Likes and Dislikes for the Week of November 20th, 2019

It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of November 20th, 2019.

Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.

So what’s grinding my gears this week?

Wonder Woman Dead Earth

I got a hold of an advanced review of Wonder Woman Dead Earth #1 by Daniel Warren Johnson and I must say, it’s a great read, so it made my likes this week.

It’s on FOC this Monday but I don’t think this will be hard to get come release day.

It’s an alternative timeline story but when Diana seeks out Bruce Wayne, she only finds a dead Bruce Wayne..

The rest of the book is just great story telling in very Daniel Warren Johnson gritty fashion. If you liked Extremity, you’ll like this new take on Wonder Woman.

Bendis + Superman = Headline Chaser

Instead of just writing great stories, he (Bendis) writes stories to just attract the media and it seems to work to his benefit and whoever is cutting him the checks.

I’ve given Bendis a lot of chances and I just can’t bring myself to read his stuff anymore. He’s had some decent runs in the past but his style and sometimes controversial approaches are just to make up for the lack of poor writing and creativity.

So why am I rambling on about Bendis? Well, Superman #18 is on FOC tomorrow and it’s the BIG REVEAL that’s already happened once in the recent past and nobody cared.

So while some outlets are trying to press on that this issue is a big deal, it’s not. It’s just Bendis chasing headlines! I have the feeling just wants his name mentioned on the wider audience outside of comic news circle.

But like always, if people actually start buying these at inflated FOMO prices, buying into the hype as I’m sure Bendis’s goal along with DC’s is to make this a national headline as the release inches closer, as I always say, buy low, sell high and Always bet on Cover A!

That’s all that’s grinding my gears this week. What’s grinding yours? Tell us here in the comments or on the forums.

23 thoughts on “Likes and Dislikes for the Week of November 20th, 2019”

  1. I’m digging that wonder woman story line. Going to pre order it tomorrow.

    Another cool thing that happened this weekend is I got SDCC 2020 tickets for all 5 days.

    My boy’s Tee-Ball is over and he will start little league in March. He can’t wait. I gave him the choice to do a different game but he loves Baseball. I guess he has Baseball blood in him since I used to play back in high school, my dad as well and my grandpa did also. My dad and my grandpa just played minor leagues.

    I also visited this brewing company called Latitude 33 in Vista, CA. And gots to say that their Blood Orange IPA is effin good.

    That’s what I got this week.

  2. Dead Batman is all about the man spreading in his final moments….

    Good for him. Just let it go, man. You’ve earned it!

    1. When I showed Anthony the picture.. I told him I think Batman was playing Arkham Night on Playstation when the nukes hit…. he likes to dress up when he plays his own video games!

  3. I love buying books this time of year. Everyone’s focused on Christmas and buying for others so lots of great deals out there.

  4. have not read superman since action 1000.just don’t like bendis on dc books.however I will sell the heck out of these superman books to people on the streets in times square .this reminds me of the deathof superman hype .

    might send you a want list poyo about to go on a buying spree to restock for a few events

    Disney plus is hit or miss

    can we do a sub section for action figures &toys heating up?those macdys retro toys look sweet and I have beend oing well with old school toybiz toys at shows as of late

    love you guys blind adam out

    1. My “Dislike” for the week…EBay emails teasing me with offers that I’m not eligible for…just a won a bunch of auctions last night and was hoping for an eBay bucks promotion or cash back coupon…this shows up in my email just now:

      One coupon. Triple the reward.
      Use code TRIPLETHRILL three times by 11/21, and get $15 off at each checkout.

      Shop now
      Each purchase minimum $75.

      Try the coupon several different ways…not working. I read the fine print…

      “Only invited, registered eBay users who see the Coupon in My eBay Messages are eligible. ”

      Did not show up in my eBay messages….Grrrrr…!!!

      1. That’s a bit misleading. Why would they email you coupon codes via email but not via messages? If they’re gonna email you codes to get you to go click and buy stuff only to find out the codes don’t work and only for those who got it in their message center, sounds like you need to send the FTC an email for false and misleading emails. Despite the fine print, it’s a tactic to trick people to click and go buy…

        1. I need to go into my settings to see what’s toggled…I think it’s set up to get notice I’d deals by mail, but I doubt they offer the option of only getting ones that I’m eligible for by invite only via eBay messages.

          The funny thing is that it seems to be geared towards using the app, but not necessarily people new to the app…so I. It sure why I’m being discriminated in this manner for this offer. Unless it’s fake.

          1. Got an eBay bucks offer today for 10%
            Thru the app. I got it through eBay messages.

            I have an auction i won Sunday that I haven’t paid year (waiting for funds to clear to my PayPal). So I go to pay and it’s still only offering me the 1% bucks instead of 10%. So same situation as above, except the offer came through eBay messages this time and a different promotion.


            1. Confirmed promotions are not based on when you paid for the item (like they used to be). Apparently thy closed that loop hole. Suns a Biches.

    1. Spoilers are easy to avoid, don’t read’em. 🙂

      And if you’re referring to the small spoiler in my likes post here about Batman, it’s actually irrelevant to the story. They could take it out and the story would be fine without it.

      1. The solicit says it’s hundreds of years in the future where earth is a nuclear wasteland…so of course Batman, a human, is dead. Or should be of no surprise.

        The fact he was man spreading while distracted by playing Nintendo/PlayStation may have something to do with why earth went to hell in a hand basket though…

  5. nice I will write about more toys in hidden gems.two dislikes for me .1. can’t find the walking dead wine anywhere. I want the wine and the comic .my second dislike is Disney plus doesn’t have audio dicriptive for the blind
    love you all blind adam out.

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