DC Puts Batman #92 On 5/4 FOC List From UCS Distributors

Looks like DC is pushing ahead hard with relaunching their comics, including soliciting for comics they had said they were waiting on releasing. Batman #92 being the most anticipated

Since Diamond shut down, comic publishers have been at their mercy, unable to get books out to stores who can still receive and sell products. As the country is mostly in a shelter at home status, and non-essential businesses are closed, some shops are still selling comics via mail order, curb side pickup (where allowed), and online via sites like The Comic Book Shopping Network page on Facebook. What many stores want is new product. DC was happy to oblige by securing two new distributors, UCS Comics Distributors (essentially Midtown Comics) and Lunar (Essentially DCBS).

Well, they highly anticipated Batman #92, the next chapter in thr Punchline saga, who has become a speculation super star, is up for Final Order Cut-off on UCS with a final order cut-off date of 5/4/20. This could put the book in shops hands on 6/2/20, and bypassing Diamond Distributors all together. All three covers have been listed on UCS, the regular cover, the Artgerm Variant, and thr 1:25 ratio variant. TFAW has not updated their release dates on the books but are now offering a Dynamic Forces James Tynion signed option and a Dynamic Forces CGC Graded Option

You can see the listing for Batman #92 on UCS below:

14 thoughts on “DC Puts Batman #92 On 5/4 FOC List From UCS Distributors”

  1. Man, Diamond is so screwIng themselves. Had a monopoly….now their refusal to get innovative or take risks may have been the biggest risk of all! Enabling new Competition to step forward.

    So, do we know if these books will have a different print run than those ordered from Diamond, it will these DCBS and UCS copies come from the same press?

    1. I would imagine the books are coming from the same printers. Doubt DC would use two different print presses, this keeps the quality of the prints inline across the board.

      1. I believe that Transcontinental, DC’s main printer, is still shut down .. so, I would have to say DC sourced a new printer .. the run that Diamond got came from Transcontinental .. and, the indicia may reflect that ..

        1. Seems their (Transcontinental) last update was on March 24th on their website and were still allowed limited printing (for the essential stuff). Maybe it’s been lifted.. I guess it’s still a waiting game but the books that Diamond had that DC claims were canceled could never reach the public now.. I guess that’s a wait and see as well.

    1. The ones from diamond are returnable. We have no answer if it will be returnable at the new distributors

    2. Yeah. But why would you want to?
      With different distributors and FOMO, copies will be sucked up.

      1. Because the print run can go from 230k to 500k if not more now
        and if they open it to the bs shop variants ……………………….750 to 1mil

      2. There aint no FOMO for this book. With 200k copies already printed and now MORE copies are going to be printed, I feel bad for anyone paying cover price……

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