Welcome once again to the another installment of the One Week Later Report. This week we’ll cover the books released on 08/28/2019.
Hopefully this report helps anyone reading while picking out new books at the local shops for things to keep a look out for.
House of X #3
is a solid $15 book on a good day.
This series is heating up just due to the story that Hickman is bringing forth, rewriting X-Men’s history to hopefully make them relevant once again in the Marvel Universe.
Seriously though, X-Men needed this. Hickman is making them relevant again I believe and for once, once I find the time to read this and Powers of X, people are wanting to read X-Men again as I know I wasn’t the only one who was all X’d out.
If you haven’t done so already, just pre-order House of X and Powers of X to get these at pre-sales prices. I can’t believe I didn’t even bother picking some of these up on pre-orders, thinking they would be easy to get and a few times by the time I made it to the shop on Friday all their copies were gone.
Marvel Comics #1000 Tedesco variant with She-Hulk was the winner out of this new title.
Although, since it’s a $10 book to begin with, that really eats into the profit when it’s selling for $15 to $18 but you know, profit is profit.
If you find this out in the wild and want to make a quick extra few bucks, not a bad grab since it’s mostly sold out online from most places I’ve checked.
Once & Future #1 2nd Printing if you could find it is a bigger winner than the first printing.
A ghost book in most areas from what I’ve read and heard from people, this book is doing well on the secondary market with a new cover.
Selling between $20 and $55 since last week, this is a must pickup if you can find them and want to make some quick profit.
That’s it for last weeks primary winner books. It was a smaller week as you can find most if not all the others from last week at your local shop, online shops or on the secondary for cover price.
Stumbled upon a copy of this yesterday
What copy?
Looks like Once And Future’s final printing will be 6th. They’d had a rolling item code indicating it would be filled with the currently available printing. But they split my last couple reorders, some 5th and some 6th. Cover for 5th looks good. Diamond doesn’t show the cover for 6th yet but it’s marked Final Printing.
My LCS still has a small stack of first printings of Once & Future #1 so I fail to see the heat on this book. The new printings might be flip worthy but I don’t think this book has any real long term potential.
I think it has more long term than short term (except the additional printings that are HTF and are in demand currently)… It’s a great writer and if this ever gets optioned, etc, it’s gonna see another round of heat.
I agree
around issue 3, the rights will get purchased by a production company. Issue 4 will be late, issue 5 will never print. the listing in the CBG will have more column inches listing the #1’s than the subsequent issues. it will be a listing four inches long with 3 1/2 needed to list the #1 variants and printings…..Once the property is sold, there is no further incentive to print the book.
I thought BOOM! already had certain media and production companies already lined up..
what’s the name and location of your LCS. i would like to see if they will ship me a copy- thanks
I picked up the She Hulk Marvel 1000 because I like She Hulk. I love it when stuff works out like that. ?
Sorry, meant to say I stumbled on a copy each of these. I found all 3 books sitting on the shelf at a lcbs.
Ah, nice. One is cool, all 3 is even better. 🙂
Yeah! I left happy.