Poyo’s Spec and Drek for August 28th, 2019

Welcome once again to my spec and my drek. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.

Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.

DC Picks

Batman Superman #1 hits shelves this week with the anticipation that Billy Batson turns evil, by the doing of Batman Who Laughs. There’s a good chance though that Billy does turn evil but does not change into Shazam! Or does he? I’m predicting a cameo of Evil Shazam! in this issue.

But the first full will likely happen in Batman Superman #2 (September 25th release date), with a slick looking cover with Evil Shazam! holding Bats and Sups as they lay knocked out.

The only thing I don’t like is when they split up the main covers into two connecting covers.

There’s the Batman and then the Superman cover. Then we have the Yu variant along with a blank variant.

Batman Superman #1 Batman Cover Batman Superman #1 Superman Cover Batman Superman #1 (Yu Variant) Batman Superman #1 (Blank Variant)

Action Comics #1014 Oliver Variant is my Killer B pick of the week. Great looking cover. DC needs to bring back the good thing they had going there for a while.

The greedy price hike with the card stock that gets easily damaged was and is a total turn off for most.

The other mention is Scott Snyder pleaded online that if you don’t read Justice League, at least pick up Justice League #30. The Justice Doom War starts here. Might have some interesting stuff going on, maybe some new characters or villains.

Who knows but keep that skeptic hat on when the publisher is pushing their product with the marketing gimmicky keywords. If the only reason is “just pick it up”, doesn’t tell one enough. Could you imagine if Ford told people, “If you’re going to buy a car this weekend, just buy a Ford”…  without any other reasons on why they should pick Ford over the others.

Marvel Picks

Absolute Carnage #2 is out and the first issue was a great read. I’m looking forward to more of this series, what it brings forth and the potential for new characters, twists and back issue relevance is on the radar.

Absolute Carnage #2 (of 4)

House of X #3 is already selling out at online retailers at the time of writing this. The hot new X-Men series is on fire and I expect multiple printings for all these issues.

Hickman is certainly making X-Men relevant and cool again, at least for me. I’m just going to have to pre-order all these books cause my local shops have been selling out quickly, sometimes before I can even grab a copy. Pymccomics has some great pre-order pricing as well if you get in early that beats out TFAW and Midtown at times.

Marvel Comics #1000 has almost 20 covers. It’s a pricey book to begin with. I’m sure retailers still went pretty heavy with this one as they’re claiming there’s a new character within it. It’s a really easy way to make people buy more than the likely should.

Still be interesting who this character is and if they take off with any popularity. Could also turn into a big flop. So tread carefully I say.

Indie and Small Publisher Picks

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #97 (Cover A - Wachter)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #97 is probably on a lot of people’s radar for next week. There’s also the Cover B Eastman variant as well.

With the new gal turtle possibly getting her colored mask bandana and joining the team either in this issue or very soon, it’s a book to watch most certainly.

I say go light on this. I think since we all know what’s likely coming, shops are on high alert to make sure this one is easier to get. Hopefully even with a bigger print run, something happens to kick it into high demand and we can still benefit from what’s inside, waiting.

Mountainhead #1 is a new IDW book and I think it has potential if the story is good. With a few recent hits under their belt, we should take notice of any new original series they put out.

Tommy Gun Wizards #1 and this is a book I’ve been looking forward to. Gives off the vibe it’s going to be a good read. Probably just need to go ahead and plan to pre-order the future issues.

Seems Dark Horse has been beefing up their lineup of books, same goes for IDW. Gotta keep us readers, collectors and flippers coming back for more.

Traveller #1 from T Pop looks like a potential great steampunk sci-fi indie book.

The Traveller is a steampunk adventure story set at the turn of the 19th century. Made using cutting-edge 3D modelling combined with traditional hand inking, the story focuses on the greater good and the price we are prepared to pay for it.

I expect small print runs and hard to find. Most of my local shops don’t even bother with T-Pop books as they’ve had some decent reads in the past.

I’m also a sucker for comic books that detail old steampunk gas masks as well.


Now on with the dreaded “avoid” pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work.

It’s a spec and drek this week. Marvel Comics #1000 has almost 20 covers.

Pick the one you like most and leave it at that. Maybe I’ll be wrong and if this one does ever heat up, it’s for the long haul, not short term flip gain.

8 thoughts on “Poyo’s Spec and Drek for August 28th, 2019”

  1. “Who knows but keep that skeptic hat on when the publisher is pushing their product with the marketing gimmicky keywords. If the only reason is “just pick it up”, doesn’t tell one enough.”
    Snyder has given interviews stating that JL #30 features several significant post-Doomsday Clock character returns. No spoilers here, but the articles are out there if you Google them.

    1. Meh, returns don’t mean fist appearances. It might end up being a decent read but it’s still just DC pushing their creators to hype it up..

      Snyder needs to drop Tynion though as he tends to drag him on most of his books as his tag along writer. I just can’t get into Tynion’s writing most of the time.

      1. I disagree. Cards are still on the table until after we know all the repercussions from Doomsday Clock.

        1. That’s fine, like I said, I’m keeping my skeptic hat on and not expecting much out of it, at least not at first. Doomsday
          Clock might of been or is a great read (it’s been 2 years now right, still not all issues have been released) for most but it was a colossal failure with it’s big gaps and delays in my opinion.

  2. TFAW still have the traveller #1, but they forgot to put #1 in the title, so if you search for Traveller #1 it will not show. Search for Traveller and you will find it

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