Poyo’s Spec and Drek for March 18th, 2020

Welcome to my own weekly spec which includes my weekly drek picks. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.

Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.

With all these shutdowns to prevent the spread of coronavirus, I have a feeling the online retailers are gonna see some boosts to their usual orders perhaps.

DC Picks

Another easy pick, at least on the spec angle this week for DC which goes to Nightwing #70. Already seeing pre-sales within the past week reach the $30 range. And judging from the last few issue print runs, this one’s likely gonna have around the 20k print run range which will make it a little harder to find out in the wild.

Batman #91 is continuing the quick sellout and is already around a $10 book for cover A while the Mattina B cover is a couple bucks over cover on a good sale so far.

Marvel Picks

Deadpool #4 just for the cover. Love it.

Next on the list is the Spider-Woman #1 Momoko Variant. Buy low, sell high.

Indie and Small Publisher Picks

BANG! #2 is the new series that saw some love from Dark Horse and from Matt Kindt, getting praise from Keanu Reeves of all people. Pick it up for the read.

Starship Down #1 is another Dark Horse book hitting shelves this week that I’ve been looking forward to.

Screaming Horror #1 is a remastered classic. I know this one is a definite pickup by Anthony and I’m sure somewhere in his vast collection he has the original copy from 30 years ago…

Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work. The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at ratio inflated prices.

Outlawed #1. It’s just a regurgitated Civil War story coming out of Marvel. We’ve pretty much already read this one.

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