Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 267th edition of the open forum!
Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
definitely a big week to buy and flip….boxing day is coming up sooner than you think.
I’m not seeing it….at least not from pre-sales. What books are you seeing as flip-bait?
I agree I don’t see any books that would flip very well. I will be picking up that American Jesus and flash forward
Pulls: Batman #85, ASM #36, Batman: LKOE #3, Joker: Killer Smile #2, Basketful of Heads #3, He-Man: MOTM #2, Scooby-Doo #102.
Pick-ups: GOTG #12 (depending on spoilers), TT #37 (depending on spoilers). Maybe some small press horror if any stores here ordered them.
How about sticking this open forum at the top for a few days (after you got all the spoilers out) like the good ‘ol days?
It’s a sticky. It will stay on for a couple days.
Yeah, been lazy lately. Usually if Anthony doesn’t make it a sticky I would but yeah.. lazy!
Are you guys done doing a year later column.
No, their just very time consuming.
Don’t miss the secret cover of Doctor Strange #1 for next week. Green logo, Scalpel flipped. Looks like around 1 in 8. (December 26th books in the shipment this week just can’t be sold yet)
Looks like there’s a couple secret variants next week…
What else?
Thanks for the tip. It’s good to get out ahead of these things.
Thanks for tip
I just finished reading Tomasi’s Batman & Robin New 52 run. It was a really good run, imo. I would recommend it to any Batman, or Damian, fans.
I finally sat down and read my copy of My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies HC… awesome read and right now the HC is still cheaper than the trade on TFAW, on backorder but still 50% off.
Great book! One of my favorite writers. I was lucky enough to get one with signed bookplate.
I agree with you 100% on this. Tomasi’s B&R run is on of my top favorite runs of all time.
Agreed. It was a great look at the relationship between father and New son.
Want cheap reader books on series you might of skipped or missed? TFAW is having their annual 50-75% off sale of almost all comics prior to November 13th going on.
I was gonna buy House of X Powers of X Trade/Hardcover but now that they got most of the issues for under $2, I can get the entire read (12 issues) for under $30 (of course most of the issues are the additional printings)… 🙂
FYI, for you Far Sector fans.. It’s currently a $1.20 at TFAW for the regular cover.
Did you get that info from my Cheap Comics thread?
Far Sector sold out…not a shocker there. Considered buying 10 copies but had to cut myself off somewhere…
Nope, posted my comments before seeing yours.
Is there any spoilers coming for GOTG 12 and Doomsday Clock 12?
Guardians nothing huge happens. Rocket lives. Beta Ray Bill cuts Silver Surfer off talking, which is funny, it does tie all the Donny Cates stuff together as it apparently takes place before all the other stuff and then finishes a year after.
Comics today are like the 90’s but with only 5% the customers there was back then. We get the multiple variants like the Jim Lee Xmen from the 90s. We get Foil, lenticular, color swapped letter secret variants like the 90s. We get 10 X title like the 90’s, Everyone only cares about new first appearances so they become more plentiful and less impactful like the 90s. You think you have to collect indies because the off chance 1 out of 500 books takes off above cover meanwhile you’re left with 12 copies of Pitt and Savage Dragon #1 decades later wondering what happened like the 90s. If only NM copies of Hulk #181 were $700-$1000 like the 90’s, but that’s the game we all play today right… having the nextHulk 181 type book without having to take a loan out to pay for it.
Well said.
I try to stick to character’s/ creators I like. And i check on here to see if there’s anything “hot” to pick up.
Too many books at too high a price to keep up. And Marvel keeps flooding the market without thought to the future of the industry.
I just want Darkhawk.
I want Now comics to come back. Great quality books.
Unless Marvel & DC are creating a new generation of characters that future generations would relate to on screen. Not sure what the comic market will be like down the road as young readers are scarce, but there be collectors. In any case, I think you’re missing that important piece in your analysis. I mostly agree with you, but I do think that there might be something different from 90s in that back then, it was strictly money and today there might be some longer term vision.
According to Diamonds annual numbers, the overall sales of floppies were up 2% from last year. 2% is not a ton of growth, but it is impressive given the state of print media today. Our Lil hobby is healthy. And not every comic book fan does this spec thing. I see a lot of new faces in my LCS’ that are there for readers, not spec investments.
I actually see more and more women…not just girls but young to mid aged adults….in the lcs looking for comics.
That’s something I don’t recall seeing in the 90s. It’s a good thing going forward.
I am also seeing more female readers in my LCS’ on Wednesdays, Drog.
and for many books the interior art sucks.
This week I picked up a NM Ghost rider #2 werewolf by night 33 Vg a minty fresh scalped #1. Nothing new.
“According to Diamonds annual numbers, the overall sales of floppies were up 2% from last year. 2% is not a ton of growth, but it is impressive given the state of print media today. Our Lil hobby is healthy. And not every comic book fan does this spec thing. I see a lot of new faces in my LCS’ that are there for readers, not spec investments.”
Year to date, a large percentage of the Top 10 books were priced at $5.99 – $9.99 cover .. Detective 1000 at $9.99 .. the growth is, IMO, primarily based on increased cover pricing on average .. IMO as well, the continued escalation of cover price can’t continue .. folks only have so much disposable income ..
The growth was just in units moved, not dollar value.
I think dollar value was up approx 5%.
I believe the dollar value was up approx. 5%. I have not thoroughly researched these figures, but I heard them on a podcast that discusses the diamond sales charts on a monthly basis.
OVERALL North American Dollar Sales for Diamond’s Comics,
Graphic Novels, and Magazines for the year
through NOVEMBER 30
around $488.58 Million
(up 2.02% year-over-year)
The numbers do include Comics, Graphic Novels, and Magazines
Floppies were up 5% dollar, not including TPBs et al. Diamonds TPB numbers were down this year, units and dollar, as retailers find and use other, cheaper distributors for those TPBs. Diamonds lag in TPB brings down the overall numbers for Floppies, TPBs et Al.
Anyone read Nightwing 67?
Any info on Condor Red and this Global Surveillance Ops??
I can’t remember ever seeing either before and the Google didn’t turn up anything.
New? 1sts?
The best selling superhero title is $9.99 every issue. So I think there’s room for “oversized overpriced” new releases.
We saw virtually no price sensitivity when cover prices moved from $2.99 to $3.99. And while I wish DC was more consistent in the implementation, customers are happily paying $1.00 extra for the cardstock covers.
My biggest gripe with Marvel and DC is the number of mediocre miniseries they crank out. I understand that the miniseries format lets them give the keys to unproven creators and see what they can do. But it’s annoying when there are nearly as many active miniseries as monthly series. DC and Marvel have around 65-70 active miniseries between them right now. And less than half are compelling. For every Curse of White Knight or Harleen there’s five Lois-Jimmy-Metal Men etc.
We aren’t close to the early 90s yet. Back then Marvel had over 100 monthlies coming out. We won’t see that nonsense ever. But the 90s didn’t feature all these minis either.
This is why I like the open forum sticky…it keeps the banter going!
Eventually the forums and main site will merge.. so articles automatically create a forum post where the discussion continues. 🙂
I’d like that. I think there’s something lacking in Facebook groups that an active forum can offer. I never think to check the forums though.
picked up a case of batman the mask of the phantism action figures still sealed.batman #85&doomsday clock buddy is hooking me up with spawn #285&doomsclock #1and I am about to write up hidden gems for the weeklove you all blind adam out
What’s the deal with The Miles 13 Venom Island variant? Sell high quick….no way that holds value.
Always bet on cover A.