FOC is the last chance to put in your orders with your comic shops and likely get at a discount for pre-ordering.
Let’s just go ahead and get this first one out of the way okay, mainly because the creator says it’s the first of the BIGGEST ISSUES in this series to drop. Yes, so that means you should buy millions of copies cause you might become rich one day from selling them…
It’s true, because I’m typing this up to be on the internet and everything on the internet is true.
Wait a minute, or was that King In Black we should be buying as many copies as we can to get vacation homes and such later on when we sell them? I can’t recall, just buy everything Donny Cates and Stegman, they’ll make you millionaires one day.
(I do hope you all know I’m being sarcastic right? If you have the money to buy millions of copies of a single comic book, you’re already a millionaire and why aren’t you off on your yacht or whatever doing millionaire activities instead of wasting your time reading Poyo’s FOC and Spec picks each week to make chump change in comparison?)
What book is this? Crossover #3 from Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw. I just finished reading issue #2 (which is out this next Wednesday the 9th) and it’s actually getting better I think, now I want to read issue #3 to see if the issue is as big as Cates mouth.
There’s a 1:10, 1:25, 1:50 and Cover B is a McFarlane Cover for this issue. All available for pre-order at TFAW.
Crossover #3 McFarlane B Cover
Crossover #3 1:10
Crossover #3 1:25
Crossover #3 1:50
This next pick is completely bias since it’s one of the few characters I still enjoy coming out of DC nowadays. I’m not too keen on this Future State 2 month story telling of what’s to come out of DC eventually but I do want to check out Future State Swamp Thing #1.
There’s a pretty slick Cover B as well. Maybe it’s the coloring that draws me into this one.
I like this next book. It might not pick up any heat but it does have Starling on the cover for Miles Morales Spider-Man #22 which is a good indication she’s a character that’s gonna be sticking around hopefully, making her first appearance a little more worthy I think.
Last Witch #1 coming out of BOOM! might be a fun book. Maybe see some love but I’m not getting the vibe as of yet.
It doesn’t matter if the print run will be bigger, this is gonna be a winner one day as it likely introduces a bunch of new characters. There’s a future Star Wars fan born likely every second in the world. So don’t skip out.
Star Wars High Republic #1
Star Wars High Republic #1 (Anandito Variant)
Star Wars High Republic #1 (Hans Variant)
Say what you want about this next series, Eternals #1. I expect it to be plentiful but what I’m truly hoping out of it is a great and entertaining read. Plus, it’s Ribic doing the interiors so we know the art will be spot on.
Tons of covers for this one. They’re going to be pushing this one hard since they hope to release the movie soon.
Did you miss the first printing of this next book? Well, the 2nd printing of A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night #1 is on FOC, so make sure you grab your copy.
The Cover B of the Future State Swamp Thing has the 1st Cover appearance of some of the new Swamp thing allies. Wondering if they will stick around.
IDK, I’m just hoping for a good read. Don’t care if the firsts stick around or not.
I thought the same thing…this B cover could heat up…flying under the radar.
Hang on to those Star Wars books. Hang on to them even when it’s painful. Hang on to them when it’s the year 2000 and the Prequels are right smack dab in the middle of heavily sapping away your fandom and you want to so very badly just ditch your run of Heir to the Empire and everything else and just be done with it all. Hold on.
Coming from the guy who got rid of his entire collection.. well, almost..
Where do you think this sentiment is coming from!? Heir to the Empire 1 is a $100 book? Gtfo of here! It was $2.50 at retail and then 0.25 for decades after that. Just….leave… in my regret.
Luckily I kept most of my Star Wars books during the great Purge. Clone Wars 1, Heir to the Empire 1, Darth Vader 3, Star Wars 1 (1977), Star Wars #42 (literally paid for the first appearance of Boba Fett in change I sent to the Ebay Seller in an envelope in the 90s. $3.00 I think.)
I just pray they don’t destroy Swamp Thing. I’m a huge Batman fan, and Bat’s has been destroyed so badly over the past 20 years that I no longer care what happens to him. But Swamp Thing, leave this character alone. Future State Swamp Thing has horns on his head. He looks like demon Swamp Thing. Then the Swamp Thing on cover A of Future State has branches coming out of his head. Also Swamp Thing is going to have his Swampettes.
This sucks. There shouldn’t be a Swamp Thing Family. This isn’t Superman and Batman. This is the greatness of Wein and Wrightson and this creation shouldn’t be bastardized. I will read it and hope for the best. There will be some decent money makers with Future State, but overall I think it’s going to suck more than New 52 and Rebirth. I just don’t know why Marvel and DC keep relaunching.
Oh I have no doubt that Future State won’t be in our DC future after these 2 months.. but I can honestly care less what happens to any DC character, except Swamp Thing and a few others that they haven’t completely ruined so far..
Nice! Ordered the Star Wars book based on your recommendation