We’re gonna try something new here we hope can be useful for speculators and retailers. There’s the Final Order Cutoff lists and then there’s the Diamond Advanced Comics Reorder Lists (although, it’s been a while since the last one) but this new guest piece by “Magic 8 Ball” will go over the books that are sold out or close to selling out at Diamond.
This list is comprised of items that are sold out (or close to being sold out) at Diamond, the distributor level. For retailers, it is a good indication of what other retailers think might be hot, or what books they printed only enough of to fill orders.
For Speculators, it’s a tool that can be used to judge what to buy and what not buy. Whats going to make you the most money without being undercut by retailers who can just buy more from Diamond?
Something is Killing the Children #1 – Boom! Studios – This was hot from the Start of FOC when Frison posted the FOC Variant and People went bat shit crazy buying that variant. Expect to see a lot of those covers on Ebay.
If you can find cover A or B in local shops, it might be worth grabbing as it will have a lower Print count IMHO.
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1 – The Variant B Card Stock is sold out? Cover A and the Blank Variant are still in stock.
Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #1 Cover A – Sold out – Cover B still in stock. Exploring the history of the multiverse. Interesting. Worth speculating? Maybe. This might be the work of retailers banking on this item being popular. Story looks solid and Sook does the Cover A.
Star Trek Discovery Aftermath #1 – Sold out – With the popularity of this series growing, I still wonder if this is sold out due to demand or just due to the publisher only printing enough to fill orders. I’m thinking its publisher.
Spawn #300 – History in the making. This issue was promoted heavily and the sell out covers show it ! With 15 covers this thing is a beast! Covers A, B, D, G, H, J, M, N, O, P and Q are all sold out at the Distributer Level.
Of these , the ones that interest me the most are Covers M, N, O, P and Q. These were late solicitations the week ( If not days before) F.O.C. – these were probably order and filled at the Publisher level and not over printed. IMHO these will have the lowest print runs of all the 15 covers.
With rumors of new characters added and rehashed, this issue is sure to be one to watch!!
Absolute Carnage Scream #2 – This marvel title is sold out at the distributor level. Retailers ordered these heavily in the hopes that a new symbiote would make its appearance here. Expect a high print run on this one. With that said, this is one to find and flip as fast as you can to catch the FOMO buyers before it cools down too quickly ( if it even gains heat). I give this 2-3 days at higher then cover pricing and then its going to crash IMHO.
Absolute Carnage Symbiote Spider-Man #1 – Sold out? Really? The solicitation suggests that the first host to the Venom Symbiote wasn’t Peter or Eddie, but someone else. In this comic we meet him.
I have several thoughts on his listing. First I think it was only printed as many were ordered. Second I think marvel is playing to the speculators on this one. A first appearance of someone new perhaps? Come on now. Creating fabricated demand never ends well. I think I’m going to pass on this one.
Conan the Barbarian #9 – Last month ( July) this series had a print run of around 35,000. I expect the same here. This is a Publisher printed only enough item.
Fantastic Four #14 – This is a publisher printed only enough to sell out. FF readers are on the rise and with this new chapter opening up, I’m excited to read it to see where its going. However, I don’t see any spec in this issue.
House of X #4 – The demand on this series is HUGE. Print run will likely be the sameas the previous month and if there is something ground breaking in it then price will soar as speculators gooble up these issues.
Unless you ordered this before FOC or can find it in your local shop, I wouldn’t pay to much for these. Im looking forward toreading this and seeing what happens next. Don’t get caught with FOMO!! House of X reprintings – Sold out. Likely Publisher printed only enough to meet orders.
Immortal Hulk #23 ( Both Covers) Sold out. This is a tough one. Is it demand for the comic or is it FOMO or is it publisher only printed enough? There isn’t anything or anyone new in this issue. I think its publisher made only enough. It’s a great issue though, I expect it to go to second printing.
Marvel Comics Presents #7 2nd print – Sold out at the distributor. Likely Marvel only printed enough to meet the demand. I don’t need to rehash what happens in this issue
Powers of X #1 3rd Print – Sold out at Distributor. Marvel only printed enough to meet demand.
Savage Avengers #5 – Sold out at Distributor. Great story. This is another Marvel only printed to actual demand. No new characters, maybe a loss of something or someone.
Star Wars #71 – Sold out at Distributor. Marvel again only printed enough for demand. Still, with the end closing in it might be worth a look see. Your Choice. Now for the ones we are surprised to see still in Stock. Don’t worry, only going to name a few as the list is quite long.
Web of the Black Widow #1 – Still in stock at Diamond. For a first issue im wondering what the demand was or if Marvel thinks that once people read it that it might get more Buzz.
Either way this can still be reordered for retailers so don’t pay too much in the aftermarket.
Battle Pug #1 – Wow, Still in stock. I had this on my secret list of Comics that might be hot. Apparently no one else thought the same way I did.
Batman #78 – With the events of last issue I was speculating that this might be sold out at the distributor but right now it isn’t. This is one I have bookmarked and plan to revisit this Friday and see how its doing.
Triage #1 by Dark horse Comics is still in stock.
This is another that I had in my secret list that I thought might be hot on day of release.
As it stands now though, its still available for retailers to order so don’t pay to much in the aftermarket.
Well that’s it for this week. Come back next week for my 9/11/19 Sold out at Diamond run down.
An interesting post, I liked it and would eagerly read more entries!
I agree, this is a great article!
Only question is this insider information based on what Diamond got delivered or is it just checking the computer availability like we do individually? A number of titles show as unavailable for reorder in the couple weeks after FOC just to pop up in stock the week the orders are getting packed. Others at least start accepting back orders at that point that frequently fill. Some will also pop back in the week they ship once the extras they hold back to cover damages are made available if any are left. I’ve had the feeling most Marvel titles sell out almost every week while most DC B covers do or are just never ordered in substantial extra qty. It’s one of the reasons if a DC title is a slow seller, I’ll drop the A cover from the initial order and only get the B Cover for the shelf since I expect the B Cover to be sold out and the A Cover may be available for the next year or longer if needed. It’s like right now I can order DCeased A Covers for issues 2, 3 & 4 but the B & C Covers are out. I order an extra 10 of both B and C now compared to A to save money until the replacements for A are actually needed since I expect them to be available.
“Only question is this insider information based on what Diamond got delivered or is it just checking the computer availability like we do individually?”
Now why would we reveal our sources? Pffttt..
So in Abso Carnage Symbiote Spidey we get a retcon of Venom first host?
In other words, Tel-Kar was not the first host? Or this issue introduces the idea that the venom host was on earth prior to Spidey getting it on Battle world and we had a venom symbiote running around earth before Peter?
I think it said first human host but need to go back and look
Why is Marvel reprinting MCP7, when I can find stakes of the 1st print still at my LCS’. I need a reprint of issue #5, the book that I need to complete my set so I can read the damn story. Haven’t seen issue 5 1st print at my LCS in 2 months. Reprint MCP5, Marvel!!!!! Smh
Same here. This is where it’s sold out at Diamond and more orders from the stores that did sell out are invoking the next printing.
Because you demanded it!
Or a select few shops demanded it more like it..
They are back in stock at midtown but sure they are not giving them away for free! 6 is one per order.
nice jobnic job.keep the awesomesauce work.love ya all blind adam out
Like this preview! Savage Avengers 5 is last Marvel interiors by Deodato, FWIW? Left book issue or 2 early.
Looks like it’s official Amazing Spider-Man #252 is first Venom.
so now the market is being judged on what is still in stock at the moment eight days before release?!?
Stock updates daily through the week as orders fill.
You’re too early bud, to gauge correctly.
My opinion.
But I’m not as sharp as you guys…
Diamond ALWAYS gets extra books, mostly to cover damages.
I liked the list. I think maybe sorting it would be helpful: ie. Ones to watch, most likely printed to order / not note worthy etc.
Got kind of repetitive reading diamond likely printed to order. Would’ve preferred to just skim the list of those
For those saying diamond orders extra books….yes…but we should assume most of those will be spoken for, and if it says oos, it is probably oos. I frequently order things on back order and just expect we will not get it, then if it does come it’s a pleasant surprise.
This list…..oh man…..lol…so many inaccuracies
“Marvel only printed enough to meet the demand” is false. Marvel doesnt print to meet demand. They ALWAYS over print. Damages happen and Diamond will show when the book is in-stock again a week before or closer to release. Marvel will sell out when demand is high and to meet demand, they offer additional printings, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Marvel is NOT a “print on demand” company. Lets do a “currently in stock” search at Diamond:
Something is Killing the Children #1 – SOLD OUT
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1 – regular cover is in-stock; variants are back-ordered
Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #1 (of 2) – regular cover is back-ordered; variant is in-stock
Star Trek Discovery Aftermath #1 – back-ordered
Spawn #300 – only Cover F & I are in-stock
Absolute Carnage Scream #2 – codex variant is back-ordered; all other covers are on-stock
Absolute Carnage Symbiote Spider-Man #1 – regular cover is in-stock; variants are back-ordered
Conan the Barbarian #9 – back-ordered
Fantastic Four #14 – regular cover is back-ordered; variants are in-stock
House of X #4 (of 6) – back-ordered
Immortal Hulk #23 – back-ordered
Marvel Comics Presents #7 2nd print – back-ordered
Powers of X #1 3rd Print – back-ordered
Savage Avengers #5 – in-stock
Star Wars #71 – regular cover is back-ordered; variants are in-stock
Web of Black Widow #1 – regular & anka variant are in-stock; all other variants are back-ordered
Battle Pug #1 – in-stock
Batman #78 – in-stock
Triage #1 – in-stock
Which is Cover B of Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1? Harley, or Poison Ivy?