Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
1.Micronauts #!
Units Sold: 80
Raw Average: $23.75
Graded Average: $75.23 (9.6)
Reason: Dean DeBlois announced as directing and producing a movie.
2. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #210 (Direct Edition)
Units Sold: 45
Raw Average: $73.20
Graded Average: $250.00 (9.8)
Reason: First appearance Madame Web
3. X-Factor #15
Units Sold: 47
Raw Average: $8.25
Graded Average: $57.59 (9.8)
Reason: First Horseman of Apocalypse. HOX/POX tie in
4. New Avengers #40
Units Sold: 19
Raw Average: $9.95
Graded Average: NA
Reason: 1st appearance Veranke Skrull Queen
5. Uncanny X-Men #1 (Marvel Now)
Units Sold: 42
Raw Average: $1.88
Graded Average: $69.45
Reason: First appearance of Gold Balls
6. Harleen #1
Units Sold: 45
Raw Average: $7.89
Graded Average: NA
Reason: New Harley book
7. Wolverine #1 (1988)
Units Sold: 31
Raw Average: $17.67
Graded Average: $151 (9.8)
Reason: Classic Wolverine book.
8.Plot #1 Homage Variant
Units Sold: 24
Raw Average: $7.99
Graded Average: NA
Reason: Classic cover remade for new series.
9.THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #210 (Newsstand Edition)
Units Sold: 17
Raw Average: $49.25
Graded Average: $128.00 (9.6)
Reason: Newsstand variant for first Madame Web
10. House of X #5
Units Sold: 39
Raw Average: %5.96
Graded Average: Na
Reason: Overall great series
Runners-up to follow
i bought a Micronaughts #1 in February for $8…happy to see it on the list
need to see harleen #1 at the raw average of $7.89. 10 cents lower than the cover price. lol
So a book selling for half of cover is a hot book?! These guys need to get their stuff together.
The list is based on units moved, not value.
Okay….I’m a longtime reader and almost never commenter poster on this website but I feel like I have to say this. I don’t understand continuing to use the information from these guys on this site when it adds no value. The majority of comments each week consistently poke holes in the logic used to gather the top 20. Can we all just agree the Covrprice top 20 is pointless and discontinue these weekly posts? I would prefer to see this site come up with your own top 20 honestly.
I like having the top ten lists. We are sharing info that you may otherwise have to pay for on the site. I use top ten lists when I am out comic hunting. Just an easy tool.
Agreed. The list, at least, provides you with info about what is moving this past week. I appreciate these lists as it makes me aware of books that I was unaware of. If you are using the list as a guage for quality investments, you may want to look elsewhere.
“We are sharing info that you may otherwise have to pay for on the site.”
This information is e-mailed to us weekly after we sign up for the free trial. I already have the e-mail with the full top 20 including runners up. The e-mail arrived like usual Oct 4th.
Not everyone subscribes to Covrprice or get their emails. Anthony does this just to spread the info and got permission from Covrprice to do so. Why are people getting their panties all knotted up over it? If you get them already, just skip reading them here.
Not everyone does though BJ/Blonde Stabby/ SkinsFan
Disagree. You take any list with a grain of salt. I get access to the list Tuesday and i always bounce it off eBay sales to validate what’s worth investing in or flipping when i go into my LCS on Wednesday…sometimes I get the jump on hot picks and go innTuesdays!
I don’t find them to be pump and dump. I’ve made some good coin to flip into some silver/bronze keys thanks to CP. usually it reflects what comes out in other lists that don’t publish their info until Friday. Little late to the game then.
So although Anthony can’t post until Thursday, I feel it’s good info…as with any list do your research first before….basically don’t blindly trust what gets put out as they all have their own proprietary algorithms…
If they change article header to “The Liquid List” because of their ease of being sold. I do believe there is value in the information of what books are realizing an increase in market demand, being that a leading indicator of increase in ??????
It’s crazy that Wolverine book goes for less than it did in 1990 these days, that was $50 all day on the wall back then.
Alana, Graded is $150. Remember you’re looking at an average raw…which likely includes a lot of vf to NM- that dealers of yesteryear would push as “NM”.
Plus you didn’t have 37 copies to choose from like eBay offers today.
The collector is a lot more savvy about condition….and todays “comic shop” has lot more copies up on the wall competing for that $50…
And it’s a “first appearance” market out there…1st issue collectors item fools no one now…