Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 270th edition of the open forum!

Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?

42 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

    1. Dont forget about flipping through ghost rider.

      Correct me if im wrong but last page names the charachter for a first full apperance, yes?

    2. I’ve read Batman already.. did I miss something in it? It was kind of blah for me.. which is what I was expecting with Tynion taking over writing duties.

      1. Rumor is there are some new antagonists in Batman…but that hasn’t excite me enough to keep it on my pull list.

  1. Why do Targets 100 page giants retail for $9.99 but Walmart’s retail for $4.99?

    I was cited to find a copy of Batman to flip for $20….but then saw the sticker price…bleh.

  2. Any Wednesday Warrior activity out there today? I think I’ll try for that TMNT/MMPR one per store as my shop seems to just put them out on the shelves with the regulars. Otherwise not sure what’s worth chasing. Another flat week, it seems for spec.

    1. We got snow last night and into today. My kids had a two hour delay so I had to stay home with them. It means I will miss the comic shop today and have to hit them tonight.

  3. Mr Zoso mentioned it above, but is anyone following this Necrosis dude that showed up in GR3 last month? Been a few articles out there and the 1:10 variant “classified”
    Cover is a first cover. This could get hot once people catch on. Seems under the radar right now. GR 3 was a flashback kind-of, but maybe considered first full.

    Guy looks bad ass, and promising. Going to pick up a clean copy of 3 and order the 1:10 as my LCSs likely won’t have 10 copies ordered.

    1. Btw, looks like he’s on the cover to GR5 as well, although the outline of him is “classified”

      If I’m gambling this week, GR 1:10 is where I’m putting my money.

      1. I like the GR spec and it seems like Ms. Marvel #11 is catching some heat, along with Rise of Kylo Ren #2. The latter has a 1:25 that is doing quite well right now on feebay.

  4. Grabbed the one-per-store MMPR/TMNT #2 and found a copy of the Saga of Beta Ray Bill #1 which has seen some heat recently, both for cover price.

    Otherwise Batman 86B and Star #1 (JSC variant). Passed on the Ms. Marvel #11.

    Did not come across any GR #3 or the 1:10 of GR #4. So I ordered them through Midtown.

    BTW, midtown has copies of Angela Asgard’s Assasin #1 for just over cover price at the moment, if anyone is interested in that spec.

    1. The saga of Beta Ray Bill book confuses me because it is a reprint. I am not sure the regular issues it reprints have seen the heat. Was there additional content added?

      1. Is It? I see nowhere that it reprints any prior stories. It seemed to take place after Thor 85 (Vol 2). It’s also the first appearance of Alpha Ray Bill.

        What story does it reprint?

          1. Yeah, just read it. it’s a first appearance of Alpha Ray (precursor to Beta Ray…but doesn’t have a soul) and Stardust, a herald of Galactus. Maybe that’s what’s sparking interest given there’s a collection of former Heralds of Galactus happening (in Thor?).

  5. Pick ups for week:
    Magnificent Ms Marvel #11 (2 copies)
    TMNT/Power Rangers Green Ranger variant (1:25) for $15
    Batman Beyond #36 Manapul variant for cover (these have really started to heat up in the last 1-2 weeks and can go for $20+)
    Kylo Ren #1 (2 copies, 1st printing for cover) #2 (2 copies)
    Meet the Skrulls #1 (2 copies 1st print for cover)
    TMNT #101 variant (1:10) for $10
    Clock #1 (Image)-I love apocalyptic storylines

    PC pickups this week:
    Extraordinary X-Men #1 (1:25 Magik JSC variant)
    Saga Swamp Thing #25
    Zantanna #11 (beautiful Adam Hughes cover)

    Good hunting everyone!

    1. Unfortunately people are being mislead with issue 36. Unless it’s a character never seen before in the book, it is not a first appearance of Batwoman Beyond. She doesn’t put in the costume. And it’s a cameo of that character.

      Flip’em quick I’d you got’em.

        1. Lmao…krap collector given its sheep more cud to chew on. That app reeks of desperation. Don’t trust krap collector. They constantly give bad info. We discussed #36 when #37 was at foc. Good thing that krap collector is only 8 weeks behind the ball. God, I truly feel for anyone who feels they need to give money to that shit app.

    1. I believe your are correct. I’ve only seen the spoilers for GR3, and flipped quickly through GR4 (Since I wanted the 1:10 I left it on the stand). but quick glance I got the impression Necrosis and The Spirit is Corruption (Danny Ketch transform) are not exactly the same…but maybe possessed by the same “spirit” for lack of a better term.

      Their swords are very similar, but the handle on the Danny Ketch transformation sword has details similar to the front of his bike. And obviously he goes by a different name.

      So Necrosis looks to be on the cover of the regular GR4 (background along the left side) while the Danny Ketch transform is on the cover of the 1:10 variant. This has since also been corrected on the Key Collector (it originally stated Necrosis was on the cover which was my first thought too until flipping through GR4.

      Either way, both characters seen to be related on some level and both books have some potential spec to them too keep tabs on.

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