Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow)
Also note that top ten list is tabulated by previous week’s sales.
#1 Marvel Comics Presents #6(Marvel, 2019) is still selling like crazy with the reveal of Wolverine’s daughter. It sold 167 copies, had a 7-day trend of 172% and had a high raw sale of $100.
#2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95– Bates Variant (IDW, 2019) went berserk this week. How’s LCS orders 10 copies? If yours does, then you’re lucky and hopefully scored one of these. It was really hard to find and sold 25 copies, had a 7-day trend of 1,138% and had a high raw sale of $125.
#3 The Walking Dead #192(Image, 2019) The end of the Walking Dead floored fans and sent them rushing to obtain a copy. Only to find bare shelves, folks turned to online shops where this sold 142 copies, had a 7-day trend of 112% and had a high sale of $200 for a CGC 9.8.
#4 Canto #1 (IDW, 2019) was still riding the heat wave and sold 100 copies, had a 7-day trend of 114% and had a high raw sale of $35.
#5 Astonishing X-Men #6(Marvel, 2004) features the first appearance of S.W.O.R.D., the space-based version of S.H.I.E.L.D., which many speculate that Nick Fury is traveling with at the end of *SPOILER*…… SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME. With that nugget of guesswork, this sold 19 copies, had a 7-day trend of 569% and had a high raw sale of $30.
#6 Marvel Comics Presents #5(Marvel, 2019) has a cameo of Wolverine’s daughter (who also narrates the story) and sold 86 copies, had a 7-day trend of 120% and had a high raw sale of $85.
#7 Sandman #1 (DC, 1988) Is still seeing plenty of love from the Netflix series announcement. It sold 64 copies, had a 7-day trend of 142% and had a high sale of $800 for a CGC 9.8.
#8 The Walking Dead #190 (Image, 2019) Fans had to go back to earlier issues to catch up on the events leading into #192. It sold 58 copies, had a 7-day trend of 139% and had a high sale of $67 for a CGC 9.8.
#9 The Walking Dead #191– 2nd Print (Image, 2019) Same as above. Fans settled for the more affordable 2nd print in order to catch up on this series ending storyline. It sold 52 copies, had a 7-day trend of 138% and had a high raw sale of $20.
#10 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #51 (IDW, 2015) features the first appearance of Jennika (in human form), the new Ninja Turtle. It sold 19 copies, had a 7-day trend of 370% and had a high raw sale of $30.
Runners-Up to follow.
I looked for that high sale of $85 for a MCP #5…did not find it. I wonder if it was an MCP
I wonder the same thing on some of the stats. When I do my manual reports, I try to mention if they’re combo sets that are sold and locate the highest single book sold to report on.
They check more than just eBay.