Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
1. MARVEL ACTION AVENGERS #10 (MARVEL, 2020) In this issue, A.I.M. has mind-controlled several of Marvel’s key characters, giving them a yellow hue. This “Yellow Hulk” is set to square off against Captain America in the next issue. Keep in mind that IDW’s Avengers takes place in a different universe from the main Marvel universe. With that said, man, did this sell! 59 copies sold this past week, a 7-day trend of 971% and a high sale of $43 for a raw copy.
2. SPIDER-MEN II #1 (MARVEL, 2017) The issue features the first appearance of “Evil Miles”, who actually is a pretty good villain despite the “on the nose” name. Rumors have pointed to Evil Miles as a potential adversary for Miles… when the day comes for a film appearance. It sold 26 copies, had a 7-day trend of 148% and had a high sale of $79.99 for a CGC 9.8. The 1:50 Tedesco variant hit a huge $575 for a CGC 9.8. The Turner virgin SDCC variant is also picking up steam.
(Find on eBay) (Find on MCS)
3. INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #7 3RD PRINT (MARVEL, 2016) It was confirmed a couple of weeks ago that Riri Williams is coming to the MCU via a Disney+ series. While her first appearances are heating up, this 3rd print is also getting some traction. What sets this apart from previous printing is her face in an image bubble at the bottom left-hand side. For this reason, it sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 234% and had a high sale of $24.99 for a raw copy.
4. ULTIMATE FALLOUT #4 (MARVEL, 2011) WOW. JUST WOW. This had a high sale of $750 for a CGC 9.8 last week. It sold 32 copies and had a 7-day trend of 113%. Raw copies are hitting over $200. Incredible.
5. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #129 LION’S GATE EDITION (MARVEL, 2004) So this was a weird one this week. So much so that we had to check the sales. It sold 22 copies, had a 7-day trend of 131% and had a high sale of $285 for a CGC 9.8. After doing a little bit of digging, we discovered that this landed on other website’s comic lists this week, which just moved more copies… causing it to land here. Enter Shrug.
6. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2007 FCBD “SWING SHIFT” (MARVEL, 2007) Jackpot’s (and Mr. Negative) first appearance is still moving. It sold 19 copies, had a 7-day trend of 126% and had a high sale of $102.50 for a CGC 9.6.
7. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #4 (MARVEL, 2014) It was footnoted at the end of the JACKPOT Deadline article that SILK is still in development. This lit a fire under Cindy Moon’s first appearance as Silk in this issue. It sold 17 copies, had a 7-day trend of 116% and had a high sale of $172.50 for a CGC 9.8.
8. STAR WARS DOCTOR APHRA #1 WITTER 1:25 VARIANT (MARVEL, 2020) This well-timed book comes on the heels of Doctor Aphra content rumors. This new issue is packed with first appearances, which is just pure gold right now. Those characters are: Detta Yao, Professor Eustachia Okka, TA-418, Just Lucky, and new antagonist Ronen TaggeIt. With rumors of her having a solo series and possibly appearing in MANDALORIAN season 2 (all unconfirmed), this book is a smart bet right now. This sold 19 copies, had a 7-day trend of 95% and had a high sale of $49.99 for a raw copy.
9. ULTIMATE FALLOUT #4 2ND PRINT (MARVEL, 2011) Wow, is this book taking off. The 2nd print hovered around $10 for years until this past month where it just burst out into its new high price. It definitely helps that the 1st print is going nuts right now. This 2nd print sold 13 copies, had a 7-day trend of 135% and had a high sale of $349 for a CGC 9.8.
10. VENOM #25 ZAFFINO 1:50 VARIANT (MARVEL, 2020) Man, there is no shortage of Venom variants out there. This issue #25 pumped out some great covers. Being one of the few incentives out right now, these have been solid sellers. This Zaffino variant sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 106% and had a high sale of $50 for a raw copy.
The Venom #25 Zaffino and Doctor Aphra #1 don’t make sense, particularly for the high raw sales. Most shops start the prices off at or around those prices they’re indicating. How is a book that most retailers start the list price at $50 be in the top list with a high sale of $50? You can still buy the Venom Zaffino for $44 off Midtown..
My LCS started them at $80 each. First time this happened since they usually put their variants below ratio.
More then likely do to the pendemic
Wow, way to win back customers who are likely also suffering from pandemic.
Someone please buy my Lionsgate for $300 I’ll send you a picture of a real ASM#129 and the CGC bag it sits in for free so you can see and smell what a real one is like. It should be mint condition but can’t remember if I gave it to my child to play with when she was a baby or not.
The Lions Gate Punisher #1 doesn’t get the same love.
And here I thought I made a bad investment paying $140 for a 9.6 Ultimate fallout at the height of the Spiderverse movie….
Actually, I could tell from the movie Miles was just going to resonate with the younger generation and this book had nowhere to go but up.
But these 2nd prints are a bit baffling…I think there is (now likely was) a second print for $100 at my lcs for one of these for the longest time. Need to go check on it…
And my lcs has had a few copies of that Iron Man 7 3rd print forever as well…
I think instead of people saying oh this second or third print has a low print run so it’s a collector item they should count the previous book sales of all prior print runs in whatever book with a later printing they are saying is rare. Like Ultimate #4 has a print run of 74k 1st printing also it had extra 1:25 variants given out in multipacks if you didn’t get it then pay a premium and get a 1st print don’t try and sell some people on some BS because you missed out. I get it people want first cover on the appearance whatever printing it is but now people just grabbing later printings and saying they rare when it ain’t first cover or anything special. Marvel knows this and will forever pump it out in 1st appearances without covers just to cash in on 2nd 3rd prints with the new characters on the cover and now your buying twice as many comics and getting the same content.
Yeah, Marvel/Disney sure loves their money! I’m selling the 2nd prints of UF4 for multiples than I bought them for and that makes me happy. The third print of Invincible Iron Man #7 is selling for over $20 now and if Marvel does decide to move forward with a project staring her it could double. I was telling people to pick them up last year when they were all over the place for under cover. People love them, what can ya do?
Gotta admit I am guilty of falling for the whole “rare” reprint craze as well. Last year I started collecting Spider-man reprints with alternate covers. Was hesitant but still paid fair market value for books like Amazing Spider-man #654 2nd and #569 2nd. Books like those and Venom #4 3rd just keep going up! I never thought I would see the day where some reprints would be worth more than the first print but I don’t think that trend is going away anytime soon. If a perfect storm of popularity for a certain character, low print run and new cover all fall into place the price will go up no matter which printing it is. If you can make money off of it, go for it!
I’m looking for a nice NM copy of Ultimate Fallout for my youngest son. Now that ASM #4 Is hitting good numbers, might sell my 2 extra copies to get one.
3rd printing of Captain Marvel 8 is another example of first app/cover low print variant/reprint.
Well yeah I bought it from you and still have given me know feedback lol
No feedback…..? That is not nice.
Two raw newsstand copies of UF4 recently sold for $660 & $960.