out by the time they brought him back as a robot or something like that. There’s a difference here in that this isn’t a DEATH where something is taken away, this is a birth of sorts which means more appearances likely to come and if she stays around who knows how many other media forms she could be used in as well as the billions of $$$ in potential marketing of everything else that can have her on it.
Nothing is ever guaranteed in life but always bet on life over death, happy over sad, 1st over last and if it pans out and becomes in high demand you can always pair up copies with any other books you feel stuck with to move as sets. E-bay two pack, 1st Green Stabby + Death of rat in the heading. Feel free to word it the way you want it to sound. I just sold most of my WD 192’s by pairing them with 191’s. Same thing last week with MCP #5 by pairing them with #6’s. Sold the rest of the #5’s by pairing them with 1 to 4. Never fear giving people the chance to buy more than one similar themed item in a bundle!!!!
I magically turned my TWD193s into a ANW2 1:25, yesterday. With cash to spare. Im happy.
What is ANW2?
All New Wolverine #2 1st Gabby
All New Wolverine #2, 1st Gabby, 1st Bellona and 1st Zelda. Gabby is personal favourite of mine. I find her banter and attitude quite comical.
Picked up WD 193 and 2 copies of Zombie Tramp #61
the only book I got was the z.t.already sold em for $50 a pop.i do well with zombie tramp cause that is how I roll #testify blind adam out
You ever get the feeling Stan Lee himself would have preferred Cover F? He spent a good chunk of his life battling CCA and trying to find ways around them and we know he doesn’t mind boobs.
Amazing how some people just throw comics up on eBay without checking recent sales….there are a few TMNT 95 sales of 3.99 mixed in between the $25-$30 sales, lol….
Oh yeah. People have no idea what they are doing sometimes.
It’s been a good couple of weeks for comic flipping.
I think issue #51 is going to be a long term winner too, if Jennika sticks around some more. Her true 1st is in issue #51, and her 1st cover is #59. Im not yet sure if she is named in issue #51, but Turlewiki and Comicvine put her 1st appearance in issue #51. She also has a long back story that has already been told, her weapon is the Katana (in claw form) and she has been involved w/ Casey Jones. She has ties to the Foot Clan and Shredder. Issue #95 is important as thats were she 1st mutates into a turtle, but I would not sleep on #51 or #59. #51 has a 1:10, a blank, and a Fried Pie Variant, as far as I know.
Thats Jennika on the left.
sorry guys….in immortal hulk 20….the 1st print….I bought two copies….one is the normal cover a copy and the other cover a copy is a secret variant??? it has blood stains on the logo in the word HULK at the top of the book. I had no time to read the comments but I wasn’t sure if anyone mentioned this already. if so my apologies. maybe it isn’t a secret variant. anyone notice this?? thanks in advance.
Yes. I think it was the only one this week.
Carnage-ized Trade Dress. It’s carnage Goo not blood. There’s also a Carnagize-zed variant. 3 covers this week. Regular, (Secret mix in 50-50) Carnage-ized Trade Dress and Carnage-ized variant.
All 3 comics are underpublicized by the publishers. Also little advance information about Marvel comics presents 6. Resulting in modest orders by stores and those comics being almost unexpected hits.
Yup. What he said.
Nice report Anthony! I get tips from you and Jim. Your both awesome! Jim is taking a leave of absence so in my opinion you’re the guy for accurate comic news!
Thanks Tracy. I am hoping to not take a leave of absence again for a while.