Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of July 31st, 2019

It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of July 31st, 2019.

Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.


So what’s grinding my gears this week?

Captain Marvel #8 Second Printing

I like it. It’s a new printing with new artwork that has the new hero Star on the cover.

The other thing that’s great about this is it will give consumers a chance to grab a copy since so many missed out due to not being overlooked as a surprise book and reports of some retailers jacking up the price on release day to secondary market prices.

There’s still flip potential but don’t go heavy I say. Buy a few and stash a few. This new gal hasn’t proved herself yet, we know hardly anything about her. Could turn out to be a villain possibly. A year from now no one could care. Hopefully in the upcoming Captain Marvel #9 and or Captain Marvel #10 we learn more about her.

So if you missed out, you can pre-order Captain Marvel #8 (2nd Printing).

Farmhand Gets Optioned

Out of most of the recent media deals and options announced coming out of SDCC, the one I like the most is Farmhand.

Now we all know an option is just the first step in a long, lengthy process of turning paper to film. If this actually gets past the hurdles of becoming a film and if it’s done right, this could make a great creepy type of show.

The Boys on Amazon

I keep seeing the commercials and previews for The Boys on Amazon and really need to find the time to watch the show. Click the image to watch the trailer on Amazon if you haven’t seen it yet.

I never read the comics so like any show based on the comics, I feel the need to have to read those as well before starting so I think I’m gonna have to break down and start buying the Boys Omnibus books to read.

CHU Swag

I’m not gonna spill too many details here but I just want to say that I had some CHU sticker proof’s made and I’m quite pleased once they arrived.

I’m in the process of coming up with some more proof and designs for stickers and other swag for the upcoming NYCC, where we’ll likely be handing some CHU stuff out.

So for those who are going to make it to NYCC, you’ll have to hunt us down and find us to get some possible CHU swag. Hopefully after NYCC, we’ll find a way to make them available to the masses who want a sticker or anything else we come up with to share your love of CHU.

This week is a lot of likes. I guess I’m in a good mood since I’ve been selling a lot of books from all the SDCC news and other media news related to comics.

Tell us what’s grinding you’re gears here or in the forums.

22 thoughts on “Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of July 31st, 2019”

  1. The Boys is an entertaining read.
    It’s rough cause you know… Garth Ennis, sex, cussing, violent beatings, flying eyeballs and ripped off limbs, but if you like edgy Ennis you will really enjoy the Boys.

    OH it’s also a hilarious read!

    I got ahead of you and read up to issue 30 before watching the show.

    Gonna take time today to binge it!

  2. Here’s an eBay gripe as a seller. When I list auctions, it’s required me to put the comic book publisher. I mean if someone can’t tell what Book a publisher is via picture or scans… then maybe he shouldn’t be in the hobby collecting comic books!

  3. hoping for a chu shirt .need to watch the boys.really looking forward to the crisis you guys blind adam out

  4. I don’t like Sunday night blues…been a perfect weekend weather wise and that sinking feeling that crap is waiting for me First thing Monday morning is creeping up…that and the wife is on travel this week which means I’m mr. mom too…

  5. Here’s another one…Ebay has not had a ebay bucks promotion in well over a month…and I can’t remember the last time they had a % off coupon.

    I have $85 in eBay bucks to burn after a big purchase last month during their last promotion. Gotta use it by 8/2.

    Fortunately there are a few things on my radar, including an auction ending tonight, to blow it on. So it won’t go unused…but I bet that next promotion comes out on 8/3….

  6. I really believe that STAR is Ripley Ryan from Captain Marvel #1 (Vol 10) !!! FIGHT ME!!
    I had my Pull on hold because I was a little backed up but I put in good standing the day before Captain Marvel #8 came out (which I do have on my pull) alas, It did not get put in there.. so yeah.. the guy who collects Captain Marvel and has Captain Marvel on the top of his PULL list was left out.. so now I have to find all the covers for the 1st print.. but I did go and prepay several copies of the 2nd print.. and now I hear there is a VIRGIN cOVER! ah! Anyhoo..


    Have you thought about REDBUBBLE OR STICKER MULE? I had a couple designs on redbubble that I was getting paid out on a bit ago but someone fought me on the rights because certain names were TRADEMARKED.. so MEH!!!

    Anyways let me know about those Stickers.. I want some for my HYDROFLASKS..

    1. Don’t worry about those virgin covers of CM8 2nd print. They’re horrible too much “blank space” on the cover…unless you’re looking for some signatures or sketch art….the trade dress is the way to go.

        1. Ah, that’s right. I remember seeing his graded collection of Carol Danvers comics in a cbcs post and thinking “this guy really is into Carol Danvers!”

        2. Captain Marvel #14 (Conner Variant) has been the elusive one. There are several others. I suffered Comic book burnt out.. Thats why I look so forward to Agent Poyo TRADE of the week. I been reading lots of trades and putting together a dark HORSE omnibus library together.. 🙂 Which reminds me, we should have a buy/ subfolder in the forum. I need to visit again. soon 🙂

          1. We’re looking into the buy aspect on the forums. We gotta cover our butts when it comes to all the legal stuff involved. Now trading, that might be a whole lot easier if we knew it was simply a swap of items.

  7. Hold on, a reporter working at the same magazine Carol used to work at can’t be a superhero. That’s just not done and Star doesn’t even have glasses on!!!! She’d be flying into buildings and such unable to see.

    1. 133,899 Captain Marvel #1’s on the street according to Comichron for 1st and 2nd Printings Jan, Feb & March numbers.

  8. Nothing grinds my gears this week. But I do start my new job today. It’s within the same field except a pay cut and starting from the bottom. Here’s to a new start. ???

    1. I’d trade for less pay and bottom than being miserable with a horrible boss any time. Congrats on the new job. Im sure you’ll be back on top in no time.

        1. Right .. I guess the guy you look at in the mirror when you shave does not count ..

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