So do you remember what you were picking up 8 years ago at your local comic shop in August 2011?
I hope you were picking up Ultimate Fallout #4 which was landing on store shelves during this time.
This went on to be a huge success for Marvel. On Earth-1610, a young African-Latino becomes the new Spider-Man shortly after the death of that Universe’s Peter Parker. Miles Morales is bitten by an Oz-enhanced spider that gives him his powers.
Miles Morales was created by Brian Bendis and Sara Pichelli and since 2011, has gone on with success in both print and film, most notably the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
That’s your Throwback Thursday, short and sweet. Tell us if you were visiting shops 8 years ago and if this was one of those books you picked up.
I think it helps to know what other titles/issues were released that month.
Batman 713 & Detective 881 for instance. These were the last issues before DC rebooted the series.
Amazing Spiderman 667/668 is another.
I was so frustrated with the direction Batman was going in with all these spin off titles (Arkham City, FLashpoint, Dark Knight, Incorporated) I quit comics at this time and didn’t return for over 5 years. I know this because I had the run of Detectives toward the end but none of the New 52 issues or any other books that came out in that month or later months.
So I quit comic books, that’s what I was doing!
Yeah… I try to limit the focus on the throwbacks to a particular character or specific comic. I was collecting during this time…. I came back in 2013.
@Poyo, yeah I wasn’t implying you should do multiple throwbacks…to answers your question “what were you doing 8 yrs ago” I had to go to comichron to see what else was out to out myself in that time period…when I saw tec 881 I was able to do it.
So it was more of throwing it out there if people didn’t associate that time with UF4, then to look at what else they might have collected as help.
Keep up the good work! I enjoy the throwbacks!
Sorry for another alias (D%. S. D-Rog)….that one I fat fingered and accidentally hit send…?
I guess that’s on way to get you to pay attention to my post directed toward you!
I hope you were around for the Tec 880 at least. That cover is so classic!
Ironically after getting back into collecting I found out about Tec 880 and was looking into acquiring a copy…then one day I’m going through my stack of detectives and low and behold I pulled it out of my stash! Surreal moment for sure…nice NM copy too.
I’m glad to hear it was there waiting to be rediscovered. Definitely a feel good moment. That’s one of my favorite covers ever.
bought this off the rack along with hickman fantastic four chew and other hot books of the day #testify blind adam out
Yeah, it’s a book I should really seek out to own before that day happens.
I snagged three copies from a 2nd and Charles a few years ago for ~$2 a pop. They need a pressing but very decent shape.
2011 i was celebrating the birth of my son & going into my 20th year since i last read or collected comics. The thought of reading or buying a book was far far from my thoughts. Fast forward some 6 year, I had to clean out the basement & came across a bunch of boxes. That May Saturday in 2017 i learned about FCBD ’cause i needed bagnboards to replace my books bags that turned yellow from 20 years in boxes. WOW! what a ride it has been getting into comics again!!! oh how the prices and variants has changed the comic market.