Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )

#1 VENOM #25 2ND PRINT (MARVEL, 2020) Many were speculating that this cover would trend. After a day of selling at cover price, it just took off. It also helps that this issue is the first cameo appearance of Codex. It sold 79 copies, had a 7-day trend of 252% and had a high sale of $125 for a CGC 9.8. (Covrprice had incorrectly rotten it was cameo of Knull)
#2 CATWOMAN #23 (DC, 2020) This one sold 47 copies, had a 7-day trend of 228% and had a high raw sale of $25. Author Blake Northcott has officially brought back SNOWFLAME to modern-day DC. This should get interesting. This issue also has a first appearance of CATGIRL on the cover and inside (not named). Since CATGIRL is on the cover, this took precedence over the variant.
#3 THOR #5 (MARVEL, 2020) The first appearance of THE BLACK WINTER is also still doing well. In fact, it’s just getting started. Moving 61 copies, had a 7-day trend of 138% and had a new high sale of $349 for a CGC 9.8.
#4 STRANGE ACADEMY #1 (MARVEL, 2020) Strange Academy #1 sold 54 copies, had a 7-day trend of 118% and had a high sale of $200 for a CGC 9.8. When it came out, it was a no brainer buy. It’s packed with first appearances, such as: EMILY BRIGHT, DOYLE DORMAMMU, SHAYLEE MOONPEDDLE, ZOE LAVEAU, CALVIN MORSE and DESSY. With all the crazy market heat around Spider-Verse characters, collectors and speculators have their eyes on Strang Academy as the NEXT book to speculate on. Granted, this will take a while to get traction for these characters. However, when you look at books like YOUNG AVENGERS and AGENTS OF ATLAS, bulk first appearance books like this are a smart LONG TERM buy.
#5 CATWOMAN #23 WOO-CHUL LEE (DC, 2020) As mentioned above, with the 1st appearance of Catgirl and the reappearance of Snowflam, this variant sold 37 copies, had a 7-day trend of 161% and had a high raw sale of $30.
#6 TMNT: THE LAST RONIN ASHCAN (IDW, 2020) The Last Ronin sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 360% and had a high raw sale of $53. This ashcan has been reportedly free (dependent on your LCS… and probably not anymore) and were handed out to those who picked up TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #106. For those who did, we’re happy to see this selling for $40 (with a height of $50). It’s now selling for $20 as copies come to market. The Last Ronin series could be a major hit. We’re definitely excited about this one.
#7 THE OLD GUARD #1 (IMAGE, 2017) The Old Guard is a bonafide hit! We were watching this last week, wondering if aftermarket sales would take off post-release. And, it has! It sold 42 copies, had a 7-day trend of 136% and had a high sale of $153 for a CGC 9.8.
#8 VENOM #9 (MARVEL, 2018) The first full appearance of Dylan Brock is starting to move again (first cameo is VENOM #7… which is also doing well). The world of Venom, Eddie, Knull and Dylan are aftermarket gold right now. This issue sold 32 copies, had a 7-day trend of 176% and had a high sale of $120 for a CGC 9.6.
(Find on eBay) (Find on MCS)
#9 ULTIMATE FALLOUT #4 (MARVEL, 2011) There’s not much to say. Obviously, there’s been no “fallout” in prices for Miles’ first appearance. He’s still holding strong and sold 53 copies, had a 7-day trend of 97% and had a high sale of $1,150 for a CGC 9.8.
#10 VENOM #3 STEGMAN 3RD PRINT (MARVEL, 2018) This 3rd print of the 1st appearance of KNULL is becoming THE book to have, according to the market. While rarer than the earlier prints, the first prints are catching up in price. This issue sold 35 copies, had a 7-day trend of 144% and had a high sale of $875 for a CGC 9.8.
“It also helps that this issue is the first cameo appearance of Knull??”
I had the same question…
I told you all someone would say this…… in #3 it’s an avatar not him except for the one page on the throne at the end. So it depends on your view of first Venom is it first black suit Spider-Man or Eddie Brock with the symbiote. Because the black suit being alive before actual Venom could be called an avatar of Venom or first Venom.
Throw out your Venom #3, we have a new winner!
Maybe if I use a different email this will post I tried earlier. I told you all someone would say this one day. So in Venom #3 it’s an avatar of Knull throughout the book except for the last page picture on the throne is actual Knull. So that’s why I suggested to also buy the Venom #4s because it has actual Knull full appearance according to some. I don’t care either way it’s the same argument Black suit Spidey as being first Venom but instead it’s Knull avatar being first Knull. If you believe Amazing Spider-Man #300 is first Venom and the first appearance of the black suit Spidey is not 1st Venom than you would also believe Venom #4 is first Knull and Venom #3 is a cameo. But doesn’t mean anyone cares any less about a first cameo with cover like the 3rd print of Venom #3.
If you look the 2nd and 3rd prints of Venom #4 are going insane too 5x what they cost last week. The 2nd print is Knull as Avatar the 3rd print is Knull as Knull lol
This is why CHU is made fun of at so many other spec sites around the ‘net…. Venom 25 2nd print has nothing to do with Knull, rather it’s the first cover of Codex…
So you do realize this is Covrprice’s list and we’re just pasting their descriptions. It’s just a human mistake in typing out the description. What I find appalling is someone actually spending the time to fill out a form with CHUisDumb and then use as their email address… Why not use your real name? When you fill out obviously fake info, just shows how dumb and fake you are as an internet troll!
And just so others know, this is the type of crap we get from time to time. This is not uncommon for the internet trolls with zero life do apparently in their copious amounts of spare time. Instead of trashing this message in the moderation queue I figured I’d share for you all to ridicule, laugh at and so on.. But seriously, if your life is so empty that you have to fill out fake info just to waste time pointing out an obvious small typo of a description from a list that came from another source that we are copying directly from, you really do need to find new priorities in you’re sad, pathetic life. So if you’re reading this CHUisDumb, I hope you get some help, you clearly need it.
Its funny because with so much ugliness out in the world right now, you would think that people would try to be nicer. Literally a killer virus, mass upheaval in American civilization, and so much more, that you would think people would not focus on the minutia of dumb shit that they actually focus on. People should just try being nicer.
Will Wheaton says it best…. “Don’t be a dick”….. Sadly whoever is hiding behind the name CHUisDumb is simply a dick.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed calling out CHU for Coverprices list. And is it the first cover of Codex like 6 store variants all with better covers for #26 came out on the same day. YOUisDumb friend.
Lol. Covrprice sends them over. And they are a great site. Sometimes typos are made but the data is still good.
And yet still close to 4 million views last year. Please feel free to send me the website you built and write for and I will be happy to come over and pick at it. Oh wait, it’s Facebook group, or Patreon site. Well done sir.
Deep breath my guy. Avatar or not the market has spoken. 3 is the book and 4 is the follow up.
Yes Hulk #180 was worth more than #181 for the first decade they existed and the market has spoken. That’s why I one them both I don’t have to be on any side of the arguments I make money both books.
Chuisdumb takes his time to create a fake email account so the coward can hide in his bestest friend, the internet, then he uses an ad hominem logical fallacy to ‘make’ his point. He then exposes his self insecurities by not naming himself or his Pump n Dump Bookface ‘spec’ groups ?. The Chudumb poster probably took the better part of the afternoon, between when his mom brought peanut butter sandwiches down to the basement and when she called him up for his bath, to come up with his ‘chuisdumb’ tag line. I want Chuisdumb to comment in every thread so we can pick apart his pathetic, anonymous nit picking. We all know his type. Lonely, scared, sad.
Those descriptions are Covrprice’s descriptions, looks like they made the goof.
Best part is his name isnt even codex. Thats just what a few spec facebook groups have been calling him.
It’s not? I could have sworn the variant cover for 26 says CODEX on it.
My Codex variant for Venom #19 1:25 Has Agent Venom on it, it’s listed as a Codex variant. ?♀️
Lmao yeah a CODEX variant. Now words on cover that says CODEX ENCOUNTER? 2 diff things. Not saying ur wrong but the wording tells me differently.
I’m not sure it was Alana who said it to begin with.
Absolute Carnage ‘Codex’ variants simply had Symbiotes on the covers that had ‘Codices’ in their DNA that was used to ‘contact’ Knull while he was in his space, Symbiote prison planet. The ‘Codex’ variants was a marketing term used for that event. Nothing more, nothing less.
No, marvel / Cates has not announced who he is yet. Retailers have picked up on the name because of facebook groups and thats how they are selling it to u.
I thought knulls first cameo was Thor god of thunder 6, which came out in 2013? Long before any of the books you’re talking about. I know nothing about knull and haven’t read any of the books.
It is some would even call it a full appearance in God of Thunder as it’s a few panels, but doesn’t show his face he’s wearing a helmet so some people gripe. But in Venom #4 it explains his whole appearance in God of Thunder #6.
Todd, there was a typo in the article Covrprice sent over. It has been fixed. Yes, Knull’s first un-named cameo was in Thor God of Thunder and (a ret-com by Donny Cates that was pretty cool) and then his real first cameo and first full cake later. Like I said it was a typo by the guys at Covrprice and has been fixed.
Lol, I had the first post just as a jab because I saw it in the email I get from Covrprice and I’m like, oh no…Anthony is going to post it verbatim and not see the typo…! Sure enough.
Anyway, wow. Looks like I missed someone bashing CHU. Glad i didn’t see it.
It’s late and was reading the last post blurry eyed…thought it said “the guy at Covrprice has been fired” instead of “the guys at Covrprice and it has been fixed…”.
Did a double take there for a moment, lol.
Time for bed.
Next time give me a heads up. Lol. I skimmed through it but it was late at night when I did it so I didn’t thoroughly check it.
I’ll be honest, I don’t even read the descriptions. I just glance over the titles cause I usually know what and why they’re heating up. 😉
I long for the days when Stan, Roy T, Conway, etc would actually introduce a character within the comic clearly. Maybe it was one panel, but it was a complete visual representation of the character. Now there’s an arm, an avatar, a set of eyes, a blast of wind, a cover with no interior presence, an interior presence with no cover, a foot, a finger, a mask covering the character. You name the body part and it has occurred with a character in the last 10 or so years.
It is very frustrating to people, and when there’s now $$$ involved, things get heated and agitated.
Many years ago it was simply the cameo vs. 1st full. Now its as complicated as removing the soul gem from the Vision’s forehead.