Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
#1 The Magnificent Ms Marvel #10 (Marvel, 2019) In this issue (SPOILER) Kamla discovers that her new suit since issue #5 is sentient and menacingly calls itself “Stormranger”. Is this Kamala’s “Venom” like villain, sure seems like it. It sold 37 copies, had a 7-day trend of 368% and had a high raw sale of $19.
#2 Venom 2099 #1 Lim Variant (Marvel, 2019) This variant is both an awesome cover and the first appearance of Alea Bell as the new Venom 2099. Alea sold 31 copies, had a 7-day trend of 223% and had a high raw sale of $17.
#3 The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5 (Marvel, 2019) Ms. Marvel received her new “Stormranger” costume in this issue. Obviously, per the SECRET WARS homage cover, the writers intend for this to be her “Venom” like villain. While it seems a bit on the nose, it totally works. It sold 33 copies, had a 7-day trend of 166% and had a high sale of $46 for a CGC 9.8.
#4 Avengers #195 (Marvel, 1980) With the heat from the full BLACK WIDOW MCU Trailer, Taskmaster is back on people’s minds. He has a cameo appearance in this issue, which is finally trending. It sold 28 copies, had a 7-day trend of 148% and had a high sale of $180 for a CGC 9.8.
#5 Venom 2099 #1 Schmidt Variant (Marvel, 2019) More Venom 2099 variant heat. This isn’t a pricey variant, though it did see one or two decent sales. It still moved well at 33 copies, had a 7-day trend of 102% and had a high raw sale of $40.
#6 Inhumans #5 (Marvel, 1999) Something dawned on us last week. Is Marvel going to replace Natasha’s Black Widow with her sister Yelena? We think that they are… which means this first appearance of Yelena Belova could have long-term legs. It sold 17 copies, had a 7-day trend of 184% and had a high sale of $275 for a CGC 9.8.
#7 Moon Knight #1 (Marvel, 1980) Man, people are going to be pumped when they finally see Moon Knight in live-action. His books are all solid sellers right now. This issue sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 195% and had a high sale of $308 for a CGC 9.8.
#8 Avengers #43 (Marvel, 1967) The Red Guardian, whose first appearance is in this issue, looks to be both the comedy and special-effects fun in BLACK WIDOW. He was one of the stand-out parts of the trailer. It kicked-off new interest and sold 19 copies, had a 7-day trend of 151% and had a high sale of $350 for a CGC 8.0. (Find on MCS)
#9 Marauders #3 JeeHyung Lee Variant (Marvel, 2019) Sometimes, an amazing cover is all you need to sell a book. This is definitely the case for this issue. We absolutely love this. It sold 26 copies, had a 7-day trend of 61% and had a high raw sale of $30. (Find on MCS)
#10 Ultimate Spider-Man #33 (Marvel, 2003) We mentioned this last week, so here’s a good ole’ fashioned copy & paste: In Venom #20, The Maker (aka Ultimate Reed Richards) mentioned that “the symbiote from my original universe is still very much intact” and motions to a black & purple container. That was enough to send collectors scrambling to find this first appearance of “Ultimate Venom”. It sold 10 copies, had a 7-day trend of 120% and had a high raw sale of $32. (Find on MCS)
I find it amazing that the second one mentions “symbiote” or “venom” in any comic, no matter how silly it may be, it just automatically becomes hot.
In some ways I wish I was riding that wave, and in other ways I just can’t bring myself to purchase this stuff even to turn it over right away
It’s a,k symbiotes and ball bearings these days…
It is all symbiotes. For now. Couple of months and it will be something different.