Runners-Up for 3/29/20

As promised, the runners-up list. Think of this as the second half of the top 20.

#11 WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #19 (Marvel, 1986) This issue features the first appearance of Humbug and Solo. Rumors have been spreading of Sony developing a “solo” Solo film. It’s unlikely, but this rumor still sold 24 copies, had a 7-day trend of 111% and had a high sale of $217.50 for a CGC 9.8.

#12 THE INCREDIBLE HULK #181 (Marvel, 1974) Just the first full appearance of a little character called Wolverine. He sold 18 copies, had a 7-day trend of 135% and had a high sale of $8,900 for a CGC 9.4.

#13 SPIDER-WOMAN #1 MOMOKO VARIANT (Marvel, 2020) Momoko is very popular right now. Folks were expecting this variant to take off. It didn’t jump past ratio, however, it still sold 32 copies, had a 7-day trend of 68% and had a high raw sale of $28.19.

#14 NIGHTWING #70 ALAN QUAH VARIANT (DC, 2020) As we mentioned above, this book trended due to Diamond solicitations making collectors think Punchline appeared in this issue. She doesn’t. It sold 40 copies, had a 7-day trend of 48% and had a high raw sale of $25.33.

#15 SECRET WAR #2 (Marvel, 2004) Marvel set-up a Facebook page for Quake, whose first appearance is within this issue. While she’s already appeared in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., this was enough to make collectors think that Marvel has further plans for her. It sold 10 copies, had a 7-day trend of 186% and had a high raw sale of $14.99.

#16 JUSTICE LEAGUE #50 (DC, 2016) This is the first appearance/reference of Three Jokers. It sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 109% and had a high raw sale of $14.50.

#17 YEAR OF THE VILLAIN HELL ARISEN #3 FEDERICI VARIANT (DC, 2020) First full cameo of Punchline. Not much more to say. It sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 108% and had a high sale of $149.99 for a CGC 9.8.

#18 SPIDER-WOMAN #1 SURPRISE VARIANT (Marvel, 2020) Spider-Woman variants for this new series did okay. This Surprise/ Secret variant featuring the Mayday Parker costume was the cover to have. It sold 39 copies, had a 7-day trend of 37% and had a high raw sale of $59.99.

#19 SPIDER-WOMAN #1 ANDREWS VARIANT (Marvel, 2020) This was simply just a nice variant that collectors had to turn to online shops to find a copy. It sold 18 copies, had a 7-day trend of 81% and had a high raw sale of $17.41.

#20 THE MAGNIFICENT MS. MARVEL #13 (Marvel, 2020) The first appearance of Amulet is still hanging in there. It sold 14 copies, had a 7-day trend of 102% and had a high raw sale of $9.47.

11 thoughts on “ Runners-Up for 3/29/20”

  1. I thought Countdown #31 was the first three Jokers…or at least some are selling it as that. Didn’t read it or JL #50 so I have no idea

    1. “ COUNTDOWN #31 (DC, 2007) This contains a short origin of the Joker which alludes to there being three Jokers”

      JL50 has the first app.

        1. Technically there’s lots of batmen Batman Who Laughs and all those other ones from Metal, Batmite, and Batman beyond.

          1. Good point!
            I revise my numbers – let’s shoot for 10 different Batmans and 5 Jokers – that should get sales moving with such a novel, artistic, revolutionary new idea 🙂

  2. Get ready for the Batman who Chuckles, the Batman who giggles, the Batman who cackles, the Batman who snortles and the Batman who snickers.

    The Laughing League of the dark multiverse.

    1. Dude!… you should seriously write for Marvel or DC. These characters sound just as good, if not better, than any of the nonsensical amalgam garbage that those two companies put out in the last 10 years that folks oogle over.
      I’m down if the Laughing League comes to fruition. But I’m only going to be looking for the Shannon Momoko or Peach schnapps or whatever that “art” made on the computer is

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