Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
#1 Once & Future #1 Thank You Variant (Boom! Studios, 2019) was a beast this week. We were surprised to see this outsell the standard print. It sold 110 copies, had a 7-day trend of 206% and had a high raw sale of $80.
#2 Supergirl #33 YOTV Recalled Variant (DC, 2019) Apparently, the YEAR OF THE VILLAIN banner shouldn’t have been on this cover. The cover also “didn’t reflect the story contents”. Hence, stores were ordered to send all copies back. Not many made it into customer’s hands. Yet, enough did to sell 73 copies, had a 7-day trend of 169% and had a high raw sale of $85.
#3 Supergirl #33 YOTV Recalled Chew Variant(DC, 2019) This was also recalled because of the YEAR OF THE VILLAIN banner that shouldn’t have been on the cover. It sold 58 copies, had a 7-day trend of 208% and had a high raw sale of $60.
#4 Superman #14 YOTV Recalled Hughes Variant (DC, 2019) This is the same issue as the Supergirl Chew variant. It sold 50 copies, had a 7-day trend of 240% and had a high sale of $50.
#5 Once & Future #1 (Boom! Studios, 2019) couldn’t catch up to its “Thank You” Variant brother, but still was one of the hottest books of the week and sold 89 copies, had a 7-day trend of 117% and had a high raw sale of $30. 4 more printings on the way may mean significant gross for this main cover. (Also on MCS)
#6 Superman #14 YOTV Recalled Variant (DC, 2019) Another recall and another hot book. It sold 89 copies, had a 7-day trend of 102% and had a high raw sale of $64.
#7 Absolute Carnage: Scream #1 Allred Codex Variant(Marvel, 2019) This appropriately homaged “Scream” variant sold 35 copies, had a 7-day trend of 260% and had a high raw sale of $26.
#8 Powers of X #2 (Marvel, 2019) Man, it sure is nice to see the X-Men back in fan’s good graces. We can’t wait to see where they go after this. It sold 37 copies, had a 7-day trend of 212% and had a high raw sale of $23. (Also on MCS)
#9 Captain Marvel #9 (Marvel, 2019) this issue contains a death significant to Carol… and collectors. It sold 32 copies, had a 7-day trend of 196% and had a high raw sale of $15. (Also on MCS)
#10 Dead End Kids #1 (Source Point Press, 2019) Dead End Kids is the hot indie book of the week. Issue #2 won’t be far behind. This 1st issue sold 61 copies, had a 7-day trend of 81% and had a high raw sale of $40. (Also on MCS)