It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of November 6th, 2019.
Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.
So what’s grinding my gears this week?
Seems like this comic based new show has been in production forever but it’s now got an official release date on Netflix for December 5th.
It’ll be interesting to see how the comics do in the coming month and after, depending on reaction from viewers. Could see some bump in value and demand for the early issues as there are a lot of vampire fans out there.
Venom Island Variant
I don’t usually budge on themed type variants, particularly on books that it bears no relevance to. Take for instance Black Cat #7 which has a regular JSC cover that most will go for but it also has a Venom Island Variant which I think is pretty sweet despite it not even having a crossover story in this issue to Venom Island.
Some shops might not have even qualified for this one either. To qualify, a shop had to order copies of #4 before FOC of that issue and other shops might just be skipping it over entirely (if they qualified) as some don’t go heavy on themed variants from other story lines.
Too Much Tongue
I get it, Venom has a crazy long tongue since a lot of his body is bendy and liquidy (if that’s even a word) looking already but anyone see the Venom #20 2099 Variant cover art?
I think that’s going a bit overboard on the tongue. Is the Venom of 2099 related or part tube-lipped nectar bat by chance? And JayClue thought the Jonboy Meyers tongue was a little ridiculous.
Tell us what’s grinding your gears this week in the comments or on the forums.
The only thing grinding my gears lately is that ive realized alot of Marvel based speculation that interests me is all too often ruined because of very high ratio variants involved. When I spec buy i like to have the highest ratio or most relevant cover for my PC. Ive been overlooking alot of marvel spec lately because i cant afford to collect with my old standards. Hell i used to order alot of marvel through previews on midtown but have been only ordering readers that way these days. I petty much only buy DC spec ahead of time because theyre usually just an A or B cover option. I can only be thankful that im not buying comics to make a living.
Yeah…DC is where it’s at these days for new releases. I need to dump some of my high ratio spec that I bought while it still has value at ratio…
Seriously…that Venom 2099 cover…Jesus Murphy…lmao
Almost looks like it’s a lost cover for one of The Strain titles…
I want to coment on the venom 2099 cover.but I need to find a safe for work way to say can she venom like herself all over with her own tounge??just wondering #testify.the other thing that is grinding my gears is that this industry has way to many pruds and wussies in it .I am sick of the comic book industry being just for kids I want all the kids off my lawn and it is my ball now #testify and just buy what you like and if you can make money then it is a plus I make adecent living with comics but I do things outside the norm #testify love you guys blind adam out
There are many ways to have a conversation without it always involving sex or sex related talk. We’re all adults here but not everyone has porn or sex on their mind in every conversation.
That’s the problem you seem to have. Time and place. Most come here to talk comics, not sex.
Couldnt that be said for venom as well? Couldnt he do that too? Or are u biased and not thinking about that Adam?
Sometimes Poyo u just have to go there and let it swing. Every squirrel needs their nut
We don’t need more nuts swinging.. you wanna talk sex all the time, I’m sure Pornhub has a great community for such talk..
Venom and She-Venom. They just need to get together and have some fun with those tongues. If they did maybe they wouldn’t have to run around being all
Bad ass.
But that probably wouldn’t sell too many comics outside of the Jungle Fantasy and Faithless…
What’s grinding my gears today….
My wife’s Honda Pilot over the past several weeks has been violently jolting when in drive and switching gears. She’s taken it to the dealer 3 times and each time the took it for the day and couldn’t replicate the problem. Each time it was behaving worse than before. Very inconvenient for us to keep going back just to complain about the same problem.
She even took video of the problem showing the speedometer and how the jolting occurred with the engine revolutions going higher than normal, then the needle dropping and the car shaking with a noisy clunk.
So today FINALLY an error code shows up on the dash. Of course, the odometer NOW reads 50,100 miles….and when they diagnose the problem (I think it’s a solenoid on the transmission that’s shorting out) they give her a hard time about he car being over 50k…even though it’s the same problem we keep asking them to diagnose on tree prior visits!! We have it on video showing the odometer under 50K after 3 prior visits!!
Well, they acted like they were doing my wife a favor and taking care of the repair at no cost to us.
It’s a lease too, that’s almost expired…our plan was to buy it when it was up…but given their attitude that ain’t happening now…
It sounds like the downhill brake assist is kicking in. I have seen it happen on Honda’s when it was not going down hill. Causes the car to jolt and the engine to rev.
They mentioned that the 3rd time we brought it in….but nothing came of it. So they are aware of that issue with hondas.
Ah. It’s a common problem.