Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
#1 VENOM #27 JONBOY MEYERS DOUBLE COVER ERROR (MARVEL, 2020) EASILY the hottest book of the week. We chatted with Nelson at BIG TIME COLLECTIBLES who was the exclusive seller of the Jonboy Meyers variant (3K trade and 1K virgin) to get the official word on what happened. Basically, this and the 1:100 were printed at the same time and then stapled together at the end of its production. These were sent to Diamond Olive Branch location and labeled as the 1:100 variant, which then Diamond sent out to retailers who qualified. After two cases (roughly 480 copies) went out, the error was caught and the rest of the errors were destroyed. Due to this rarity, this error double cover sold 12 copies, had a 7-day trend of 1,849% and had a high sale of $820 for a raw copy.
#2 DARK NIGHTS DEATH METAL LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHTS #1 (DC, 2020) Last week, this standard cover of the first full ROBIN KING sold close to 400 copies in one week. This week, it slowed down in sales, but is still strong and sold 183 copies, had a 7-day trend of 87% and had a high sale of $122.50 for a CGC 9.8.
#3 THE IMMORTAL HULK #2 4TH PRINT (MARVEL, 2018) With some recent renewed interest in Dr. Frye’s first appearance, this 4th print really picked up in market value due to its overall scarcity (and the market’s love for subsequent printings right now). It sold 48 copies, had a 7-day trend of 267% and had a high sale of $34.99 for a raw copy.
#4 VENOM #27 RYAN STEGMAN VARIANT (DC, 2020) Due to this issue featuring the first full appearance of CODEX and the AGENT VENOMS, Venom #27 was hot last week. It was THE issue to pick-up as the main cover has been heavily flooded and only trending around cover price. This variant landed this list by selling 26 copies, having a 7-day trend of 262% and had a high sale of $15.50 for a raw copy.
#5 DARK NIGHTS DEATH METAL #3 FEDERICI VARIANT (DC, 2020) A new entry! This C variant of THE ROBIN KING sold 87 copies, had a 7-day trend of 66% and had a high sale of $124.99 for a CGC 9.8. Raw copies have been selling for about $20.
#6 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #375 (MARVEL, 1993) As you hopefully know by now, Anne Weying (who’s first appearance is in this issue) appeared in VENOM #27 as a member of a team of AGENT VENOMS. This appearance sold 40 copies, had a 7-day trend of 137% and had a high sale of $199.99 for a CGC 9.8.
#7 DARK NIGHTS DEATH METAL LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHTS #1 KAARE ANDREWS 1:25 VARIANT (DC, 2020) Continuing the week of holdovers, this variant for the first full appearance of THE ROBIN KING was the hottest book last week and moved well over 200 copies. This week, it sold less copies at 53, had a 7-day trend of 93% and had a high sale of $366 for a CGC 9.8.
#8 ICE CREAM MAN #20 DR.SEUSS VARIANT (IMAGE, 2020) Another holdover from last week, this CAT IN THE HAT homage sold 37 copies, had a 7-day trend of 125% and had a high sale of $29.22 for a raw copy.
#9 VENOM #26 (MARVEL, 2020) The first full appearance of VIRUS continues to sell well with 38 copies sold, a 7-day trend of 110% and had a high sale of $115.45 for a CGC 9.8.
#10 THOR #5 (MARVEL, 2020) The first full appearance of THE DARK WINTER holds on to the last spot on the list with 39 copies sold, a 7-day trend of 92% and a high sale of $300 for a CGC 9.8.